Chapter 30: A New Day

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Chapter 30: A New Day

One Week after Jack's race against the Grim Reaper, 11:30 AM, Jack's house, New Hastings.

"Summer Vacation, always nice to just go for a walk in this warm weather." Jack mumbles as he looks out his bedroom window. The rays of the sun hit Jack's face and come through the window making him look like a shadowy figure in his darkened room. Another person moves around under his bed covers. Their long blonde hair spreads throughout the bed. Michelle opens her eyes and looks up at Jack's shadowy figure. "Jack??? What the hell are you doing?" She asks with a slight mumble and tired tone. "Just looking out the window. It helps me think." Jack responds before turning around and proceeds to walk away from the window. He sits back down onto the edge of his bed. "I'm guessing you've been thinking about the big race you had a week ago." Michelle says. "I guess you could say that. I've been mainly thinking about what comes next. Since the Grim Reaper has been defeated, what's next? Do I finish school and take over my family's Mechanic Shop? Or something else entirely." Jack says with optimism that whatever career path he chooses, he will still find some future out of it.

Michelle sits up, covering herself with the bed's blanket. She moves next to him at the edge of the bed. Michelle rests her head onto his shoulder. "Whatever path you choose, I will support you no matter what." Michelle says with a smile. "I would've thought so." Michelle moves her head away from Jack's shoulder. She proceeds to put both her hands onto his face. The blanket falls off her revealing that she's only wearing underwear and a bra. Both of them start to touch noses. "Say, how about we go for a little drive." Jack suggests. "Sure, but first let's stay here for a bit longer." Michelle says as she kisses him. She moves in front of Jack facing him and kneels on Jack's lap. Michelle starts to pin Jack down onto the bed. "I love you so much." Michelle says with a gentle tone. "I love you too." Jack says with a smile. Jack turns Michelle over so he's on top, she lets out a playful giggle. "You know, if Cole saw us, he would probably flip his shit." Michelle states with a laugh. "Who cares about your crazy ex boyfriend. He's in jail so you don't need to worry about him for a long time. You are too pretty for him anyways." Jack says. "You're too sweet, that's something I love about you." Michelle says while she turns Jack back over so she's on top again. "Let's go for that drive you mentioned." She says. "Alright, let's go."


12:40 PM, Inner City, New Hastings.

"So Jack, wanna finish that race we had before the cops interrupted it?" Michelle asks in the passenger seat of Jack's GR Supra. "Naw, it's too dangerous right now. It's a wonder that my race against the Grim Reaper even finished without cops intervening." Jack says. "Well, that's because you and James were too fast for them to catch up with you." Michelle says with a giggle. "I guess that's true." Jack says as they come to a stop at a traffic light. People on the sidewalk stop to look at Jack's Supra. "Is it just me or are people looking at us?" Michelle says with a nervous tone. The light turns green, Jack puts light pressure back down onto the gas pedal while the car speeds up to casual speeds. "Yeah, I guess owning a Supra would do that. These cars are somewhat common around here. I wouldn't think that this car would make people stop to look at them. Sporty cars like this aren't that uncommon around here since people street race." Jack says keeping his eyes on the road. The low grumbles of the Supra's Inline Six engine sooth Jack as he and Michelle drive through the streets of New Hastings. "Hey Jack, how about we go for a little walk in the park." Michelle suggests. "Sounds good, I could use a walk. The park is just up the road from here." Jack says with a smile.

Michelle and Jack arrive at the park, Jack parks his Supra in the parking lot. Both of them hop out and start holding hands. They both start to walk through the park passing through a long sidewalk towards the middle where a big fountain laid in the middle. "This park is well managed for what it is." Michelle says. "Yeah, it's probably one of the only parks I go to if I need time to think." Jack has a lot of places he goes if he needs to think. The mountain and this park are the main ones. Him and Michelle start to sit down at one of the benches in the middle of the park. "So, have you finally decided what you want to do once you're done with high school?" Michelle asks as they sit down. "Like I said this morning. I'm not sure yet, you, Michael, and Sydney have already graduated since you guys are a year older than me. I'm not eighteen until September this year." Jack says. He looks up at the sky, the bright sun and clouds show that it's summer time. "I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do." Jack thinks as Michelle rests her head onto his shoulder. "Whatever you do. I'll still love you." Michelle says.


5:20 PM, Ashley's gravestone.

"Hey Ash, it's been a little bit since I've talked to you. It's weird talking to a gravestone, but that doesn't matter. I guess I wanted to update you on what's been going on. So, let's get started with that. I've gotten way better at racing. Nick has been a great teacher, he's the reason I'm much better now than I was when you died. I've also met some other people for the better or worse. I also had a reacquaintance with Dylan. Last time I talked to you I mentioned how he hated me. Let me move onto the big stuff, I beat the Grim Reaper. He will no longer be racing with that GTR of his. Bad news is that I blew my MR2's engine while doing so. But it's nothing to be too sad about. He also blew his engine as well. All that mattered was winning to us that we would risk a blown engine. I officially retired that old MR2, I think it's run its course and should be finally put to rest. That's all I wanted to talk to you about, I'll see you when I get the chance." Jack walks away from the gravestone in the cemetery until he hears something by Ashley's gravestone.

"I'm so very proud of you Jack, keep going with your head held high. I'm sure you'll surpass me one day."

Jack looks behind him and he can make out the figure of a young girl who has long black hair going down to her thighs and red eyes like Jack's. Her gentle smile would make anyone smile back. "I'm probably just imagining that." Jack says as he turns back around and walks back to his car. "It's a big world out there, I still have a long way to go when It comes to street racing. Once I'm done, I want to make a mark so big in the world of street racing that I'm never forgotten."

A/N: Special Thanks to everyone that has read my story until now. Second stage is in the works and will be published soon. I wanted to give a shoutout to two people. Those being its_ya_boi_boredom and dietdoctorpeppers. They're the reason I even decided to make this story and even publish it. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Jack's story will continue eventually. Who knows what the future holds.

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