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"What's going on?" Midoriya asked nervously. It was officially Friday evening, and our bosses asked us to stop by Yamada's office on the way out.

"We have some news. Take a seat." His boss gestured to the two chairs across from him. We cautiously sat down, unsure of what could possibly be going on.

"We've had both of your teams investigating the trafficking issue you two discovered a few days ago." Aizawa started explaining. "We weren't planning on them having a big case going on, so we don't have another choice."

Another choice? Why are they always so cryptic and shit?

"We have our yearly conference this week, so you two will return to your teams while we are away. You and your teams will work together to get this case going while we are gone." I felt Midoriya tense next to me. I didn't realize our chairs were that close together.

"We're going back to our teams?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was happy or disappointed.

"Yes." Yamada confirmed. "Bakugo, you and your team will continue with the private investigation and follow the few people your team has already gathered intel on throughout the last week." He explained to me. "Midoriya, you and your team will start with canvassing the area. I don't think I need to explain what you need to do step by step."

"No sir, you do not." He smiled softly—that damn smile.

"Your teams don't have anything assigned together, but we recommend that you guys stay in touch and help each other out. The more information you guys share, the better it will be." Aizawa added.

"We'll do a conference call when we have more information to share," Midoriya said with a frown. Yeah, that won't work for me. I didn't expect to get this attached to him this fast, but it happened. I don't know if I want to go an entire week without seeing him.

This is what he was trying to avoid. Feelings. Whether or not we wait until the end of our year, it won't matter. Feelings are already involved. I've dated a few times and even had a few serious relationships. Nothing compares to this, though. After we got over our argument, it was like an avalanche. All of the feelings and emotions that we didn't know existed, came tumbling down.

Debating with myself on whether or not I would be okay without seeing him for a week made me realize that. The main question is, is there any way to stop the feelings we have? Is there any way to push them to the side? I don't know if I can handle keeping him at arm's length.

I don't know why I am making a big deal out of a week away from each other. Not even an entire week, actually. We're still heading out of town as soon as we're done here. We'll be spending most of the weekend with each other. Our teams only work Monday through Friday, so it's only five days, maybe six if I don't see him until we go back to cold cases on Sunday.

I don't know what either of our bosses said after I got lost in my mind. They talked for five more minutes before dismissing us. I followed Midoriya's lead and quickly made my way out of the office behind him. When the door was shut behind us, we made our way to the elevator. We stood in silence while Midoriya hit the lobby button. When the doors closed, he turned his attention to me.

"Although I'm going to miss working in cold cases with you for a week, I'm excited to go back to my team for a little while. It will give me a chance to see how they've been doing without me and what else I need to work on."

"I'm not happy about only having one or two conference calls with you. Not after seeing you every day." I groaned.

He chuckled as the elevator doors slid open on the main floor. "We can still meet up for lunch if you want. Just because we're going back to our teams doesn't mean that we need to stop talking and hanging out with each other for the week."

"That's true," I smiled softly.

"We can talk more on the road. Since we don't have to work this Sunday, we can spend the entire weekend out of the city." A whole weekend with him? Sign me the fuck up. "The maple festival is tomorrow, but there is a crafting show on Sunday if you want to go with me. It might not be up your alley, so you don't have to."

I didn't respond until we were outside by my car. "I would sit next to you and stare at a wall for twelve hours if that's what you wanted to do."

"Lucky for you, I am not that boring," he chuckled. "Text me your address. I'll go home and grab my stuff, then swing by and pick you up."

I nodded my head before he walked away. I watched him walk across the parking lot toward his car. Does he know that my feelings are this strong? Are his feelings toward me strong? If they are, is he struggling to bury them as much as I am?


"I'm exhausted," Midoriya complained as he plopped down on the bed closest to the window. "That was a long drive." The drive wasn't long, but we worked all day and drove for almost five hours. It's a little before eleven right now.

"I'm tired too." I dropped my backpack on the floor next to the other bed. As much as I want to continue talking to him, we need to get some kind of sleep if he wants us to wake up at seven in the morning for what he claims will be the best breakfast we've ever had.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom and change," he groaned while pushing himself up from the bed he had just plopped down on. "You can change out here or wait for me." I wish there were a secret third option where we didn't have to be separated by a wall.

I pulled the covers back from the bed and climbed in. He watched me curiously, but he didn't say anything. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and set it on the table beside me. I charged it on the way here, so I don't need to worry about charging it tonight.

"I don't need to change, so I'm just going to crash now." If I don't fall asleep before he climbs into his own bed, I know I'll do something stupid. It's already so hard to refrain from making another move. He's already put his foot down, and I will respect that. However, it doesn't mean that it's easy.

He closed the bathroom door gently behind him. I listened to his movements quietly, trying to force myself to fall asleep. I tossed and turned until he came out of the bathroom and through most of the night after he had fallen asleep. My mind doesn't care how exhausted I am. It only cares about the man four feet away from me, snoring lightly.

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