My Damn Attitude

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"Mom, you're being dramatic," I whined as my mother inspected my arms, ensuring I had no new holes in my body from being shot. "I promise, there's nothing new."

"I can never be too sure with you, you know," she sighed. "You're always rushing in and doing crazy stuff. I worry about you, baby." She turned her attention to Bakugo. "I'm glad to see you're also in one piece."

"We've been careful," he replied. We have been. Through every case we've worked on, we've done only what we must before passing it on. I wish we could see some of them through, but I also know they could lead to something horrible that Bakugo shouldn't have to deal with.

"I'm glad." My mom kicked her shoes off by the front door before reaching for the slippers I pulled out. "What's for dinner?"

I'm not even sure what we were having for dinner. Bakugo offered to cook, and I obviously wasn't going to tell him no. I'm pretty sure he said something about sushi, but I never questioned him.

While Bakugo told her what he planned on making, I walked back over to my couch and plopped down. It had been a long day at work, and we only just arrived home right before my mother. It's only Wednesday, but Bakugo and I aren't working together for the rest of the week. Yamada needed me back with my team while he and Aizawa helped Bakugo with his team. Apparently, they have a high-profile client and need as many eyes and ears as possible.

My mother gently pushed on my head, pulling me out of my trance. "Have you listened to a word we've been saying?"

I shook my head. "Honestly, I've been zoned out since I sat down." There was no point in lying to her. I'm a horrible liar.

"Are you doing okay?" She frowned before plopping down next to me. "You look tired."

"I am tired," I replied. "It's been a rough week, and today was a long day at work."

"We could have rescheduled. I didn't have to come over for dinner today."

"Mom, it's okay. I'm not that tired. Just need a minute to let my feet rest and recharge." Plus, I wouldn't have rescheduled even if I was falling asleep. Bakugo and I are going out of town this weekend to do all the winter activities he wants to do. I wouldn't jeopardize that for anything. He's been so excited about it.

"Well, why don't I go help your boyfriend with dinner," she suggested. "You can take a nap and rest up."

"No, I'll be okay," I responded before I felt two large hands grip my shoulders from above me.

"Go to your room and take a nap. You've been tired all day." Bakugo bent down and kissed the top of my head. "We'll be alright for half an hour."

"Are you both sure?" I asked, glancing back and forth between them. I feel awful, but I am so drained.

"Yeah, I'll come wake you up in thirty minutes." I didn't need to be told twice. I stood from the couch and let my feet carry me to my bedroom. I would prefer if Bakugo were here taking a nap with me, but beggars can't be choosers.

Once I was under my comforter, my brain slowly shut down as I lost consciousness.


"It's annoying," I scoffed. "Every time we think we're getting close to going back to our teams, they tell us something else we need to improve on." Bakugo and I will never be perfect. We're always going to have our flaws. I feel like they're trying to turn us into robots at this point.

"I'm sure it's helping you and your career in the long run." My mom frowned sympathetically. "Besides, try not to get too mad. It brought you closer together, didn't it?"

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