Chapter 21

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W-w-w-wHHAT!!!" Emilly shrieked, taking a step back.
"I know this must be strange bu-"
"How could you be my father?" Emilly asked.
"Many years ago right after Jake's mother passed away I met a woman in a bar. She looked just like you. We drank for a while and then things started to heat up and that's when..."
"Stop stop" Emilly said putting her hands up.
"I-i-if y-y-ou a-a-re my d-d-ad wouldn't that make Jake my-m-" Emilly said.
"Your half brother yes" Clinton said.
"B-b-b-ut h-h-ow" Emilly said looking down. Her eyes started to tear up and she felt dizzy.
"Well...when a man and a woman fall in love they-" Clinton started a little awkwardly.
"No not THAT" Emilly said.
"How could you be my father? My mother told me he died when I was young and all I have on him is this locket." Emilly said, pulling out the locket and showing Clinton.
"That's MY locket. I gave it to your mother when we first met. It's a cheap piece of plastic. I'm surprised she didn't throw it away." Clinton said, stepping forward and looking at the locket.
"O-oh. It always brought me comfort in my dark times." Emilly said.
"Well now you don't need it because I'm here to give you comfort." Clinton said, reaching for the locket and trying to take it.
"No, I am not done asking questions." Emilly said, stepping back once again. Clinton Grrrd under his breath then sighed.
"I-if me and Jake are siblings, how could we be mates then?" Emilly asked. Clinton scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Mates are not real. There is no supernatural force that picks a werewolf's mate and even so werewolves don't mate for life like in the books. If anything a mate is just a baby maker until one or the other gets bored and moves on." Clinton said, stepping forward. Emilly was starting to get uncomfortable so she backed up again but her back hit the wall of the cabin.
"Why are you backing away know me. You KNOW i'm not intending to hurt you" Clinton said with a smirk. Emilly tried to take another step back. Something about this was fishy and it wasn't the fish and eggs Clinton clearly had for breakfast.
"W-w-what do you mean?" Emilly whispered.
"It means that I was manipulating Jake so he could manipulate you for me." Clinton said with an evil smirk.
"W-what?" Suddenly something or ~someone~ crashed through the door.
"Don't worry... Darlin, I am here to save you." A SEXY British voice said. Emilly looked over and saw OMG UWU TOM HOLLOND!!!.
"You" Clinton groweld.
"You," Tom Holland said.
"You," Emilly said, trying to fit in. After glaring at her, the two boys turned back to face each other in disgust.
"I won't let you hurt my Emilly" Tom Holland said.
"OH YEaH what are you planning to do about it?" Clinton said in a mocking British voice.
"I'll kill you, that's what I'll do" Tom Holland said before attacking Clinton with a knife. Clinton dodged skillfully and knocked the knife out of Tom Holland's hand and started to beat the shit outta him.
"Run Emilly RUN" Tom Holland cried covering his face. Emilly turned and ran out the door as fast as she could. She threw open the door and what she saw made her feel sick. She saw Ruth, Ben, and Sadie all in their wolf forms...dead. They were ripped apart. If it weren't for their size, Emilly would describe it like they were a mouse that was run over by a truck over and over and over again. Emilly placed her hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming and she started running into the woods. She heard a bang from one of the cabins that sounded like a gunshot. Emilly froze at the sound. It's like after the bang everything fell silent. Emilly couldn't move. She felt paralyzed. What happened? Who fired the gun? Wolves cried in the distance. She kept running. She ran and ran until her face burned and her legs hurt. After a while she collapsed next to a tree. She placed her hand on her heart and tried to get her breath back. By now the sun had started to rise so she knew there was no hope of Jason saving her. The sound of rustling behind her made her jump. She searched around and saw a BIG wolf. Its fur was the color of sand and it had half of its left ear torn off. Emilly knew as soon as she saw the fur that it was.
"Clinton...please." She whispered, taking a few steps back. The wolf only got closer before he shifted back.
"You know what? If you hadn't run, Tom Holland might still be alive right now" Clinton said. Emilly gasped. Oh No Tom Holland is...d-dead! Emilly's eyes filled with tears and she turned away.
"Don't cry sweet baby. Jake would be so upset with me if he saw you like this." Clinton said, lifting up her chin and wiping the tears away from her eyes.
"What the fuck does Jake have to do with this?" Emilly asked, pushing him away.
"You fucking bitch it has everything to do with him." Geyson growled, lunging forward and pinning Emilly to the ground.
"But you wouldn't notice OR care. You only wanted him for his body. If you think about it, it's kinda fucked up since he's your brother.
"I DO care about him and I didn't want him for his body. I loved him-" Emilly started but was shushed by Clinton putting a massive hand over her mouth.
"Shhh Shhh Shhh Sweet girl, shut the fuck up!" Clinton whispered softly while stroking her hair.
"You already know im not trying to hurt you" Clinton said.
"I just need this." He said and yanked the locket off her neck. He held it in his hands for a while and then crushed it like one of those satisfying asmr shorts on YouTube into a fine powder. Emilly just watched him.
"You don't understand yet but soon you will. Come and see us when you have yourself figured out." Clinton said getting up and brushing some of the dirt off his pants. Emilly just watched as he walked away. What was that all about? Why did he only want the locket? So many questions

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