Chapter 22

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Emilly stood there in shock for a while. What was that all about? Without thinking Emilly turned and ran. She ran as fast as she could away from the wolves, away from Jason, away from everything. She felt like life had thrown her in the ocean and she did not know how to swim. She kept running. She ran and ran. Only this time she did not get tired. She didn't know if it was the shock of everything or if she was getting stronger, but her legs did not get sore and her face didn't burn. She felt fine as she ran. She closed her eyes and let her legs carry her. Carry her away to some unknown field in a fairytale land. Like the ones in the books she read. She opened her eyes and found herself running through a familiar neighborhood. Houses that were too small to host families. Yards with trash and cigarettes scattered around. A group of boys playing basketball while only using a deflated ball and a trash can as the hoop. This was her old neighborhood. She had lived here for years with her mother. In a room with no light. With a mother who spent all of her time drunk or high. Emilly stopped. She looked up and immediately recognized the house she was standing in front of. It was her house. No lights were on and the door was busted open. Emilly walked up and walked around the broken glass and the trash that was scattered around the unkept yard.
"Hello, Emilly?" she called as she stepped through the broken door.
"I was wondering when you would come back?" A dreadful voice called from inside the house.
"M-mom" Emilly gasped. She turned the corner and found her mother. She was leaning against the kitchen counter. Blood was coming out of her head and mouth. A piece of wooden rod was stuck in her chest.
"What the hell are you looking at?" Her mother asked, choking on some blood in her mouth.
"Who did this to you?" Emilly asked, rushing over to her mother and holding her up. Even though her mother had always been cruel to her she still felt upset to see her like this.
"Don't" she said
"Don't what?" Emilly asked.
"Don't act like you care about what happened to me." She said.
"I DO care" Emilly said.
"No you FUCKING don't. If you cared or even knew anything about me or who you are you wouldn't have sent those fucking vampires after me." She said. Emilly looked around for anything that might stop the bleeding. That's when she noticed bodies. Vampires bodies around the room. About three of them were people that she did not recognize but from what Emilly could see, they had been brutally murdered.
"What do you mean if I knew anything about myself?" Emilly asked.
"You took off your locket. Your powers are going to start appearing," her mother said.
"What are you talking about? My powers?" Emilly said confused.
"I am the lost goddess Terricotta, who once ruled the world. I was born with magical powers and when I had you, I knew you would have magic that was stronger than mine. Since you are also half werewolf AND because you were born on the night of the Blood moon" Her mother explained.
"I was also born on a blood moon. I used my magic to stop myself from aging and now my time will come to an end because of some stupid fucking wooden rod." Her mother said.
"Mom, I don't understand," Emilly said to her mother. Her mother reached up and grabbed her jaw and pulled her face close.
"You are in terrible danger. Find the witch of the woods and tell her that Terrie has met her end. Have her make you a new locket. Your magic is too strong and if it is not contained it will destroy you from the inside out." Her mother said. Emilly gasped and she started to cry. Her mother let go of her face and slowly died. Emilly watched as the light faded from her eyes and her body went limp. 
"Mom? MOM!" Emilly cried. She cried for a long time. Why did she feel this way? She had always been awful to Emilly. Her mother never cared about her. Never wanted her, never needed her. Emilly got up and headed for the door. She had to make a visit to see Milleiy. She understood now. Her mother was Terrie the woman in the picture in Milleiy's cabin. Milleiy must know what to do. How to help. Emilly walked away. It was noon by now and the sun was at its peak. She walked and walked. And thought while she walked. Her mother was a god. Her father was a werewolf. She had powerful magical powers. What the fuck?

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