The Final Cold Case, Part Four

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"The number doesn't belong to him anymore. He ditched it about twelve years ago. I was, however, able to get his mailing address for his bills at the time. I'm not sure if he still lives there, but the same family has owned the building for years. Hopefully, they can give us some information about him." Aizawa explained. "Yamada already called and set us up an appointment. But if we want to make it, we need to go now."

"Where is Yamada?" I asked. He's usually the one who helps me with the case, not Aizawa.

"He's doing something with Todoroki today, so you get me."

"It's weird to see you without him by your side. You two have gotten awfully close." I teased while we walked to his car.

"Shut up, kid." As much as I wanted to keep fucking with him, it wasn't in my best interest. He could easily extend my time in cold cases, which I'm desperately trying to avoid. I don't want to go to work to see my boyfriend. I want to go home to him.

"So, we're heading to talk with the property managers of the building he used to live in?" I asked.

"This is why it's important that I work with you, too. You learned to drop something when warned too—another lesson unlocked." I waited to respond until we were seated in his car, pulling onto the street.

"How many more lessons do I have to go?" I asked.

"Oh, you're done," Aizawa responded quickly. "The lessons you needed to learn were the ones Midoriya excelled in and vice versa. You've completed every lesson I needed you to learn. When I say you've completed a new lesson, it's more so me pointing out that you're actually using the lesson."

"How many more lessons does Midoriya have to go?" I want to tell him he's a damn idiot for the lesson bullshit. But again, I don't want to land myself in cold cases any longer than I need to be.

"I'm not going to tell you what lessons he still needs to learn, but he has a few. However, I don't think they are lessons he can learn while working with you. I think he can only learn them while working with his team." I nodded. I don't know what lessons those would be since they're probably about how he leads his team. I've only seen it once, and obviously pointed out what I thought was wrong back then.

"How long are we going to be on the road?" I asked him.

"It's about a ten-minute drive, as long as there isn't an accident or traffic jam." I nodded while slipping my phone out of my pocket. Midoriya's feeling a lot better, but I still wanted to check on him since today is the first day he's alone. Healing ribs isn't fun.

Me- Hey baby. I just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling. Do you want me to visit you for lunch?

Freckles- I'm feeling okay. I'm still looking for apartments. Would you mind if I set some up for us to view?

Me- Go for it. You never answered me about lunch.

Freckles- If you have the time, I'm not going to say no to you stopping and eating with me. But if you don't have the time, I'll be okay. What kind of errands are you running today?

Me- I'm about to talk to a property manager about a perp that Yamada has under investigation. Nothing too exciting.

Freckles- Well, I hope you have fun with that lol. I think I'm going to get a few places set up and take a nap. Wake me up when you come home for lunch?

Me- Of course. I love you. I'll see you in a few hours.

Freckles- I love you too.

I slid my phone into my pocket and stared out the window. I have a weird feeling in my stomach today. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but it feels like something important is going to happen today.

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