Chapter 18: The world of racing Part 1

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Chapter 18: The world of racing Part 1

Nathan Price is leaning against his stock gray 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS after finishing a few laps around a track. "Professional racing, that didn't even cross my mind before today. I use this car for the track but I don't actually race people. I mainly use it when there's a track day. I race in the circuit sometimes but rarely." Nathan mumbles as a lime green 2012 Lamborghini Aventador with a liberty walk widebody kit and a wing on the back parks beside him. 'A Lambo Huh, not bad if I say so myself. Besides, it is a track day. People can bring whatever they want.' Nathan thinks to himself as the driver hops out. The driver is a woman with a blue and yellow racing outfit, she has short blonde hair and blue eyes. 'She must be a professional if she's wearing a racing outfit.' The woman notices him, Nathan just looks the opposite way. "I didn't even notice you until now." She says looking at Nathan. "Heh, I guess you didn't. Judging by your outfit I presume you're a professional." Nathan says observantly. "Indeed I am, this is my home course but obviously I race on different stages about every week." She checks out Nathan's car. "Nice ride, are you also professional?" "Not at the moment, since it's a track day I decided to take my Porsche out for a spin." Nathan says. "So are you planning on racing professionally?" The woman asks. "I'm thinking about it, racing on the streets has been getting boring due to me not having enough opponents that are challenging. I want to eventually race on the big stage." "Understandable, I used to be a street racer and I got too skilled for the competition. So I moved onto the professional side of things. I don't always win so it's fun having challenging opponents." The woman states "I can understand that, even though I still haven't been able to beat the too racer on my home course as a street racer, I don't think I'm ready to race professionally yet." "What's your home course?" The woman asks. "The akazu skyline." Nathan says. "That's probably one of the most intense and fast paced downhill I've ever raced on." "Yeah, I don't use this car when I race there though. I drive a 2003 Nissan Fairlady Z when I race there." "Interesting choice, I forgot to ask, who's the top racer there now?" She asks. "A fellow named James Rin. He's nicknamed the Grim Reaper. He drives a black 2012 Nissan GTR with a widebody kit, red tinted windows, and red rims." Nathan says. "I feel like I've heard that name before, black 2012 GTR... Nicknamed the Grim Reaper....." She mumbles before coming to the sudden realization. "That's the person who kills people in his races isn't he?" The woman asks. "That's correct, he's still doing it. He killed someone, Two months ago. It was a person who races on Grant Hill Trail(the unnamed mountain the characters usually race on). The cops can never catch the guy because he's too fast." Nathan says. "So that guy is still out there, he was the fastest when I raced and he's only gotten faster probably." The woman says with a frown. "He has, anyways, I'm gonna do another lap around the track. The names Nathan, Nathan Price." Nathan says before he gets in his car. "Emily, Emily Crouch." Emily says with a smile. Nathan turns on his car, the 3.8 Liter Six cylinder twin turbo engine comes to life as he drives off. "He's a nice guy, he's probably around my age and yet he looks so young." Emily says as she hops in her Lambo. The 6.5 liter V12 engine roars from its slumber. She drives off onto the course to also do another lap around the track. "Let's see how skilled this guy really is."


The next morning:

"Hey Jack, I have some exciting news for you." Uncle Ryan says as they are eating breakfast. "Yeah? What is it?" Jack asks in curiosity. "I got permission for you and your friends to use the local track. You can finally see what it's like to race professionally." Jack drops his utensils in shock. "Say.... Say what!" He says in excitement. "Yeah, professional racers will be riding shotgun with you to analyze your technique and tell you the right lines to take." Uncle Ryan says with a smile. "That sounds amazing! You really are an amazing uncle." "Oh come on, your dad used to go to the track every week since he was the mechanic of a professional racer. He sometimes took you with so you should have a good understanding of the course's layout." Uncle Ryan states. "True, but I haven't been there since I was like eight years old. He would take me to watch the races and then when I was old enough I would ride shotgun with him while he street raced." Jack says with a smile upon thinking of his father. 'I didn't even look at the track when he took me
with him.' Jack thinks. "Those were the days, that was when I was undefeated, which I still am. I decided to come back for a while but then go back into retirement from street racing." "So, when are we going to the track?" Jack asks. "After we're done eating, like I said, you can take a few friends with you." Uncle Ryan says with a smile. "Alright, not like they could keep up with me." Jack says with a competitive smirk. "Someone sure thinks they can win. Remember it's just for fun, there's a reason you'll have a professional in the passenger seat. You're there to learn about the professional side of things." Uncle Ryan says with a laugh. "Doesn't mean I can't get competitive." Jack states. "Valid point." Uncle Ryan says with a grin.

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