Lessons Learned

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"Why is it just me and you?" I asked Yamada as we sat in his office. "This feels like something we all need to talk about."

"You're right, but also wrong. I need to apologize to you and you alone," he sighed. An apology? That's the last thing I expected when he asked me to stop by today. I thought that I would get yelled at for yelling at him at the hospital.

"For what?" I asked curtly. I'm still so mad at him that controlling my temper is hard.

"Because you were right. I should have stepped up and helped run your team. I didn't intend to punish them by punishing you, but that's exactly what I did," he sighed. "I'm going to apologize to them and assign them someone temporarily to help lead them. I thought about ending your reassignment early, but I still think you have much to learn."

"What else do I need to learn to stop working with Bakugo?" I asked. I want to get out of cold cases as quickly as possible. I'm putting both of our lives in danger every day I spend there.

"I thought you two were getting along now?" he questioned with a cocked brow. I looked at the tiled floor with a frown. We are, and that's the problem. "When he got shot, you strayed from your task, which resulted in you getting shot too. Why?"

"Because I was mad. My partner was lying on the ground. I was terrified," I mumbled. His expression never changed. He looked concerned.

He sighed. "I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to be completely honest."

Please don't ask it.

"Are you and Bakugo involved more than just work partners?"

He asked it.

If I lie, he will see right through me. I'm a good liar when working but lousy with people I know. I always have been. "Technically, no." It wasn't entirely a lie, but it wasn't the truth, either.

"Technically?" he questioned.

"We're not together, but it doesn't mean the feelings aren't there. I don't want to continue working with him because I don't trust myself not to make stupid mistakes." That's the truth. We haven't labeled anything, but it didn't matter. The feelings were so fucking strong.

"Here's what we're going to do. I'm not going to tell you that you can't be with him, but I'm telling you to keep it quiet. If people find out, it can be dangerous if you're working together. You know that." I know that which is precisely why this is a bad idea. If they really want us to continue working together, they're going to have to put us somewhere else.

"You two will continue working in cold cases. As soon as you have a lead, you will pass the case on. I don't want you guys to end up in a shoot-out for any reason. If we put you guys back with your teams for assignments, his team will only do the investigation, and your team will do the rest. That's what we should have done with the last raid, and I'm sorry that we didn't," he finished.

"How can I get back to my team and away from cold cases as quickly as possible?" I asked.

"When you and Bakugo have learned everything we need you to learn. As soon as you do, I'll see about how Aizawa feels about ending your year together sooner than planned," he explained. "You guys have already grown so much since we sent you there. I know it may not seem like it, but you have both grown so much. You've already made a massive improvement. I know you'll continue to do great things, Midoriya."

I hear him talking, but I'm barely registering what he's saying anymore. The only thing I've heard is that I can't go back to my team. I have to stay with Bakugo in cold cases. The temptation to quit is still too strong.

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