The Final Cold Case, Part One

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"How is our vacation over already?" Midoriya groaned as we walked into the office we hadn't worked in for roughly a month. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Like shit," I groaned. Sleeping next to him was a luxury I didn't realize would hurt to lose. I got so used to him being cuddled against me. Now, my bed feels empty and cold. I have to suffer through six days of hell just for him to spend the night with me again.

"Hey, six more days to go," he groaned while sitting in his chair. Today was the first day in a month that I didn't get to kiss him. I don't know if I'm going to make it through this. "Did you pick a new case?"

I shook my head. "I figured I would wait for you." I didn't want to pick the cases anymore. I don't care which one we work on, but I don't want to do it anymore. My mental health can barely handle working in this department as is. There's only one cold case I want to work on, but it isn't here. I couldn't find it anywhere. I came in half an hour early to look, but the file isn't in this office. I found the case number on the computer, but that's as far as I've gotten.

I can't ask Midoriya about it. For all I know, he could have removed it because he didn't want to see it. "What time is your meeting with your boss?" I asked.

"About half an hour. Are you meeting with Aizawa today?" he asked.

I shook my head. "He's out with the team today. I'm going to meet him tomorrow morning before I come here." We both took our time off, and now it was time to touch base with our bosses again. Most of our anger has faded since we were here last, but it isn't completely gone. He's still angrier than I am, but he had to watch me get shot because I was doing something I shouldn't have been doing. He had to watch his team suffer because his boss didn't think to find someone to help them. My boss didn't either, but they did different work than his team.

"I'm going to step out and call my mom real quick," I said suddenly while pushing my chair away from my desk. "She called me earlier, and I forgot."

"That's fine," he mumbled while thumbing through a stack of files in front of him, trying to figure out what our next case was going to be. While he was distracted by that, now was a perfect time for me to talk to Yamada. If the case I want isn't here, he probably knows where I can find it. I refused to ask Midoriya about it, so this was the only other thing I could think of.

I stood from my desk and quickly made my way out of the door. Within seconds, I was waiting at the elevator. Sometimes it took forever to get down here because there were so many floors, but it was quick today. I waited a little less than a minute before the door opened.

When I was inside, I pressed the button for the boss' floor. The elevator stopped four times before it reached my destination. I had to squeeze my way through a few people to get out. On a mission, I turned down the right hall and went straight to Yamada's office. I don't have a lot of time to waste.

His door was wide open when I walked up. I knocked on the open door frame. The door may be open, but it's still rude to barge in. I get pissed when my team does that to me, so I would never do it to anyone else.

"Bakugo," he smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"I was looking for a case file but couldn't find it. I know it was in this jurisdiction, so I was hoping you could help me," I explained.

He gave me a skeptical look but decided to humor me.

"What's the case file number?" he asked.

"284621," I replied without missing a beat. I memorized it early when I shuffled through every filing cabinet and came up empty-handed.

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