Eleven and a Half Months

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"Are we going to spend the entire day ignoring each other?" Bakugo groaned from his desk. "It's not like we hooked up. It was a kiss."

"A kiss that shouldn't have happened." I sighed. "We're working together."

"As far as I know, we both have team members dating each other." I kept my eyes focused on the file in front of me. I'm scared to look up and meet his ruby eyes. There was something about them that was so captivating.

"There is a company policy against it, but my boss doesn't care as long as it doesn't interfere with their work. We're their bosses. We should be setting a good example." I explained.

"We're not actually employed under the same company, in case you forgot. I don't actually work for the police station. I'm a private detective employed through a private firm." He countered.

I need him to stop talking before all the reasons why this is a bad idea flies out the damn window. Last night felt like a dream. It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time, and I didn't want it to end. But this is the smart thing to do. Emotions are complicated, and they don't belong in the workplace.

"We still work together." I shrugged. "It's not a good idea to involve emotions and feelings."

"What about in eleven and a half months when we don't work together anymore?" I tore my gaze away from my paper and finally looked at him. His eyes were focused on mine. I could feel every rational thought deteriorating.

"You'll lose interest by then. Everyone does." I shrugged. I've never held anyone's attention or interest for more than a few months. That isn't likely to change with Bakugo.

"And if I don't?" He smirked.

"Then I guess we'll talk about it in eleven and a half months." I shrugged.

Bakugo pushed his chair away from his desk and stood up. He walked around to me, quickly flinging the door shut when he passed it.

"What are you d-doing?" I asked with the same stutter I always develop when I'm nervous.

"Making sure that we have privacy." He shrugged. My eyes widened as I watched his every move. He couldn't possibly be thinking of trying something after everything I've just said.

He stopped next to me, pulled my chair out, and spun me around to face him. "In eleven and a half months, I plan to live out every fantasy with you that I will have within that time frame." He whispered. His hands latched onto the arms of my chair as he bent down. "Until then, I'll behave."

Being only an inch or two away from my face like this did not count as behaving, but I couldn't find the words to speak up. He kept his eyes locked on mine as he got closer and closer. My eyes involuntarily fluttered shut only a second or two after his did. I swear I felt the light touch of his lips against mine before he stopped moving.

"Since that's a long time from now, can I have thirty minutes of your time today? I want to memorize how your lips and body feel pressed against mine."

Was this a smart idea? Absolutely not. However, I wanted to feel his lips against mine too. He's right about eleven and a half months being a long way away. If I don't do this now, would I be able to contain myself through the next year? Or would this open even more emotions that I can't control?

My mind was racing as fast as my heart. I could think this through a hundred times, but it won't change the fact that I want him so badly. I wished last night had lasted longer, but it didn't. He probably won't be interested in me in eleven and a half months, so I should take this opportunity while I can.

"Stop overthinking it." He mumbled.

"Fifteen minutes, and all clothes must stay on." I let out a nervous sigh. I at least have to draw the line there. "Then we don't do this or anything else again."

"Until I go back to my firm, and we no longer work together." He added while pulling away from me.

I nodded my head. He smiled while I grabbed my phone off the desk. I set a fifteen-minute timer and placed it back on the desk.

"If you're still interested in me anyway." He grabbed my hands and quickly pulled me to my feet.

"Shut up," he ordered before pulling my head toward him and smashing our lips together.

We were drunk when we kissed last night, and our minds were fuzzy. We're entirely sober now, and holy hell, this is better than I remembered. His soft lips moved fiercely against mine as he walked us backward. I already knew he was heading to the couch.

He turned us around and sat down, pulling me with him. I straddled his lap without separating our lips. Bakugo's arms wrapped around my waist and held me close. My left hand settled on his neck while my right hand ran through his hair, which was softer than I remember it being. He slowly pulled away from the kiss and flicked his tongue across my upper lip.

This man was going to be the death of me.

I opened my mouth and let him massage my tongue with his. He tasted like the terrible coffee we haven't replaced yet, but it tasted better when it tainted his mouth. His hands traveled from my waist to my lower back and down to my ass. I wanted to protest, but there was no point. Not after the embarrassing quiet moan that escaped my lips when he squeezed my ass and pulled me closer to him.

After a few more moments of exploring every inch of my mouth that his tongue could reach, he slowly pulled away from me. His cheeks were flushed, and his mouth was slightly parted. I wonder if he knows how good-looking he is. His ruby red eyes were soft and reflecting from the lamp next to us.

I hope he's still interested in me when we're done with this punishment.

His right hand trailed up the back of my shirt and around my ribcage to my chest. He flicked his thumb over my nipple with a devious smirk. I tugged my lower lip between my teeth to conceal a moan.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"You said clothes have to stay on." He shrugged. "You didn't say I couldn't touch you."

"It was kind of implied with the clothes staying on part," I countered. He tugged at my nipple with his thumb and index finger. I couldn't contain the moan this time.

"Do you want me to stop?" He challenged. When I didn't answer him, he tugged at my nipple again. I tossed my head back and let the small amount of pleasure wash over me. Hell no, I don't want this to stop.

While squeezing my ass with one hand, playing with my nipple, and roaming my chest with the other, he attached his lips to my neck. He slowly kissed up to my ear and back down before teasingly biting my adam's apple.

"Is your goal t-to make me want you m-more?" I panted.

"Is it obvious?" He asked teasingly. "Is it working?"

"No." Yes.

"Liar." He pulled me closer and claimed my mouth again. Our lips moved together passionately until my timer went off, filling me with dread. I should have let him have the thirty minutes.

He pulled away from me and kissed me gently one last time. We panted for breath as our eyes locked.

"Eleven and a half months?" He asked.

"Eleven and a half months," I confirmed. I don't know how I'll manage to wait that long, but I will. I'd wait forever for a chance to do this again.

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