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last time tinn listened to this song was on his way to his uncle's house in australia, missing gun at that time.

just being friendly by tilly birds ft. milli used to be tinn and gun's song. so seeing gun reposted pat's story with their song and the caption; "you're just jealous someone liked me back then and not you" made him smile.

tinn hasn't talked to gun after the younger told him he feels he's being used for sex. this was a few days ago. but after seeing the story, tinn is ready to fix everything; he wants to clear his name; that he doesn't want anything to do with kajorn.

maybe: guntapon wongwittaya



wish me luck

what should i give por for his birthday

??? his birthday already passed

i'm planning for next year

it's october

and your first love's bday is coming up soon
just kidding sorry love u buddy


i'm assuming the reason you texted is because you saw my story

but if i didn't see your story
can't i text you if i wanted to?

i didn't say you couldn't



can we meet? i want to talk to you

oh sure

at the park?

no imagine you don't show up again
i was just joking
tinn you can reply now

it's okay
your house then?


i'll be there in five

okay !! 😊

gun is so cute, he smiles at the message.

tinn picks up his car key and walks out of the door, ignoring his mum's stares through the window. after the fight; tinn's dad found out and they were all forced to sit down to solve the problem. unfortunately, when his father isn't around, they just stare at each other and don't share words.

he gets into the car. it took him exactly five minutes to get there. when tinn steps inside of the shop; he sees gun making something behind the counter. he sits down on the available seat in front of the counter, resting his cheek on his palm and waiting to be noticed.

"oh my god, you scared me." gun nearly drops whatever he was making. tinn chuckles, moving awkwardly in his seat as gun slowly walks over to him and sits down in front of him. placing the jumba shaved ice on the table and pushing it towards tinn.

"for me?" tinn mouths, pointing at himself and gun nods like an excited kid. tinn recognises it's the same shaved ice he got from gun on his birthday six years ago.

the elder has a big smile on his face as he picks up the plastic spoon and takes a big bite. oh, how badly he misses this and the taste. the jumba was so good that tinn almost forgot the purpose of his visit.

"okay, so.. i know you saw me being really close with kajorn and everything, but i just wanted you to know that i don't like him or anything like that." tinn explains, trying to look at gun in the eyes to prove he was telling the truth, but the other didn't want to.

gun is embarrassed over how jealous he was that day and his behaviour during sex. "i like you and i told my mum about you. she got mad at me though and now i don't know what to do.." gun's eyes widened at the sudden confession.

"like you're the one, but my mother.." tinn jokingly says, taking a bite of the soft bread. gun scoffs.

"oh, really? me or your mum?" gun asks, snatching the spoon out of tinn's hand and licking it while making eye contact with tinn who quickly got red. "hm?"

tinn just ends up stuttering and gun bursts into laughter, loving how shy tinn can get and the control he has over the taller boy, "i was just joking,"

tinn didn't say anything, but looked away while continuing to eat. "so what are we?" gun asks while staring at tinn's lips. it was slightly pink from eating jumba.


"ouch," gun plopped down on his seat as he places his hand on his chest where his heart is. "i mean what do you want us to be? like don't you think i need to change first so you won't leave randomly again?" tinn mumbles, not looking up whilst poking the shaved ice repeatedly.

shit, gun completely forgot about that. talking with tinn just makes him forget about everything else. but it's his turn to communicate now. his crush is now sitting in front of him and both have confessed to each other. gun isn't going to let his chance of communicating go to waste.

"about that.. you didn't do anything wrong," gun whispers, scratching his neck while looking away — hoping tinn didn't hear that. yes, gun will tell tinn the truth, but he was nervous of how the other will react.

"sorry?" tinn looks up, not sure if he heard that right.

"you didn't do anything! the reason why i broke up is because i couldn't handle the long distance and somehow that made my mental health even worse. i'm so sorry for not communicating with you even though you told me to! i got embarrassed over the reason, so i was scared to tell you and the others!" gun was rambling.

tinn let out a laugh making him choke on the lychee drink he was having. gun tilted his head to side, watching tinn in confusion. "i'm sorry.. it's just.. you looked really cute while trying to do something you find hard to do," he says, taking the tissue gun handed him.

"so you're not angry?" gun softly asks, afraid that tinn will get angry after calming down.

"i was angry when i didn't know the reason, but now? not really." he says with the spoon in his mouth. it's true what he said, tinn can't blame gun for breaking up when he was struggling with his mental health. it happens with a lot of people and tinn understands it can be hard to keep a relationship then.

"but it's all good now that i know the reason. i'm really sorry for being mean to you and everything," tinn said lastly and gun could feel his face heating up. gun loves how caring and understanding tinn still is, even though it was gun that broke his heart and made tinn wonder what he did wrong for years.

tinn is so proud of gun for communicating.

"how about we try again? like getting to know each other again because i'm pretty sure we both have changed over the past years.." tinn suggests. he couldn't stop smiling.

"are you suggesting that we have a talking stage?"

"don't you want to? i know you want me," he smirks and gun rolls his eyes because it's true.

gun wants tinn so badly that it's not healthy, "okay, fine. i know we'll end up dating anyway."

"got a lot of confidence, huh?" gun nods, making kissy lips at him. his hand sneaks its way to tinn's left upper arm and rolls up his sleeve; touching the tattoos with his thumb.

tinn literally got three tattoos that are related to gun. of course, he's confident that they will end up dating.

and, to be honestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora