Chapter 18

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Salem looked at the bloody mess in front of them. Bartholomew's body was shredded. Chunks of flesh were all around, his eyes were open and held fear, and his mouth was slightly open in a silent scream. "How could this happen?" Salem thought to themselves. They looked over at Jason. Their mouth hung open when they finally realized what had happened. Jason was covered in blood. Not his own, but Bartholomews and his fangs were out. He was still gasping on the floor when Salem looked at him.
"YOU" Salem hissed. Jason coughed up some blood and looked up at Salem.
"It Had To Be Done," Jason said. His eyes glowed a vibrant gold and Salem could feel the frustration growing inside them.
"Don't BULLSHIT me like that!!! You knew what you were doing and... I can't BELIVE you!!!" Salem cried. They rushed over to Jason and pinned him to the floor with their foot on his neck. Jason gasped and tried to push Salem off of him, but was too weak from his fight with Bartholomew.
"I should KILL you for what you've done!!" Salem screamed. Jason only gasped trying desperately to get air into his lungs.
"First mother and now HIM," Salem said, leaning down to get right into Jason's face.
"You- You Don't understand," Jason said, looking back at the father. The Father was still sitting in his chair at the head of the table and looked away when they made eye contact. Salem slapped him across the face and Jason gasped.
"DONT look at him, look at ME" Salem warned.
"Give me ONE good reason why to keep you alive right now. And to not rip out your throat or throw you to the wolves," Salem said, pressing down harder onto Jason's throat. He coughed and tried pushing up against Salem's foot. He gasped and sputtered trying to get words out, but his face was already starting to turn purple.
"Salem, that's enough" Geyson warned, standing up from his chair. They looked up and their eyes darkened with rage.
"Don't YOU DARE tell me what to do! YOU DID NOTHING TO HELP BARTHOLOMEW AND NOW...and now he's dead. YOU KILLED MY BROTHER", Salem screamed. They got off Jason and walked over to Bartholomew's body. They crouched down and picked him up. Salem's heart lurched when she saw his neck hang down like a twisted rag.
"W-What Are Y-you doing?" Jason asked.
"I'm giving him a proper send-off. I hope you know what you are doing. That girl you are in love with is stupid. But she knows what she wants and she WANTS to keep you safe. DON'T mess up her life." Salem warned before zipping off and leaving a trail of blood behind them.
"You did the right thing son, I'm proud of you," Geyson said, walking over to Jason and placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I-I Have To Go See Emilly," Jason said, shaking The Father's hand off his shoulder and running off.
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Jason ran through the castle halls, the wind blew past his face and made his eyes water. At least that's what he told himself. He did not want to admit that the death of Bartholomew was having a strong effect on him. He stopped right outside Emilly's door. He could hear her heartbeat from outside the door. It was loud and fast. She was scared. He never knew he could feel this way for someone, yet here he is. He hated himself for making her feel like that. He knocked gently on the door and a soft muffled "come in" from the other side allowed him to enter. He gasped when he saw Emilly sitting on the floor next to her bed and crying. The tears flowed down her face like melting snow down a sidewalk. Jason rushed over and caressed her cheek and whipped the tears away.
"Hey Hey Hey Shhh It Is Okay I'm Here. I'm So Sorry For Scaring You", Jason whispered into Emilly's hair. She gasped and clung onto him and cried into his chest. He hummed softly and held onto her as she cried.
"W-What Happened?" Emilly asked, looking up into Jason's eyes. He looked away. Too ashamed of what he's done to say anything.
"IS Bartholomew okay?" Emilly asked with concern in her voice. The only thing he did was look away. He couldn't find the courage to look her in the eyes.
"N-no," Emilly gasped. Tears swelled back into her eyes and she started to cry again. Jason cradled her and rocked her back and forth.
"Shhhhh Shhhh Shhhhh It's Okay Baby I Got You." He whispered into her lavender-scented hair.
"You Know We Still Have The Ball Tomorrow," Jason said. Emilly looked up and whipped the tears and snot off her face.
"Y-yeah, I know," Emilly said, letting Jason help her up. He helped her get comfortable in bed.
"I'll Be Right Outside If You Need Anything," Jason said before kissing her temple and walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. He sighed and crouched on the ground and place"I'll Be Right Outside If You Need Anything," Jason said before kissing her temple and walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. He sighed and crouched on the ground and placed his hands on his head. "How Could I Let This Happen?" Jason thought.
"What's wrong with you?" a voice said and Jason's head snapped up. He saw Geyson standing right in front of him, his arms crossed and a scowl painted on his lips.
"I-I Was Just Making Sure Emilly Was Okay" Jason said quickly standing up and dusting himself off.
"That's not what I asked. What's WRONG with you?" Geyson asked, his eyes flashing yellow with rage.
"I-I-I I Just Cant-"
"Can't WHat?" Geyson snapped.
"I Can't Believe You Killed My Brother." Jason cried while tears were starting to form in the corner of his eyes. A hand struck his face and before Jason knew it he realized that his father had slapped him.
"Do NOT speak to me like that. I did what you could not. Be THANKFUL." Geyson threatened.
"How could I be thankful? You killed my brother and turned my family against me," Jason cried. Anger flooded his thoughts and senses. Geyson hissed and pinned him against the wall. He leaned in and whispered in Jason's ear.
"You will NEVER speaK to me like that again. Or I will kill that bitch pet of yours and wait another 100 years for another child that was born on the blood moon." Geyson said. He pushed off his neck and started walking away. His only response was to watch as his father walked away freely. How could this happen? He thought

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