Chapter 4: Godzilla

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Chapter 4: Godzilla

It's the day of Ashley's funeral. Jack is dressing himself in a black tuxedo. He heads downstairs. "Alright, you ready for this kiddo?" "Yeah.... I think I can handle it." They both head outside. "We'll take my car." "Sure, let's take your Trueno." They both arrive where the funeral is being held. Michael and Sydney are already there getting out of their cars. Jack and Uncle Ryan do the same. 'Wait, that's the guy who Ashley could never beat.' Sydney walks up to them. "What are you doing here? Ashley hated you." "Well you see. I'm actually her uncle." "Uncle?! Hmph, I guess racing runs in the family." "I guess you could say that." They all walk into the building. Jack stops right when they are about to get into the room where Ashley's coffin is. Tears start rolling down his face and don't stop. "Jack? Do you need to step out for a minute?" Michael asks. "No, I'm good." "You don't need to hide it. I can see you're suffering. We all are. I couldn't control myself when I heard she died." "Thanks man, but I can do this." Jack walks into the room. His other family members are all saying goodbye to Ashley. He says his final goodbye to Ashley. "If only it were me instead of you. If only that damned Grim Reaper didn't ruin everything. I swear, even if it costs me my life. I will get my revenge." Jack clenches his fist and moves on. The burial has begun. They start lowering Ashley into the grave. Jack sits on the ground crying. "Get up you crybaby." Sydney says, giving him her hand. "Thanks, I guess I have become a crybaby. I don't think I've ever cried this much before since my parents died a few years ago." "If you don't mind me asking. How did they die? Ashley never really explained how. She would always dodge the question when I asked so I never pushed it." "A drunk driver hit them on their way home from work. They were both mechanics. That's why my MR2 is super souped up. That's how Ash got her hands on the black Impreza she drove." "I didn't know that. I'm sorry. I can see why you're saddened. Ash was the only family you had left besides other family members of course She was the only friend I've ever felt connected to. Everyone else shut me out of their lives. But Ashley didn't do any of that." "I just don't understand why it had to be Ashley of all people. If it were me instead she would probably be in the same boat." "You're probably right. Ash wasn't known to hide her emotions." They both laugh trying to bring light into the situation. Uncle Ryan walks up to them. "The cemetery owners say we can visit whenever we want." "Aren't other people's loved ones here? Why wouldn't they." "True. Let's go, Jack." "Alright." Jack and Uncle Ryan get into his Trueno and drive away. "Damn, I wanted to talk to Jack some more." Sydney says. She gets in her 2011 Impreza and drives off into the sunset.

Two weeks later:

Jack is leaning against his MR2 when he sees a Black R32 GTR pass by him. "A R32 GTR. The car that was so good they banned it from professional racing. The car that was nicknamed Godzilla because of how dominant it was. The car also appeared in Initial D. It was driven by two drivers in Initial D. Takeshi Nakazato and Rin Hojo. Takeshi is more known because of how bad he was at driving. Rin was nicknamed the Grim Reaper in Initial D. Just his name being that and him driving a GTR pisses me off." Jack gets in his car to do a run on Highway 57. He speeds past cars catching up to the R32. The R32 picks up the pace, widening the gap between them. Jack catches up with him getting right beside the car. The GTR turns on his right blinker and pulls off Highway 57. "Damn, the fucker didn't even want to race. That car had a fierce aura about it. I think it'll be a challenging opponent if we race." Jack notices headlights appear in his rearview mirror. Honshu's car gets right beside Jack. "The same R34?! This time I won't lose to the same car again." Both cars speed along the highway. Jack's car prevails with Honshu behind him. "Where's that NSX buddy of his tonight. Maybe he's just driving solo this time." Honshu sees another pair of headlights appear behind him. "Alright, who the fuck is interrupting our battle. I can't tell what car that is." The car gets right beside Honshu. "The Grim Reaper is here. Time to bring you down once and for all. Your winning streak ends here. I will be the one to beat you." Honshu honks, signaling to Jack that there's another person in the race. "Another car? Damn it seems there's a lot of people on the highway tonight." Jack notices what car is beside Honshu. "It's him, the Grim Reaper is on his home course." James pays no attention to Honshu and zooms past him. He gets right beside Jack and rams him. Jack spins out and does a full 360 degree turn. Honshu slams on the brakes making sure he doesn't hit Jack. The Grim Reaper speeds off into the night. Jack manages to control his car so he doesn't hit the guardrail. Both Jack and Honshu open their car doors and hop out. Honshu has brown hair put in a ponytail. "So you're the driver of that R34 huh." "Yeah that's me. The name's Honshu Rukio, how about you?"  "Jack, Jack Pince. It's nice to meet you." "So you're the famed white ghost. You look young. How old are you, kid." "I'm 17." "17?! Damn, I'm almost 25 years old. You're pretty skilled for someone who's still in high school. When you're my age you might be better than me." "You really think so? I'm flattered but I don't think so. I'm not that skilled. I may be a local legend but I can't compete against people from other regions." "Oh I think you could stand a chance against the competition where I'm from. It's fierce but I think you could handle it." "I'm not sure. It depends on where you race." "I Race on the 24. It's mostly known as the place where the best of the best race." "You race there?! I've always dreamed of being good enough to race on the 24. It's my goal." "Well, Jack. I think you will be able to eventually. I'll see you around. One day we will finally finish what we started here without the Grim Reaper interrupting us." Honshu gets in his car and drives away into the night. Jack does the same.

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