Chapter 11

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Emily ran as fast as she could but she didn't get far because her legs and feet were so small that she did not cover a lot of ground. Soon the sun started to rise and Emilly collapsed to the ground exhausted and tired.
"I cant keep running like this" Emilly panted her face was warm and her legs burned.
"Then Maybe I Should Carry You?" a sexy familiar voice said behind her. Emilly spun around quickly and saw JASON standing in the trees holding Xaviors pink umbrella.
"O-M-GGGGGGggGggGgggGgGGgggg JAZZYPOOO I MISSED Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU-U-U S-S-S-SOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOoooooO MUCH" Emilly cried jumping to her feet and then jumping into Jasons arms.
"I Missed You Too Baby Cakes...After Our Little Fight I Felt Bad So I Brought You Food And- And You Were Gone And The NASTY Smell Of MUTT Was All Over The Room. I Tracked The Sent And It Led Me Here And I Took Care Of The Flea Bag Mutt That Stole You From Me"  Jason said deeply.
"W-w-whh–a–t-t      t-t-o–o-o-kkk care o-o-o-of-f-f-f h-h-him!!! y-y-y-y-y-o-u-uu m-m-m-m-mean S-S-S-S-S-s-s-spud Collins!!!!!" Emilly gasped.
"Yes I Stabbed That Stupid Ugly Mutt With Silver So If He Did Somehow Survive He Will Slowly Be Poisoned And Die A Very Painful Death" Jason said with a smirk. He caressed Emillys face gently. He started into her bright gray orbs with his Piss Yellow pools of orbs.
"O-o-o-omg t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-thatssssssssssss c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-crazy!!!! I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nev-v-v-ver l-l-l-liked S-s-s-s-spud so its fine" Emilly said smooching Jasons cheek.
"Wait you stabbed Spud Collins!!!!" A familiar voice spoke from the trees behind Jason. They turned around and saw Salem standing in the trees. They had on thick black glasses and they were dressed in a well-fitting black suit. They had a black umbrella and they were holding it above their head.
"You fucking stabbed Spud Collins with silver. Why the Fuck would you do that!!!" Salem said stepping forward.
"That Stupid Mutt Stole My HoneyBoo So He Had To Pay" Jason said holding Emilly closer to him.
"You've gotta be stupid enough to stab someone because they were TALKING to someone else?? And also, the fuck you mean "stole your little, honeyboo boo bear. No one gives a fuck on whether or not he so-called, "stole" him at all. Suck it up you little bitch baby and stop being so damn annoying before I shove this umbrella straight up your ass!" Salem threatened.* gasp gasp super gasp* Emilly and Jason gasped.
"A-a-a-re y-y-yo-u-u r-r-r-real-l-l-l-lly g-g-g-g-going to let ur b-b-b-b-butler t-t-t-t-t-alk to us like that" Emilly whined.
"You Better Watch Who The FACK You're Talking To Salem. I Am The Prince Of Vampires And Your Future King Grr" Jason growled.
"Future king my ass. And stop calling me his "butler" . I'm literally 26 years older than him." Salem snapped back.
Emillys eyes started to water and tears started falling down her face.
"Grrr Look What You Did You Made My Kitten Cry" Jason yelled.
"Ill Kill You For That Biach" Jason yelled. He set Emilly down and started running to Salem but they put their hand up and he stopped.
"Yeah whatever you can kill me later but right now i have to go save the life of that stupid fucking dog that you stabbed." Salem said rolling their eyes and turning to walk away.
"YeAh You Better Run Away" Jason said holding up his fists. Salem just sighed and started walking away.
"Oh and one more thing. Emily i think that you should watch out on who you are hanging out with" Salem said not turning around. And then they ran off quickly.
"G-G-Ggee g-g-g-g-g-golly gosh t-t-t-t-t-t-that was scary" Emilly said. Jason turned around to face her.
"They Didn't Hurt You Did They?" Jason asked.
"n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nooO" Emilly said.
"Good Then Let Me Carry You To The Palace And We Can Have A Masquerade Ball To Celebrate" Jason said lifting Emilly up and using vampire speed he ran off super quickly.
"What did Salem mean by that when they said that? Is Jason really dangerous? He would never actually hurt someone right!!!" Emilly thought.
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Salem ran quickly through the forest and they did not look back. Salem did not enjoy Spuds humor and attitude but Milleiy knew what she was talking and they knew they all had to be alive in order to stop the prophecy from coming true. They dropped their umbrella and was now dodging sunlight that peaked through the branches of the trees. Salem followed their instincts letting it lead them to Spud collins. And then they stopped. They were at the edge of a clearing, wolves and people were standing around and a large group of girls and some guys were crowding around the door to a cabin that was in the middle of the opening. Salem sighed when they realized that Spud must be in the cabin. It would take some energy to make themself immune to the light AND to get past the wolves that are keeping guard. But Salem managed to slip into the cabin through the chimney.
"Well well well lookie who finally showed up" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent. He was laying in a bed and his chest was covered in bandages.
"Well we have a job to do you Tiny Troll so you cant die yet" Salem said placing their hands on Spuds chest right above the wound.
"Do NOT CALL ME A TINY TROLL" Spud Collins snapped in a Brooklyn accent.
"Yeah sure and you dont die" Salem snapped back. A comforting chill ran down their spine into their arms then hands to fingers and then into Spud. Salems hands started to glow a soft honey lemon color and the poison started to exit Spud.
"Its just a flesh wound, you dont have to use ur magic for something like this. Plus it would be suspicious if all of a sudden i-" Spud Collins was saying in a Brooklyn accent but was then cut off by Salem.
"Shut the fuck up. You were stabbed witha silver blade so im just getting the poison out" Salem said. Spud just nodded in a Brooklyn accent. When Salem was done they stepped back.
"Milleiy would want to know what going on" Salem said.
"Yea alright we can go see her in a day or so. Now that the poison is out of my body i should be healing a lot after and all" Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent. Salem was about to reply but was stopped when the door unlocked and a sexy british voice started speaking.

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