Chapter 13

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Emilly crossed her legs and placed her hands by her sides and laid still. The dark room was familiar and comforting. Back when she lived with her mother she always fell asleep in darkness like this. Even though the red blanket was big and thick it did not warm her from the chill in the room. Emilly closed her eyes and soon she fell asleep. "She did not dream that night and she did not toss and turn in her bed. The only sounds that could be heard throughout the entire room was the light hummm of magic that was keeping the books and candles floating. She slept calmly and her breathing started to get more and more shallow. If someone had opened the door right then and there they would have most likely had assumed that she was a corpse. However that was not the c-"
"Hey stop narrating and wake up you pink prickly bitch" A familiar voice said.
Emilly opened her eyes and looked around, she was back in Milleiys cabin but this time Salem and Spud were there too.
"Before you ask all the boring questions let me explain. You are dreaming this is a dream but the things we are telling you now is real so you better listen up." Milleiy said stepping in front of Salem and Spud Collins.
"Wha-a-a-at!!!! b-b-b-but i-i-i-i d-d-d-dont understand" Emilly said sitting up.
"REALLY Even her unconscious brain had that OBVIOUS fake stutter" Spud Collins said, shook and Looked over to Salem who just shrugged.
"She isn't really unconscious. I assume she is just doing that because she likes to play pretend" Salem said.
"BE QUIET" Milleiy shushed and Salem and Spud got quiet again.
"Now like i was saying before you ran off..." Milleiy started but was then interrupted by Emily.
"Why are you all in my head!? If you guys are trying to stop me from saving that girl and helping Jason then you guys better forget it" Emilly said straightening up her back to make herself look taller.
"HEY dont fucking interupt Milleiy like that again you Jackalope butt toolbag or ill rip out your tongue and strangle you with it" Salem threatened. Emilly and Milleiy gasped and Spud just started laughing in a Brooklyn accent.
"Thank you Salem" Milleiy said.
"Now shut Spud Collins up for me" Milleiy said looking over to Spud who was still laughing in a Brooklyn accent. Salem just nodded and pulled the laughing dog out of the room by his ear. "Now that they are gone i have to make sure you UNDERSTAND what is happening. I was wrong when I told you before that you were not the person that Jason is going to kill. It IS you Emily. You are special and you must run away from Jason or he will kill you. TRUST ME!!!" Milleiy warned.
"W-w-w-what" Emilly said.
"Oh Goddess help me" Milleiy whispered and looked back at Emilly.
"You, Emilly are the child that was born that night on the blood moon and Jason is going to kill you in one month because that is what prophecy says. You must run away until that moon passes." Milleiy said. She was speaking slowly like if she was trying to get a cat to not push something off a counter.
"UM okey dok-"
"Dont say okey dokey" Milleiy said annoyed.
"Will you promise me that you will leave as soon as you wake up?" Milleiy asked and Emilly nodded in agreement.
"Okay then i will send you back" Milleiy said and before Emilly could say anything Milleiy snapped her fingers and everything went dark again.
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"FINALLY SHE IS GONE" Salem said walking through the door with Spud following.
"Im glad to know you were waiting outside for me to finish up with Emilly before coming back in" Milleiy said sarcastically.
"Can you really blame us Miss Milleiy!?" Spud Collins asked in a Brooklyn accent.
"That girl is SO ANNOYING and ungrateful i dont know HOW the hell she could be the chosen." Salem said rolling their eyes.
"It doesn't matter HOW she got chosen she just was so now we must protect her even if we DIE we must protect her." Milleiy said.
"I know i know its just...SHE is So FUCKING BORing and FAKE. I kinda dont WANT to protect her" Salem said crossing their arms.
"I understand that but we must... Terrie is counting on us and we cant let her down AND we cant let the prophecy see light" Milleiy said.
"Now i have to go and gather some more herbs for Spud Collins WOULD you 2 stay here" Milleiy ordered.
"Alright" Salem and Spud said at the same time in a Brooklyn accent.
Milleiy threw on her red cloak and grabbed her herb basket and opened the door. Milleiy left.
"You already KNOW that Beslubbering Spur-Galled Clotpole is not going to leave" Salem said crossing their arms and looking at Spud.
"I already knew it before YOU even knew it" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"What that doesnt even make any sense" Salem said.
"It doesnt need to make sense. We just have to make sure Emilly doesnt die in one month" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"Yea...I can watch that Droning Common-Kissing Haggard when she is with Jason and if she ends up going to see Jake then you can watch her." Salem said extending their hand for Spud to shake.
Spud Collins looked at their hand for a moment before taking the hand and shaking it.
"Gross your hand is all sweaty" Salem said, yanking their hand away from Spuds and wiping it on their clothes.
"Well im SOORrrEeEe...your hand isnt too nice either...its like touching a zombie" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"Dont you ever compare me to a zombie you idiotic butt muffin or ill rip you up from limb to limb and then grind you up until you are just a PASTE and then ill feed you to small, ugly dogs" Salem said.
"Holy SHIT you dont have to be so goddamn MEAN about it!!!!" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"Just remember ive got more magic in my tooth then you do in your whole body so it would be a pretty FAIR fight" Spud Collins challenged in a Brooklyn accent.
"MhMMmm SuRe Dont keep testing me newsboy" Salem said before rolling their eyes, snapping their fingers and disappearing.
"Geez" Spud said in a Brooklyn accent before doing the same.
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Emilly woke up to the sound of knocking at her door.
"Hey Emilly are you awake? It me Bartholomew." Bartholomew said from the other side of the door. Emilly got up and opened the door.
"Bartholomew w-w-what a-a-re y-you doing here!?" Emilly asked.
"We need to talk"

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