Chapter 20: Ashley's first battle(backstory)

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Chapter 20: Ashley's first battle(Backstory)

A/N: This backstory chapter takes place three years before the main story.


Zack's black R32 GTR is zooming down the highway. The sound of its howling engine attracts locals. "Goddamn! That R32 is flying out there!" One of the locals says. "You know who that is right? It's obviously Zack Pierce, the fastest racer on Highway 57." The other local says as an unfamiliar black 2012 GTR passes by them tailing Zack. "Another GTR?! By the looks of it, that's an R35!"

The unknown GTR flashes his light's signaling it wants to race. "A R35 huh. So you want to race the fastest here, you're on." Zack says as he speeds up. "Hmph, let's see what you got." The Grim Reaper says as he gets into Zacks slipstream. Zacks slipstream allows James to pull closer to Zack. "This guy is good, I've never seen him before. I can't let myself lose to an outsider." Zack mumbles before James rear ends his car. "What the hell?! He did that on purpose!" Zack exclaims as James does it again. "Hehehe."
James chuckles while he gets side by side with Zack. They approach the hardest corner on Highway 57, James rams the side of Zack's car with his until he causes the R32 to spin out of control. As Zack spins out, James hits the corner of Zack's R32 making him fly into the guardrail. Zack's entire front bumper gets absolutely smashed. The hood gets caved in, the axle connecting the wheel gets damaged as well. "What the fuck?! That could've killed me! Not to mention my car is completely fucked!" Zack exclaims as James disappears from view. Zack hops out while the headlights of a few locals appear in front of him. Two of them were white 1998 Toyota Supra's while the other was a red 1993 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R. "Just fantastic, everyone is now gonna know that I was defeated tonight." Zack says with a frustrated expression. All three drivers hop out and walk over to Zack. "There's no way.... Someone like you was defeated on their home turf?" The driver of the Mustang asks. "Yeah.... That guy played dirty though. He was also absurdly fast, I've never seen that kind of acceleration and speed before. This is gonna cause a major buzz that everyone will be talking about my defeat."


The next morning at the Pince Household:

"Hey Jack, did you hear about the defeat of Zack Pierce on Highway 57?" Jack's dad asks him. Jack's dad has short brown hair and red eyes. "Yeah, every street racer I've seen has been going on about it." Jack says as he sips from his water glass. "Say, how about tonight we head up to the mountain for a little drive." Jack's dad says with a grin. "A "little" drive huh. I already know you're gonna want to race that black 22B that's been making the rounds lately." Jack says with a laugh. "Well.... Yeah, that thing is crazy fast." "Go ahead, that driver never shows their face but apparently they just appear in your rearview mirror and next thing you know they have passed you. That's what Dylan says at least."

"You boys and car talk, it's all you guys ever talk about." Ashley says, taking a seat next to Jack on the counter. "You know our dad is a mechanic for a professional racing team. Of course we're gonna talk about cars." Jack scoffs. "Whatever, it just gets boring. Car this car that, you never talk about racing techniques. Honestly, drifting is the way to go in my opinion." Ashley says. "Drifting?" Both Jack and his dad say in unison. "Yeah, gripping may be the ideal thing to do but drifting takes more skill." Ashley states. "While that's true, gripping through corners is less dangerous." Jack says. "Honestly, it doesn't matter what technique is better. In my personal opinion it's the driver that's more important. If you don't have the skills to pull off such techniques, what's the point in even racing." Jack and Ashley's dad says. "Valid point." Jack says plainly. "Anyways, I'm gonna adjust your mom's STI S209's settings because she has a big race later today. You two on the other hand should get to school. Don't wanna be late." Their dad says with a smile. "Right!" Both Ashley and Jack say as their mom turns on her car's ignition. "Your mother is driving y'all today. Jack, don't get into any trouble will ya?" "What's that supposed to mean?!" Jack says.

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