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two weeks have passed since tinn had a fight with his mother and the boy has been acting differently ever since.

or not that different, to be honest. tinn just talks and socialises less than before. a hoodie or hoodie jacket over his uniform and sony headphones over them became his usual attire at school.

everyone noticed it because who wouldn't? tinn is one of the hottest guys at the university, so of course a lot of people pay attention to him. tinn is always walking behind his group of friends instead of with them. often leaning against the wall or sitting on the floor near his friends who are standing in a circle, talking.

tinn is always on his phone, not aware of anything that goes around him. he's okay or fine — that's what he tells anyone who asks if he's alright. not even tiw knows about the fight and he plans to keep it that way, the same way as he is keeping his feelings for gun a secret.

only keeping it for himself.

but speaking of gun.

they are still on not speaking terms and none of them have tried to fix it. which makes gun really upset because he confessed his feelings and this is what he gets? gun tries his best to think positively, not wanting to ruin his good feeling towards tinn.

gun is getting more and more worried everyday, although he tries to not make it obvious that he cares. but oh my god, tinn makes it hard for him. just kidding! tinn hasn't done anything, gun just likes blaming tinn for everything for funsies.

the boy is thinking about approaching tinn even though their last conversation didn't end that well. gun wants to know how tinn is doing and what he's feeling, but how?

gun waits for their friends to head to their class. they always start moving five minutes left before the lesson starts to find seats that are available to sit as a group.

slowly, they all walk away while gun stays behind and waits for tinn to get up. tinn turns his phone off when he notices his friends are gone. he was about to get up when a hand is right up at his face. tinn slowly takes his headphones off; placing it around his neck and looks up to see the owner of the hand.

gun offering him a hand?

but tinn accepted it. he got up from the floor with the help of gun, "ermm.. so like... how are you?" tinn was taken back, putting his phone away after letting gun's soft hand go. "i'm fine, thanks for asking." the older one responded tiredly and this time, gun finds something off about their eye contact. the way tinn is looking at him feels different.

after a moment of silence, "what about you?"

"oh, i am also doing fine!" gun says with a smile and tinn hesitated at first, but he smiles back. first time in so many years, tinn is finally smiling at gun and because of gun. he is the reason behind that smile. he feels his heart burning, but in a good way. gun had a lot of confidence to ask about the confession now. but wouldn't it be too fast? this is their first conversation in two weeks after all.

fuck it, gun thought.

"hey, tinn? you know.. about.." all of the sudden, gun feels stupid. it's like nothing is coming out of his mouth. no words or anything at all.

tinn looks at gun in confusion, trying to recall what they talked about two weeks ago. "that you like me?" — the younger one quickly nods.

tinn becomes quiet again. he's really frustrated. he's been bottling his feelings up for a long time because of his mum and gun is partly the reason why. tinn is not ready for this, or ready to have a talk with gun about the confession yet.

he shut his eyes, "i'm sorry, gun. i'm currently going through personal problems, i don't have an answer yet. i need some time," never in his life has tinn thought about having to say this to gun, and that's because he always believed that they would be the happiest and healthy couple like back in highschool.

"t—that's okay, i'm sorry for rushing you," gun's voice cracked before he quickly walks away to the other direction of where their classroom. he doesn't wait for tinn to say anything else. meanwhile, tinn just headed towards the classroom, not knowing what to do, after realising the lesson started two minutes ago.

tinn already has a lot of problems to take care of. if gun really likes tinn again, he needs to wait and tinn knows he can do that.

gun is at the main building, skipping around to kill the time. there was nothing to do and he couldn't find his friends anywhere. he walks past an opened classroom when he notices the familiar headphones from earlier, tinn's. it's abandoned on the floor and gun was going to pick it up when he looks to the side and realises there's two people in the corner of the classroom.

it's tinn and kajorn.

personal problems, my ass.

their bodies are basically glued to each other from how close they are. kajorn plays with tinn's ear piercings while talking about something. tinn is just standing there and letting it happen. tinn wasn't doing anything other than looking down and nodding to the other's words. seeing kajorn this close, giggling every two seconds annoyed gun and..

made him jealous.

which he knows he isn't supposed to be feeling because gun and tinn aren't a thing anymore, but lord. never in his life has he seen someone so close to tinn before. that could be because tinn used to ignore everyone no matter what when they were dating.

gun strongly dislikes the feeling of jealousy because he never knows what to do with it. gun gets up from the floor which caught their attention and tinn immediately moves away from kajorn.

all of them stare at each other in silence.

"tinn! i need to talk with you," gun says, breaking the silence first and not being able to stand still on his feet. he's about to pull tinn away when kajorn places his hand on top of gun's,

"p', i'm still talking with him."

gun rolls his eyes, pushing kajorn's hand off him and pulling the confused tinn out of the classroom.

"what's wrong, gun?" tinn asks, letting himself get dragged away by gun as kajorn's calls echo in the back.

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