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"Mmm." He pushed against my chest, trying to push me off him. "We have to go."

I slid my right hand up his waist. "Do we? We could stay here all night. Maybe make some new videos." I lightly sank my teeth into his neck. "Or we could watch some of the old ones."

"We probably have enough homemade videos to run a porn site." I laughed while sliding my hand over his chest.

"And that means we should stop?" I asked.

His hands tightened on my shoulders before he rolled us over and pinned me to the bed. "Hell no." He slid his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor.

"I thought we had to go," I teased while running my hand down his chest and stomach, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.

He groaned. "And you had to go and remind me." He rolled off me despite me tightening my grip on his hips. "Uraraka is going to kill us if we're late to her baby shower."

"Wasn't there a time when baby showers were only for women?" I asked. "That's a genuine question, not me being a dick."

He picked his shirt up from the floor. "They used to be. Men used to have something called a diaper party. I always thought it was stupid to have them be separate. It's like a bachelor and bachelorette party."

I raised an eyebrow. "So you don't want a bachelor party?"

"I would rather us go drinking with our friends, then come home and give each other a private strip tease and lap dance." I ran my hand over my stiff cock.

"Are you sure that we have to go?" I asked him.

"If you're well-behaved, we can dip out early and come home. I'll even let you use the handcuffs."

I sat up. "Your handcuffs? The same ones you carry every day?" I would love nothing more than to cuff him to our fucking bed with those, so every time he uses them on the job, he's thinking about me.

If I'm not on his mind 24/7, I'm doing something wrong.

"If you behave." He tossed me a sweater from the closet.

"Come on," I groaned. "Do we really have to go?"

"Up." He grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bed. "I also have good news for you."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"June 19th. Next year." I didn't need to ask what he was talking about. Fifteen months.

My arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him into me. "I don't know if I can wait that long to call you my husband." For him, I would have waited as long as I had to. Although, I was starting to get concerned that he wasn't setting a date.

"Well, you're gonna," he teased before kissing me. "I also have more good news."

"Other than you letting me handcuff you later and setting a date for the wedding? What can top that, other than just staying home." I made a move at his jeans again, but he pushed my hand away.

"Hillside called me earlier. I tried telling you when I got home, but your lips attacked me."

My heart skipped a beat. "Hillside?"

He nodded. "We have an appointment next Wednesday, so I hope you can take the morning off."

Just when I thought life couldn't get any better, it does. "Ages?"

"Two to five." When we sent our application to adopt, we never put a specific age group. We didn't care to get a newborn. There are so many kids of all ages that need love and attention.

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