Out of the City

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"You didn't have to take two weeks off because I did," Midoriya mumbled while burying his head into my lap.

My fingers tangled themselves through his curls. "Well, we both told our bosses we have feelings for each other, even though we're not dating. I think they were both expecting it," I said. Apparently, he got questioned about whether or not he had feelings for me by Yamada. Aizawa asked me the same damn thing. I was hoping that if I said told him the truth and said yes, he would put me back with my team or at least get me away from Midoriya at work.

Neither of those things happened.

Although both our bosses said we could do whatever we wanted as long as we kept it on the down low, we're still deciding not to put a label on anything. The days we work, we're partners. We'll go to our own homes at the end of the night and meet back at work the next morning. Our days off is another story. That's the one day a week we can be together like this, which is why this vacation is nice. Since we're not working, we can spend the next two weeks together.

"If you're feeling up to it, maybe we can go do something. Get out of the city," he suggested. "There's still so much I want to show you."

"Like what?" Honestly, I would be completely okay if we just lounged on the couch. As long as I'm with him, I'm happy.

"Well, there's always a ton of food festivals going on. We could also get some fair food before fair season ends, go to a flea market, an amusement park, the beach, or go hiking. There's more we can do, but I can't think of them right now."

"You know what sounds fun?" I questioned.

"Hmm," he hummed in response.

"I went to rent a cabin near a lake with hiking trails. Enjoy the peace of quiet, go to the beach with you, maybe go kayaking or something. I want to get the hell away from the loud traffic and the obnoxious people of the city," I said. A secluded place where I only have to worry about what to make for dinner sounds fantastic. Especially if I'm with him.

"I can look for something. When would you want to go?" He asked while grabbing his phone from the floor.

I glanced at the clock above my door. It's still early in the afternoon. "If it isn't too far, we could go today."

"What time is it?" he asked.

"A little before three," I shrugged. "We can come back two days before we have to return to work."

"How about we come back three days before we have to go back to work?" he suggested. "That way, we can have a day to get our stuff together and another day to see our parents. I don't know about you, but my mom will come hunt me down if I don't see her soonish."

"Sounds good to me," I replied. "I don't care where it is, as long as it's peaceful and has a few of the things I listed."

"If you keep playing with my hair, I'll find somewhere for us to go. I can't guarantee it will be tonight, but hopefully tomorrow or the next day."

I smiled to myself before twirling his curls around my fingers. I prefer to leave today and say goodbye to this life for a while, but I'll wait a few days if I don't have another choice. I really want some peace and quiet. I occasionally glanced at his screen while he scrolled. He saved a few places, but he continued looking.

I didn't even think about how much it would cost, but it doesn't matter too much. When you work overtime every week because you're no longer on salary because of being reassigned, the money starts adding up more than it used to.

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