Feel again

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I stood up slowly and emptied my body of all my divine power and slayer magic. I combined them with the demonic power and consumed them. I smiled as I looked at him. "Ethereal guardian demonic roar!"

I let out a blast of White and Black flames, surrounded by a golden light and emptied my lungs. It sent him flying backwards. "Divine demon!" I felt myself gain sharp bright yellow scales on my body and smiled. Dragon force. I jumped up in the air and kicked him down to the ground with force that it broke the ground on impact.

I watched him cough a few times and his eyes flickered from red to brown. "Demon rage!"

He stood up and jumped up to me. He kicked his leg up and I swung my leg up and blocked his kick. I hit him in the face with my hands lit up of pure light and let out a loud inhuman scream. He covered his ears and this gave me the opportunity I needed. I punched him several times with no rest and my hands lit up with white flames and golden light.

He coughed and fell backwards, down to the ground below. I took a deep breath and held my hands together, i let out a roar and cast the divinity spell at the same time. "Ethereal dragon roar!"

I floated down to Dire and sat on top of him, straddling him with my legs. My hands touched his head and I screamed in pain as i was struck by his flames. "Divinity!"

He pushed me back and I fell on the ground. I held myself up and growled. "Look at your hands! The power is consuming you!"

His hands were darkening and soon his whole body would turn to ash. If he died, things would go to back to normal for the people, but I have another chance at helping him. I will take it. I am not letting someone die.

"This is nothing." He stated.

"Open your eyes! These flames are eating away at you!" I jumped on him and screamed. "Do you want to lose your life? Do you want to leave this world without seeing your brother again? I can tell you that he cares for you!" 

He went silent and shook his head. "I will take this life and transform into a demon. They have so much power and I need it. I will become the ruler of demons!" he let out a manic laugh and I lost it.

I slapped him across the face and looked him dead in the eyes. "You expect to become a demon king, but at the same time, you will lose every emotion you have! Pain, love, empathy, guilt! it will all disappear!"

He looked at me as the black shadows slowly continued to grow along his body and go to his head. While I was fighting with him, I fought to keep this from spreading. "I cannot save you, if you do not want this!" I screamed. 

His eyes went wide and they filled with tears. "You are losing your emotions as time went on and only felt pain. The pain will go away and you will feel nothing!"

He shook his head and closed his eyes, resting his head. This was him showing me he wanted to be saved and I wasted no time in doing so. I cried out in pain, as I was being burnt by that flames and shadows, but let my blinding light fight the darkness. 

This man lost himself in the darkness and felt nothing but pain when he woke up from my magic. I can not begin to understand not feeling anything, but pain for years. It takes a tole on a person and takes them down the dark path in life. 

"Divinity!" I yelled, as his body absorbed the light and the black disappeared from his body slowly. "Purify and healing ray!"

Just a little more Kaeli. Hold out for a little longer and he will be saved. You will have done your job then. Do not let it go now. Fight it.

I was losing my magic energy fast once i started using healing and purification on him at the same time. I started sweating and closed one eyes having a hard time staying awake. I saw the last of the black and shadows leave his body. Demon particles left his body and turned to ethernano that my body absorbed. 

Kaeli, The Last GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora