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two weeks have passed since and their second exam was nearing. tinn and gun decided to start facetiming each other every night for around 4-5 hours so they can study together.

gun huffs, mindlessly scribbling on his notebook. he glances up to see the elder boy focused on his book, writing something down every few seconds. he was in disbelief. how can tinn manage to be so productive?

he was revising english, or at least attempting to. gun can never put his mind into studying for more than an hour. he reads over his work once and begs tinn to take multiple breaks in between their study sessions because he gets bored.

meanwhile tinn takes his time; writing things down and memorizing them. they've already taken six breaks by now but gun couldn't handle it.

he slams his pen down and audibly groans so tinn can hear. "i can't do this anymore! i only study this long just to stay on facetime with you, tinn!" he complains.

tinn looks up to see the sulky boy and smiles at his words. it's true though, gun can't sit in one place for so long. he can see how much the boy struggled to stay awake. gun either stares extremely hard at his book or tries to do tricks with his pen when he can't focus.

"can we stop now? let's have a break!" gun says, pushing his notebook aside.

tinn gives in too easily seeing his face. he closes his biology book and brings the phone closer to his face.

"okay baby, what do you wanna talk about?" the deepness and adoration in his voice makes gun feel butterflies. tinn admires gun's face with a small smile on his lips. his eyes practically heart shaped.

gun tries to look back but gets flustered. the tip of his ears turning red. "ugh, kill yourself. just go back to studying.." he mumbles and grabs an eraser to distract himself.

he can hear tinn's deep chuckle from the other side of the screen. gun is so cute, it was hurting his heart. he could see the natural blush gun had on his cheeks but he tried to hide it by looking down.

"if i die, who's gonna be your boyfriend?" tinn hums at him, repositioning his phone a little.

if he wasn't already weak, gun was sick at this point. tinn just looked so handsome wearing his casual clothes and his hair still slightly wet from showering before their call. the look on his face, gentle smile with his soft gaze on gun — his breathing was getting irregular.

his sudden voice drop wasn't helping either. gun rolls his eyes in an attempt to hide the fact that he was overwhelmed. "what boyfriend? we're still in talking stage, but we have nothing to talk about!"

the response gets tinn laughing loud. he tips his head back, chest thumping from laughter. gun quickly takes a few screenshots, not being able to resist.

after calming down a bit, tinn looks back up and his smile only grows seeing gun playfully glaring. "we are talking.. weren't you studying? show me what you were writing down."

gun immediately shakes his head. "no, it's embarrassing." he tightens his lips together. he wasn't even writing anything related to english. he was doodling random things and playing tic tac toe with himself.

"please, baby? why not?" tinn begs with his attractive voice. he goes on for a while and it makes gun blush harder every time. he doesn't know why tinn is suddenly so clingy lately, but he couldn't handle it.

"oi! fine! don't laugh at me." he gives up with a sigh. embarrased, gun slowly picks up his notebook and faces it towards the camera.

a bunch of random drawings of tinn's face while he was studying, alongside his name all over the page. gun blushes remembering the T+G he scribbled before quickly putting the notebook down.

tinn's heart was beating abnormally fast when he saw that. everything gun did was adorable. "baby, you're so cute." tinn badly wants to hold the boy closer and kiss him.

"shut up, faggot." gun pretends to look grossed out but it only makes him chuckle more.

his door abruptly opens and tinn turns around to see his mum walk inside. photjanee instantly glances at the phone in his hand with gun on the screen.

"why are you laughing? is that gun?" she tries to get a better look. tinn quickly puts his phone down so the screen gets covered.

"why didn't you knock?" he asks, irritated.

a disappointed look washes over photjanee's face. "you're talking with that boy again instead of studying?" she asks.

tinn is about to talk, but she cuts him off. "do you see why i told you that boy isn't good? you have exams in a few days and he's distracting you!"

"mum, stop it." tinn groans.

she shakes her head and points her finger at him. "i was right all along. gun is turning you into a ladyboy!" photjanee yells.

shocked by his mum's words, tinn stands up from his chair. "mum? how can you say that?" he says in disbelief.

she crosses her arms in a disapproving manner, "you never talked back to your mother, but that boy changed you. i'm disappointed in you, tinn. that annoying boy needs to leave you alone!"

"you can yell at me all you want, but don't insult gun! i won't take it. the only person who's ruining me is you!" tinn shouts the last part.

photjanee's eyes widen, surprised by his boldness. "tinn!" she yells back, her hands falling to the side. meanwhile gun who was still on the call, listened to every single thing.

his eyes stinged from trying to control his tears. he swallows and sniffs hard, wiping down the drops of tears that rolled down his cheeks, silently crying.

"i didn't expect this from you. stop hanging out with that ladyboy! he's using you! you think i don't know how much money you spend on him?" photjanee's voice gets louder.

"that's my own money. i can do whatever i want with it." he replied seriously.

she slowly shakes her head again. "he made you dumb just like him."

by now, tinn was narrowing his eyes at her, holding himself back from cursing and shouting any louder than they already were. he didn't even wanna know how gun must be reacting to all of this.

"you're blaming everything on him as if he's some sort of criminal. stop it, mum. leave me alone!"

"what's happening here?" tinn's father suddenly walks inside the room. the other two glance at him before photjanee places her hand on his shoulder.

"tinn is ruining himself." she tells him.

gun wipes his nose and decides to leave the call, not wanting to hear the family further fight because of him. she wasn't even wrong. tinn studied a lot to get where he is right now and gun does nothing but disturb him away from his studies.

he covers his face with his hands and cries, ignoring the message and call notifications tinn started sending an hour later.


also guys no updating until u beg hard enough each and every reader must comment at least 5 times do ur homework beg for it or we're ditching the entire book

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