Thank Fucking God

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"Text us when he wakes up," Kirishima sighed, looking at his boss over my shoulder. Since visiting hours were ending, only one person could stay for the night. I decided to stay since he's my partner, and I'm waiting for Aizawa and Yamada to show up. Since they were our bosses, they could stop in for a few.

"I will," I reassured. "You guys go home and get some rest."

One by one, they eventually left the room. The tears I'd been holding in all day slowly fell down my face when they were gone. I sat in the chair by the bed, wiping my tears away. He got shot three times, but his bulletproof vest absorbed most of the damage. He would be dead if it weren't for that vest.

He had some internal bleeding, but he was going to pull through. The surgery was a success. He's going to be out of commission for two weeks, but he's going to live. That's the most important part.

I didn't realize my feelings for him were this deep. I thought I would be okay with our week together and returning to work. I'm not okay with it. I fell for him too hard and too fast.

Nothing will change when we go back to how things were and decide to be partners. Whether we make it official or not, the feelings are already here. They aren't going to go away because we work together. We're going to continue to make careless mistakes and risk our lives for one another.

I should have helped the kids, but I didn't. I chased down the man who shot Bakugo, which resulted in me getting shot myself. It bounced off my arm, and I had to have stitches, which wasn't bad at all. The problem is, running after him wasn't my job. I was supposed to let the backup handle that and secure the kid's safety, but my brain stopped working when I saw him lying on the ground, almost unconscious.

"Maybe I should resign," I mumbled. I could find another job. Whether it be at another station or I take a demotion, it would get me away from him.

I can't be his partner and have feelings for him.

A soft knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Before I could get up and open the door, it slowly pushed open. Aizawa and Yamada walked in.

"Is he okay?" Aizawa asked immediately.

"Yeah, no fucking thanks to either of you." Aizawa's expression didn't change, but Yamada's did. I've never yelled at him or snapped, even when he deserved it. "You guys made private investigators go into a blood bath. They didn't sign up to do that job!"


"No!" I said curtly while pushing myself out of the chair. "Bakugo and his team shouldn't have been there today. They haven't been trained or refreshed about procedures for this kind of crime in years. Not to mention, both of our teams were a fucking disaster when we went back to them. If you want to punish us and send us to another department, fine. But you can't ignore our teams. They needed someone to lead them, to help them. Just because you punished us doesn't mean that our teams need to suffer!"

"Stop yelling," a quiet voice croaked behind me. I turned around quickly to see Bakugo's half-lidded eyes staring at me.

"Bakugo, are you okay?" Aizawa asked while stepping around me.

"I'll live, but Midoriya is right. When I get out of here, we need to sit down and talk because the shit you two have been pulling is not okay." I let out a sigh of relief. Not only because he was okay and awake but because he had my back.

I turned my gaze back to my boss. "I think I'm going to resign."

All eyes turned to me. "Before you make that decision, let's sit down and have that talk," Yamada said. "I don't want you to make a rash decision because you're acting out of anger right now."

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