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exam season has officially ended. on their last exam day, gun was eager to walk out of that classroom and finally see tinn's face.

he spots tinn outside the classroom. rushing through the crowd of students to reach the boy. a smile forms on lips seeing tinn look through his question paper over and over again.

tinn always rechecks his answers after exams, worried he got anything wrong. gun rushes over to him and when he noticed the boy, he smiles tiredly.

"hi, baby." tinn sounds and looks drowsy compared to gun's enthusiasm but you can tell he's relieved the exams are over. gun grabs his wrist to pull him closer.

"we're both free now." he says. tinn nods before shoving the paper into his pocket. "how was your exam?" the other asks but gun just shakes his head.

"let's go on a date, tinn!" gun excitedly requests. he puts his hands on tinn's shoulders which makes the other hold his waist in response.

a hesitant look plasters over tinn's face at the command. he averts his gaze from gun's eyes and stays quiet for a brief moment.

"i'm sorry, baby. but i'm really tired, can we do it later?" tinn asks in an apologetic tone. it makes gun frown.

as much as he wanted to sulk, he could see the evidence on tinn's face; he looked drained out and his eyes were struggling to stay open. they both slowly let go of each other.

"i can wait." gun nods. tinn gives him a gentle smile before kissing his forehead. "thanks, angel. i'll see you soon. i'm sorry." he says, storming out of the place right after.

gun stands there, a little lost and mostly feeling empty. we haven't hung out in so long. i miss him, he thinks. he was hoping the boy would agree because tinn also missed him a lot.

what also excited him was the news about photjanee finally accepting them. they don't have to secretly make plans anymore or lie to tinn's mum. hanging out at each others' house is so much easier now. they could be comfortable and relax.

so why can't we be with each other?

gun dismisses the thoughts. exam season just finished, tinn studied the entire month non-stop. he didn't even time to take care of himself let alone text gun back. his mum was also pressuring him a lot.

he brushes it off since tinn deserves to rest. gun would rather have tinn sleep and get reenergised before they hang out again.

so like he mentioned earlier, he'll wait for the boy. they'll spend time sooner or later. he's glad tinn is prioritising himself and hopes they see each other quick.

gun misses the boy to death. all he wants is to spend a day together with each other's companies and embrace each other. he'll be patient for that day.

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