Chapter 28: The Death Race! Jack's Revnege! Part 1

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Chapter 28: The Death Race! Jack's Revenge Part 1

The intense final battle between James and Jack is just getting started. Both cars continue to tear through the asphalt road of Highway 57 at high speeds with John following them. "Hmph, time to mess with him a little bit." James says as he puts more pressure on the throttle of his GTR to purposefully hit the back end of Jack's MR2.


The hit has little effect, Jack just decides to speed up. "Not like a little hit will affect my performance that much. Nick purposely trained me to not get affected by any sort of dirty trick by hitting my car over and over again. Hits like that have no effect anymore." Jack mumbles as they approach the hardest part of the highway. All three cars instinctively dodge the traffic on the road. Jack changes lanes to pass a semi truck. James stays in his slipstream and does the same. "Goddamn, I can barely keep up with these guys. I'm only keeping up because I'm drafting off James. I'm not really trying anyways. I think I should get serious and blow the Grim Reaper's doors off." John says as he gets out of James' slipstream and gets side by side with his GTR. All three cars enter the hardest turn of the highway, all three of them slightly turn their car's steering wheels. "In this turn people think they can just go full throttle without turning because it gives the illusion that it's a straightaway. But the reality is if you don't turn your wheel ever so slightly you'll crash into the side of the bridge or your car will scrape against the guardrail." Jack says as the three cars clear the turn at over one hundred and seventy miles per hour.


The Grim Reaper hits the back end of Jack's car once again before getting side by side with him. James rams his car into Jack's over and over again. "TAKE THIS! I'LL KILL YOU TONIGHT ON THIS HIGHWAY JACK PINCE! MARK MY WORDS!" James screams out as he still continuously rams the side of Jack's car. Jack's car starts to lose traction.


Tire smoke and the smell of burning rubber fill the night sky as his car spins out. Jack cranks the emergency brake to like he's doing a three sixty degree turn and recovers. His car loses a good amount of speed as James and John speed past him. Jack downshifts into first gear as he steps onto the throttle to get back up to speed. James' backlights glow red as he steps onto the brakes. "The fuck?! Is he slowing down so Jack can catch up?! This is bad, me and Jack need to end this now and fast." John says as he steps on the brakes as well to get behind Jack.

Jack catches up with James, his pop up headlights light up the interior of James' 2012 GTR. "I figured that you would still be able to catch up even after a hit like that. Once we get to the 24, that's where I'll go for the killing blow. But first, we need to get to the end of Highway 57. Once we reach the end, the 24 is not too far off from there." James mumbles as a smirk crosses his face. "If Jack can even survive until then." The roar of all three engines echoes throughout Highway 57. John's four-rotor engine overshadows the sound of both Jack and James' engines. "Damn that rotary engine is loud! I forgot how loud four-rotor's are!" James says. Jack changes lanes to go for an overtake on James. "I'm gonna take your ass down! This will end at the end of Highway 57! We won't even make it to the 24!" Jack yells out as he rams into James with his car. Jack's MR2 already has a few scratches and dents from James hitting his car. Jack's ferocious ramming adds more dents and scratches onto both cars. "Don't you ram me! That's my job you fucking punk!" James yells out as he proceeds to do the same thing.


Meanwhile on the mountain:

Michael is sitting on the hood of his black widebody Toyota Supra RZ. 'Jack's final race should have started by now. He better make it back in one piece.' He thinks as rally headlights on the hood of a car illuminate the final straightaway of the uphill. "Sydney???" Michael says in confusion. The car is revealed to be a 1999 Red Lancer Evolution VI. "Oh great, HE'S here. A former downhill legend. The only rival to Jack's Uncle, a true road warrior. Also known as Sydney's father. What the hell is he doing up here?" Michael observes as the car parks a few spots away from him. Two people hop out, Sydney from the passenger side and her dad from the driver side. Sydney's dad has short gray hair and hazel eyes. He has wrinkles on his cheeks. 'I guess Sydney is up here too. Maybe I should just act like I'm not here.' Michael thinks before he steps on a branch. "You have to be fucking kidding me. Just my luck." Michael says.

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