Chapter 10

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Emilley gasped when Milleiy grabbed Emillys arm and yanked her onto the bed. Emilly fell down with a plop and she watched Milleiy grab a chair from the table and sit in it facing Emilly.
"We have some vary important things to talk about" Milleiy said staring directly at Emilly. Her purple eyes were bright and they looked like they were staring right into Emillys soul. It made her uneasy. Milleiy was acting nothing like she did when they first met in the forest.
"L-l-l-li-i-i-i-Ikke w-w-wha-at i-s-import-r-rant s-s-s-s-s-stuff" Emilly asked. Milleiy took a ~SSSSLLLLLOOOOOWWWWWW~ and ~LLLLLOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGG~ sip of her tea she slurped it and smacked her lips when she was done.
"*lip smack lip smack* mmmm mmmm yummy tea how yummy" Milleiy said looking down into her tea.
"U-u-u-ummmm y-y-yoooouu-u-u h-ha-a-a-addd-d something y-y-yi-oo-ooh w-w-antt-teed t-o s-s-a-a-y-y-Y" Emilly said.
"Oh dear me you startled me" Milleiy said, jumping up a little.
"Um okay that's kinda lame and stupid why are you acting like I wasn't even here?" Emilly thought.
"Y-o–o-o-o-oouu-u we-e-e-ere g-g-g-g-going -t-t-t-t-to t-t-t-tell mm-m-m-m-e something very important" Emilly said while taking a sip of her tea.
"Oh yes of course how could i forget" Milleiy said shaking her head.
"I have a very important message from the gods AND just a piece of advice," Milleiy said, taking another sip of the tea.
"Www Aa-ii-i-itt gods? Like Jesus or yo yo ma?" Emilly asked.
"Shut up and let me explain," Milleiy said. Emilly was shocked. No one had ever spoken to her like that and it was mean and hurtful.
"And no not Jesus. I have been told a prophecy about you and I will need your help to make sure it NEVER happens" Milleiy said looking at Emily VERY intensely.
"O-m-g golly gosh there is a PROPHECY about me o-m-g uwu that's so cool" Emilly thought.
"Don't even think about it like that. I can read minds and i know what you were thinking" Milleiy said to Emilly.
"This prophecy is NOT good and it could lead to the end of the world" Milleiy said intensely. That made Emilly be quiet.
"I must explain to you what might happen to you," Milleiy said sadly.
"OkEy DoKeY" Emilly said.
"Don't say that-ever again" Milleiy warned.
OkEy DoK-" Emilly started but was cut off when Milleiy placed a hand over her mouth to silence her.
"Shut up," Milleiy warned. Emilly just nodded and Milleiy removed her hand.
"Gross her hand was all old and wrinkly and smelled like lavender hand cream" Emilly thought.
"*gasp* what if Melisandre velvet duvet the third was listening to her brain right now" Emilly thought.
Milleiy was staring at Emily and licked her lips before continuing.
"Now that you have shutted up i can continue with what i was saying" Milleiy said. Milleiy cleared her throat
"Many years ago when i was much younger and still a novice witch i received a prophecy during a full blood moon that in 100 years a chi-" Miller started but was interrupted by Emilly...
"Wait 100 years ago. HoW oLd ARE YoY?" Emilly asked. Milleiy just rolled her eyes.
"Im 124" Milleiy said.
"WoWzZeRs ThAtS lIkE cRaZy SuPeR oLd" Emilly said completely surprised.
"Mhm yup can i keep going!?" Milleiy asked staring DIRECTLY at Emilly, her purple-piercing orbs not once moving away from Emillys ~WoNdErFuL~ sea green orbs.
"YES you can keep going" Emilly said.
"Okay then like i was saying...It all started about 100 years ago when i received a prophecy about a god child being born on the next blood moon. The moon is only bloody once every 100 years and if im correct YOU were a child born on the blood moon" Milleiy said.
"Golly gosh thats like super crazy but also not really" Emilly thought.
"Jason Smiphy is going to marry or kill the god child and since YOU are close to him i need YOU to stop him" Milleiy said. Emilly stood up quickly.
"Not the thing i was HOPING you would be upset about but maybe. Or he is going to kill her and that wont be super good also" Milleiy said. Emilly then, for the first time in her life, she had a thought.
"Wait but if I was born on the blood moon then that would make ME the god child" Emilly said brightening up.
"Ha lol no you would think that but you have like NO magic in your bloodline so no you CANT be the god child its not possible" Milleiy said. Emilly could feel her face fall by that upsetting news.
"The wedding or the murder will happen in a little over a month when its a blue moon and magic is at its strongest" Milleiy said.
"Oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-k-k-k-ka-a-a-kk-yyyy" Emilly said looking down.
Milleiy noticed how upset she was and placed a hand on Emillys knee.
"I now this must make you upset. Knowing that a friend might be a murderer but if im being super honest here, Jason is a really bad guy he is like also super evil and not nice AT ALL so you should not be with or around him ALMOST at all" Milleiy said.
Suddenly Emilly popped her head up and jumped to her feet.
"I-i-i-i-i-i c-c-c-ca-a-a-ann–n-n f-f-f-fi-i-i-i-ix-ix-ix-ix-x-x h-h-h-im" Emilly said running out the door.
"What no thats not what i meant" Milleiy called but it was too late, Emilly was already running away. Milleiy just shook her head and too another sip of her tea.
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"WWWHHHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTTTTT SHE RAN AWAY!!!!!!" Jake yelled he was super mad.
"D-d-d-ont hurt me Mr Jake Duckerstine" Xavior whimpered.
"I am really mad at you Xavior" Jake GROWELD. Grrrrr
"I am super sorry mr sir but she ran really fast and far and i could not catch her" Xavior said.
"Grrr i am so mad at you i should skin you alive" Jake threatened.
"GRRRRR WOOF WOOF we will have none of that right now son" A DEEP and HUSKY voice said. The 2 MEN turned around and saw that it was none other then Clinton the alpha. He was standing in the doorway his arms were crossed and he looked ANGY.
"What in the fucking fuck fucks is this" Clinton growled.
"Pp–p-p-p-plllee-e-e-e-s-s-s–a-a-a-a-aaasssss d-d-do-o-oonnntttt-t l-l-lee-e-ettt h-h-h-hii—mm  k–k-kill meeeeeEEEEEEE" Xavior begged. Clinton started at the two boys.
"Tell me whats going on" Clinton ordered.
"HE LET EMILLY GEt AWAY!!!!!" Jake cried while dropping to his knees.
Clinton just huffed and turned to face Xavior who was crying on the floor with tears and snot running down his face.
"Mk and how is Spuds recovery?" Clinton asked. Jake jumped up quickly to face his father.
"He is doing well a lot better in fact and the doctors say that he should be waking up soon.
"Thats good" Clinton said and then he turned away.
"Carry on then" Clinton said turning and closing the doors.
Xaviors screams could be heard the entire night

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