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Do I reproach myself for my impulsive utterance that was a little too indulgent? Well, maybe?
No point in trying to alter the past, the words have been spoken.

Sunwoo's eyes were alight with a twinkle, like two shining stars.
He was visibly enthusiastic about it.
His palms began to quiver as he clasped them.

Sunwoo: ❝‎‎Do we truly have a friendship now?❞

I felt my brow begin to moisten. Trepidation began to creep in as I realized the implications of our newfound friendship, the hint of a smile on my face only a mask for my unease.

Elmira: ❝‎‎It looks like our friendship is solidified,❞ I proclaimed with an emotional change of heart.

He jumped up with joy, clasping my hands in his, and started to jump up again, this time with me.
I was befuddled as to why he was so ecstatic for me, when it was supposed to be a punishment.

Ni-ki: ❝‎‎Your immaturity is tiresome, Sunwoo, please desist. We can never be on good terms with someone like her,❞ said Ni-ki who just stopped infront of us and gave me a sneering stare.

I had to scoff when he hinted that my plain appearance disqualified me from being his friend. But watch this: I'm about to show him what it means to have a good time!

Elmira: ❝‎‎Are you saying I don't look like I could be friends with him?

Ni-ki arched his brow. The way his lips were pressed together suggested that he had no intention of speaking, so I assumed he had nothing to say.

Elmira: ❝‎‎I interpret your silence as an answer,❞ I said.

Sunwoo: ❝‎‎Impressive, Elmira! I didn't know you had this side of you,❞
Sunwoo remarked. ❝‎‎Is this the real you?❞

What is he implying? That is my true nature, only revealed when someone is disrespectful.

Elmira: ❝‎‎Yes, but only if someone is unkind to me otherwise I'm not eager to display it,❞ I replied, gazing at him.

Ni-ki: ❝‎‎At first I thought I could tolerate you,❞ Ni-ki blurted out then quickly stopped, regretting his words and letting out a long breath.

The boys shifted their gaze at him.
Some gave him a murderous look, while a few of them simply shook their heads.
I, however, was dumbfounded and couldn't help but squint my eyes and furrow my brow.

He said something at our initial meeting, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen him before.

Ni-ki attempted to extricate himself from the predicament and uttered,

Ni-ki: ❝‎‎What else can I say? You appear like someone I was acquainted with initially; they were friendly, but then a sudden transformation of their disposition happened.❞

My forehead furrowed upon hearing his words. I can tell when someone is being untruthful, and my sibling was no exception. Whenever he would glean information from me, he'd always attempt to hide it behind acts of closeness.

Heeseung: ❝‎‎Elmira, can I talk to you?❞

My gaze was drawn to the unexpected sound of his voice; I saw a handsome young man with dark, curly locks and a zebra-patterned brown shirt.
I observed him from top to bottom; after that I nodded in agreement.

Elmira: ❝‎‎Sure, what is?❞

He motioned for me to follow, so I did and we proceeded through another hidden entrance, plopping himself down in front of the table with a mysterious object atop it, causing my eyes to widen with wonder.

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