Chapter 19

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It was now the next day. Emilly had slept through the day and now the sun was setting. It was time for the masquerade ball. Emilly was excited. It was her and Jason's big moment. Emilly jumped out of bed and slammed the door open. Emilly gasped when she saw an unfamiliar servant standing in front of the door.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry.. Did I hit you?" Emilly asked while walking over to the person and checking his face for any injuries. He was a rather small and scrawny Asian boy with poorly cut hair. Emilly did not recognize him.
"Well you don't look hurt, maybe just slightly startled. I haven't seen you before, are you new here?" Emilly asked the boy. He just blinked and turned away. He motioned for Emilly to follow and she did. As they walked Emilly started to recognize the walls and the lanterns. It was the same hallways that her and Jason took the other day to get to Salem's workshop. Only now all the pictures of the blue haired girl were taken down and were replaced with red and gold decorations. The boy stopped in front of the same door and turned to look at Emilly. She was about to say something but he opened the door and shoved her in. Inside it was nothing like how it was before. It all looked the same but it did not have the same glow. Instead of Salem in the room there were about 4 maids all huddled around and whispering something that Emilly could not hear. When they noticed Emilly standing in the room they hushed and started getting to work.
"So where is Salem?" Emilly asked one of the maids, but she ignored her and started to fit Emilly into a dress. It was a tight red dress with golden spots on it. She had her hair done and was given a big fluffy cape that appeared to be red and gold. Emilly continued to try and start a conversation with them but they kept on ignoring her and after a while Emilly just gave up. About 20 minutes passed and Emilly was still getting ready when a knock at the door interrupted the maids work. They all froze and all looked at each other. Finally one of the younger girls stood up and walked over to the door. She was small, skinny and pale but Emilly didn't think she was a vampire because she did not have yellow eyes. The girl opened the door and Emilly was shocked to see Geyson standing in the doorway.
"Well hello Sasha dear, how are you?" Geyson said with a warm smile to the girl. She looked down and gave a small smile and spoke something that Emilly did not understand.
"I see. Well, we will get that sorted for you after the part" Geyson said walking past her and over to Emilly.
"Well, you look absolutely amazing," Geyson said.
"O-o-oh thank you." She said looking down and blushing.
"I am here to escort you to the ballroom. All the guests have arrived and we are waiting for you my dear." He said with a grin.
Emilly took Geyson's arm and headed for the door. They walked in silence for a while but the sound of an orchestra and the loud chatter of people talking soon filled the hallways. They stopped in front of two big golden doors and Geyson turned to look at her.
"Are you ready my dear?" he asked.
"Y-y-y-y-es!" Emilly said, jumping up and down with excitement. Geyson smiled and opened the door. Vampires and humans were all around, and dresses and suits were being worn by the coolest people Emilly had ever seen. The lights from the chandelier shone a magnificent blue hue all around the room and the orchestra was playing a breathtaking waltz piece. People were chatting and some were dancing and Emilly looked up to speak to Geyson but he was missing. Emilly suddenly felt very out of place. She was the only one that she could see in red and everyone had a partner that they were dancing or talking with. Emilly shuffled around anxiously while looking for someone she knew. Suddenly her eyes locked with someone and she lit up. With a sigh of relief, she walked over to the corner.
"Oh Spud Collins, it's a pleasure to see you again" Emilly said to Spud. He turned and smiled at Emilly.
"Hey there egg girl, good to see you still alive." Spud said in a Broklyn accent.
"Lol yeah, I am still alive and doing well" Emilly said.
"Hey your stutter is dead, but it looks like your stupidity stayed." Spud said in a Brooklyn accent.
"What do you mean it STAYED?" Emilly asked, placing her hands on her hips.
"What do you think it means?"  A voice said. Emilly quickly turned around and saw Milleiy standing in the crowd holding 2 wine glasses.
"MILLEIY it's good to see you again" Emilly said. Milleiy walked over and handed a cup to Spud and he nodded his thanks in a Brooklyn accent.
"Why the fuck are you still here?" Milleiy asked with a frown.
"I-i just wanted to be helpful," Emilly said looking down in shame.
"Well you WERE NOT helpful and thanks to you and ur stupid crazy boyfriend Salem is missing" Milleiy said angrily.
"W-what M-missing!" Emilly said shocked. It's true that she hasn't seen Salem in a while but why would they be missing? What could have happened that would drive Salem away.
"I saw Salem last night," Spud said in a Brooklyn accent.
"WAIT YOU DID WHAT WAS GOING ON" Milleiy said and Spud just took a drink.
" I saw them last night, they were carrying something and they seemed upset so I did not bother them," Spud Collins said in a Brooklyn accent.
"I see we will have to look for them after the party," Milleiy said, also taking a sip of her drink.
" if you guys don't mind me asking.why are you 2 here? I thought this was a vampire only party" Emilly said.
"Shhh the vampires here don't know that we are not vampires. We are using magic to hide our true magical cores." Spud said nervously, looking around in a Brooklyn accent.
"Oh okay then" Emilly said. Suddenly the light turned off and the orchestra stopped playing.
"Hello and welcome, thank you for being here." A voice said from the crowd. Everyone quieted down as the person stepped up onto the stage in the front of the room. Geyson stood there and looked over the crowd of people before he finally locked eyes with Emilly.
" We all know why we are here," Geyson began. Emilly saw Jason walk up on stage and stand next to his father.
"We are here to celebrate this very special day between my oldest son Jason and his beloved partner Emilly. Suddenly a light turned on right above her and people turned to look at her. She could hardly see but she did happen to notice Jason gesturing to her for her to come up. Emilly made her way through the crowd and got up on stage and stood next to Jason. Now that she had gotten closer to him, she noticed something was off about him but she did not know what.
"This wedding will mark the end of an era and the beginning of another," Geyson said as he turned to look at Jason and Emilly.
"On this night of the Blue moon we gather here not only to celebrate love but to celebrate the power of the night and the goddess who granted us these powers. At the beginning of time vampires have always been stronger, faster and overall more powerful. However the night of the Blood Moon is when our magic is the strongest. Maybe we could get even more power if we had something that shared the moon goddess' power." Geyson suggested.
"Get on with it wouldya" in a Brooklyn accent was shouted from the crowd, followed by a harsh shushing.
"I'm getting there," Geyson said. As Geyson continued to talk, Emilly looked at Jason. His eyes were down and he looked really upset.
"Jason baby what's wrong?" Emilly asked, taking his hand. He just looked away but squeezed her hand tightly and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles.
"May the two lovers step forward and face each other" Geyson said, stepping out of the way for them. They walked forward and grabbed hands and Emilly looked up into his piss yellow eyes. They were full of love and regret.
"If anyone objects speak up or forever hol-"

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