He's Back

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Yui woke in a cold sweat, her hand to her chest as she gasped for air. The nightmares were getting bad again, and they felt so real. He was back, Yui could feel it, and she didn't want to know what he was planning on doing.

Two days after meeting up with Shinsou, they left for Hosu, and the air smelt thick of blood and death. It was humid and miserable and she hated it in this new city. It was awful here.

She wanted to sleep with the windows open, but there was a fear of what was lurking in the alleyways of Hosu. It was dark, and the moon was blocked by clouds.

Yui fell back onto the hotel bed, covering her eyes with her hands as she sighed into the empty room. She could feel the tension in the day to come. His horrible grin haunted her in her dreams.

Chizome Akaguro, her least favorite teacher, vigilante Stendhal, now known as stain, was back, and he wanted blood.

She hoped it wasn't her blood he was after.


Yui groaned, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

"Jesus christ, Shinsou. When did you get so good at fighting with a bow staff?" She spun her own staff in her hands. "Too bad I'm better!"

"You wish!" He grinned, returning to a defensive stance in their spar. "You may have years of training over me, but I, like any good protagonist, have plot armor!!"

Yui grinned at his humor, taking his little break of focus as an invite to attack just as Aizawa used to do for her.

"Rule #1! Say it with me~" She cheered, slamming the butt of her staff into his chest. "Never lose focus!"

Aizawa had left for the day to get briefed on what he was needed in Hosu for, leaving Yui in charge of today's training program. As Shinsou clearly expressed that the bow staff was his weapon of choice, it only made sense that she beat his ass with his own weapon.

He grunted, blocking another one of her relentless attacks. She was too good at this to be sparing with him, but at least he was learning how to lose with grace.

"Let's take five, ok?" She spoke clearly, as her staff pinned him to the ground once more. "You need water and to regroup your focus."

"Yeah, ok." He rolled onto his side as if he was going to go to sleep on the training mats. "Give me like five minutes."

She laughed, and layed down on the ground next to him.

"You could just ask me to go easier on you. I don't have to fight you so hard." She teased, poking his arm.

"I know, but I need to learn." He sighed. "No villain will go easy on me because I asked nicely."

Yui smiled at his drive. Every fiber of her body wanted to have his passion, his dedication.

"You're so fucking cool, it's unfair."

He laughed.

"Only for you."


Yui, Aizawa and Shinsou walked through the muggy streets of Hosu, patrol was a normal part of their internship, and Aizawa was glad that because they were students he didn't have to take them on night patrol.

A loud explosion boomed in the distance, and Yui could feel her heart drop at the revelation that something was starting.

"Let's go!" Aizawa yelled, starting to run in the direction of the fight before getting caught up with some minor league villains. Some minor league villains and a nomu-like creature.

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