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tears start to well up in his eyes the moment gun let himself fall on the bed after arriving in his dorm. "gun? are you okay?" his roommate asks. gun just gave por a thumb up with his face still stuffed against the pillow.

gun can't explain what he feels. he just can't, it's too foreign. the tears that welled up in his eyes are just.. stuck in his eyes? it's like he couldn't cry anymore, like there were no more tears left to cry over tinn.

"shit.. this is really embarrassing," he thought,

mango sticky rice

tiw added tinn to the groupchat

reunion party @ my dorm

but we see each other everyday???

but not tinn YOU IDIOT

shut the fuck up tiw

no thanks
my dorm tonight

we have class tomorrow

we are grown men
waking up early for class should be easy by now, so are you guys coming or not?

me and sound are coming



great 😊

yeah of course

around 9:30 pm then

sound (win's bf 😱)

are you okay with coming

why wouldn't i be

because of the way you acted in class?

i was a little nervous

you call that LITTLE?

it will be fine

make sure you don't cling on the poor boy


what kind of idiot clings on to their ex boyfriend?

only an hour in and gun is resting his head on tinn's chest with the boy's arm around his shoulder. gun is a lightweight, and he's definitely a clingy drunk. he tends to lose his subconscious and get touchy with anyone near him. so upon seeing tinn sitting at the end of the couch all by himself, gun immediately decided he needed company.

and tinn? just tipsy and unaware that his arm is around the giggling younger one.

"i missed you.." gun suddenly confessed.

"oh, really?" tinn asks in a low tone, drinking the beer can he's holding with his other hand. gun giggles again before answering, "yes, so much!!"

tinn nods, pretending to believe what the man is saying is true. "why did you break up with me then?"

gun just starts apologising instead of giving a reason which irritates the boy. and just like that, tinn pushes gun off him, gets up, and storms out of the room.

"tinn!" he whines, also getting up and quickly following the man to the bedroom. "ah, leave me alone. i don't want to talk to you." tinn sits down, his hands thrown behind supporting his body.

the younger tilts his head to the side while pouting, standing right in front of tinn now, "why not?"

tinn groans before yelling out, "fuck you. like seriously." and gets up to walk away again when gun pulls him by his arm. they collide into a hug with gun easily losing control of his tears.

he hiccups, trembling a little. he doesn't care if he's being dramatic, he's just happy to hold the man he still loves again.

yeah, still.

"don't leave me again, tinn." he practically cried. however, the other can't take it seriously. he gets pulled away as tinn replies, "again? you were the one who left me. i don't wanna talk anymore."

just like that, gun stumbles back when tinn sets himself free from his grip. tinn walks toward the door, scowl on his face after being reminded of his past love again.

"gun, stop." he states when his arm gets grabbed before he could leave. "let me explain, tinn. please." the younger's voice breaks.

his heart softens, but he doesn't turn around. he doesn't want to give in so easily. "i don't want to deal with this right now. let me go." tinn says.

"i will tell you everything, tinn. just stay." gun demands and he sighs. he retreats his arm and looks behind to see gun's glistening face wet from tears.

there's a brief silence between them as tinn has a war with his own thoughts. when he finally talks, there's a crack in his voice,

"why did you break up with me?"

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