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gun couldn't believe it.

two and a half weeks later and the exam season is killing gun. he showed up at tinn's house without any notice just because he missed the older one. gun did ask tiw beforehand if anyone (tinn) is home and luckily only tinn and his father are.

a few soft knock on the door and there tinn's father is, standing there with a shocked face. "hello, mr. jirawattanakul. is tinn home?" gun wasn't sure what to call him. it's not like he could call him father anymore? right? tinn's father definitely knew about their breakup and how badly gun broke his son's heart.

"you can just call me father, and yes!" tinn's father is now smiling, like always, to be honest. opening the door wider to let gun in. and gun made sure that tinn's father could see the books he was holding.

"thank you! tinn forgot his books at school so i'm just returning them back.." gun knows damn well that the books he is holding aren't even for med students, but for the students of faculty of music.

"tinn is in his room," tinn's father says, still smiling and going back to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.

while gun hurriedly walks past and up the stairs. it's been a while since gun has been in this house and he is extremely nervous.

he is standing in front of tinn's door right now and gun is clutching the books tightly against his chest. should he just walk in? or knock?

deciding on the first option, gun struggles to twist the door knob and open the door. "yes, da— gun?" tinn's shocked voice says.

gun steps in and uses his leg to push the door back so it closes. "oh, what are you doing here?" the other asks, surprised by his sudden presence.

gun smiles seeing his face. he missed him so much. but he could tell tinn was very tired. tinn's eyes land on the books he was carrying.

he gets up and rushes to help gun carry the books. "why do you have these?" the elder asks. gun raises an eyebrow, watching him place the books down on his bed. "you forgot your books at school, tinn." he says.

tinn's eyebrows furrow from confusion. he can't remember any of the books he took to uni today going missing. he glances down and scans the covers.

a laugh comes out of his mouth upon realising. "when did i become a student of music faculty? i'm pretty sure my faculty is about dissecting organs, not beethoven." his joke earns a laugh from gun too.

"shut up. can't you see i missed you?" he nudges tinn's shoulder. finding him cute, tinn can't control himself to pull the boy into a hug.

"you pretended to bring books back for me in front of my dad?" his face was stuffed in gun's neck, sniffing the boy's usual addictive lychee scent.

"hmm. it's an excuse to see you, baby." gun says, slightly flinching from being ticklish. tinn pulls away from their hug and pinches his cheeks.

"if you missed me, you could've just asked me to call or facetime you." he says.

gun rolls his eyes and takes his hands off his face. "you don't want me here? i'll leave." he mumbles, walking towards tinn's desk to see what he was doing, which was, as expected, studying.

facetiming isn't enough. he wants to touch and be touched by the other. he knows tinn misses him too but can't make time to meet. it's very rare for his mum to not be home and cage him inside.

tinn back hugs him and puts his chin on gun's shoulder. "i wish you were here all the time." he drowsily says, watching gun turn the pages of his book.

"i can't believe you come home from uni and study again. you sound so sleepy, baby." gun's voice laces with worry. does his mum not feel bad, not letting her own son get a break?

"i'm so happy you're here. i was thinking about you." tinn ignored his previous comment. he nuzzles into gun's neck even more. he, in fact, was really sleepy. but spending time with gun was more of his priority.

"am i bothering you?"

tinn turns his body around to make fun face him. "no baby." he states. gun frowns at how tired he sounds, along with his drowsy eyes. he also noticed a few spots on tinn's face.

gun rubs his thumb over them, some over his nose, on his forehead and cheek. "are you even taking care of yourself, tinn?"

"i don't have time much." tinn shrugs. he did notice his skin get more bumpy, it's because lately he's been skipping his night time skincare to head straight to bed after studying.

hearing that, gun takes his hand. "lay down on your bed." he orders before disappearing into tinn's bathroom. since he was exhausted, tinn obliges. a sigh leaves his mouth when his body hits the bed. he's been crouched down in front of his desk for hours and it was really painful.

eventually, when gun is back, he gets up again. he notices the skincare products gun had in his hand. "right now?" he chuckles a bit.

gun nods, getting on the bed next to him and using his hand to push tinn back to lay down again. "let me take care of you. you should rest a little, you know?" he softly says.

tinn smiles at how cute the boy was. he leans up to shortly kiss gun's lips and nods. tinn relaxes on the pillow underneath him, closing his eyes.

gun pours some toner onto his palms and rubs it on tinn's face. his soft hands make tinn breath in. the sensation was so relaxing already he could fall asleep.

"give yourself a break sometimes, baby. your eyes are red." gun's whispers pierced through his ear. he sounded so pretty, tinn had to open his eyes just to glance at him.

"you can just take care of me from now on." he responds, smiling. he closes his eyes back when gun's hand massages the toner over them but he knows the younger rolled his eyes at that.

after the toner, gun rips open a cucumber face mask and gently carries it over tinn's face. he applies it on the boy's face, fixing the corners that got messed up.

tinn inhales the smell. "this feels really good, baby." he whispers.

"don't talk too much, you'll mess it up." gun says. his finger dabs on the mask and smoothes it out until it was perfectly on.

tinn hums since it's all he can do now. the wet mask was cold against his skin, he deeply needed this. he's glad to have a boy like gun who cares about him so much.

"see? it's good, right?" gun props himself on his elbow beside tinn, laying down and staring at his face. he smiles knowing tinn is probably feeling amazing right now.

the elder nods. his hand go down to intertwine with gun's hands and tightly squeezes it. gun uses his free hand to thread it through tinn's soft hair.

he pulls on it and massages it until soon, tinn had completely fallen asleep. although he's sad they couldn't talk much since he came all the way from home just to see the boy, he's happy tinn is getting some rest. he deserves it. they can talk once the boy wakes up anyways.

gun closes his eyes too since he couldn't use his phone or else it would wake tinn up.

gunttapon 2h

barc0re Wrote this chapter 💘he deserves anyrhing even thought he ifnored my text where i told him i was fonna update and then blamed me for updating when he eas the one who didnt see my text?but i still Love him ! vote if u want anrgy sex smut

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barc0re Wrote this chapter 💘he deserves anyrhing even thought he ifnored my text where i told him i was fonna update and then blamed me for updating when he eas the one who didnt see my text?but i still Love him ! vote if u want anrgy sex smut

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