Chapter 7: Unexpected Battle

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Chapter 7: Unexpected Battle

Trent speeds through highway 57 going past some of the locals on the side of the road. "Holy shit. That car is fast, I couldn't tell what it was." "To me it looked like a Red S30 Z." "Really? It was fast for an old classic like that. Reminds me of the Devil Z from Wangan Midnight." "Are you stupid? Of course any first gen Fairlady would remind you of the Devil Z." They both get their cars to try and catch up with Trent. One of the cars is a yellow 2002 RX7 Spirit R and the other is a red 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X with a Streetfighter LA widebody kit. The Lan Evo's anti lag pops as it speeds through the highway. Trent looks into his mirrors. "It looks like I have some people who have caught up with me. You're on. Even though I'm just doing a casual run." Trent speeds up his car with the Lan Evo not far behind him. The Lan Evo goes for an overtake but fails. All three car's speed down Highway 57. "Enough toying with these guys. Time to leave them in the dust." Trent leaves them both in the dust speeding away. Trent is about to do another run when Jack Speeds past him. "Lookie here. A worthy opponent of The Red Devil." He catches up with Jack getting up to his bumper. "A Fairlady huh. It's red too. Looks like Trent has finally come out to race here." Trent passes by Jack and widens the gap between them. "He's fast but reckless. He could crash if he's not careful." Trent pases the third bridge that crosses the highway. Jack's headlights appear in his rearview mirror. "He caught up with me? I thought I lost him." Jack lines up with Trent. They approach the last corner on the highway and are neck and neck. Jack prevails, winning the race. Trent slows down letting Jack speed off. "Looks like I lost. No worries though, there's always next time."

Zack is sitting in the parking lot on top of the mountain inside his R32 getting ready to do a downhill run. "I haven't raced on the mountain in forever. I wonder who's the fastest up here now." Sydney's impreza is on the last corner of the mountain. She grips all the way through the corner. The roar of her engine catches Zack's attention. "Hmmmm. That impreza shows some promise." Michael's supra is right behind Sydney on the last corner. He hits a full speed drift with zero counter steer. The smoke from the tires fills up the road behind him. They both end their run and hop out of their cars. "You've improved a lot Michael. How often do you practice up here now?" "As much as I can. I'm usually up here every night." "I should really step up my game. Things just aren't the same here with Ashley gone." "I understand. You two were really close friends." "Yeah we were. She was like a big sister to me." Zack turns the key on his R32. The car backfires as he gets started to do a run. "Holy fuck that R is loud." Sydney says. "You can say that again." Michael says. Zack lines up right next to both of them. He rolls down his window. "I have a question for you guys before I start my run. Do you know who's the fastest on the mountain as of late?" "That'd be me." Sydney says before Michael can say anything. 'What am I thinking?! I spoke before I could even think this through.' "Oh really. How about we have a race. Not right now of course. Ten o'clock tomorrow night." "Sounds like a plan. I'll be looking forward to this." "It's settled then. I'll see you then." Zack speeds down the mountain. "Sydney?! What the fuck was that?!" Michael says shocked. "I don't know. The words came out so fast I couldn't think straight." "He just challenged you. You haven't raced in forever. I could race in your place instead if you want." "No need. In fact from memory I was better than you." "Whatever you say. All I'm gonna say is good luck." "Thanks. I'll need it." Michael gets in his supra and takes off down the mountain. "What the hell was I thinking?! I'm obviously not the fastest here. That would go to either Ryan and his Trueno or Nathan and his 2003 Nissan Fairlady Z." She kicks the guardrail in frustration.

The night of the race:

"Man, It's packed tonight. Where should we park Jack?" Uncle Ryan asks him. "Wherever you think is the best spot." "Alright then. I'll go to the place I usually spectate from." The top of the mountain is packed with people. A silver 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS parks in the lot. "Oh great, it looks like Nathan is here. Just what I needed. Looks like he's not driving his Fairlady tonight." Sydney says nervously. He walks up to her. "So you said you're the fastest up here to this guy? Big words coming from someone who can't even beat me." "Oh would you shut it? The word escaped my mouth before I knew what was happening." "I see. Well I'll be cheering for you. There's something you should know about your opponent though. He's a former racer on the highway until he retired about two years ago now. Let's just say he's fast. Faster than me and my Z. His car is tuned to hell. Most people say he's a demon when it comes to the mountain pass." "Well fuck. It looks like I have my work cut out for me, doesn't it." "Seems so. Just do your best." Zack finally arrives at the top of the mountain and lines up at the starting line. "Looks like he's finally here. It's time to show him what I can do." Nathan walks back over to his Porsche. Zack gets out of his GTR and leans against it. Sydney lines her car up with his and gets out. "Looks like we're ready. Let's see how the competition has changed up here." "Alright racers get ready!" They both hop back into their cars. The sound of the engines revving are louder than the crowd cheering. "Here's the countdown! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Go!" Sydney and Zack take off like lightning bolts. "Let's see how the supposed fastest fares against me. Get ready for the fastest downhill you will ever race." Michael talks through his radio to the first checkpoint person. "They both just took off. Get ready to see them closing in on your location fast." *We see them. They just passed us and they're heading into the first hairpin.* Sydney hits a flawless grip run around the hairpin with Zack following her. *They just hit the first hairpin Michael. Sydney is in the lead with Zack not too far behind her.* "Understood. Over." Nathon walks over to Michael. "Looks like we have nothing to worry about after all. I hope." "Nathan? What are you doing here?" "Watching the race obviously. Is that not allowed?" "I never said that. I thought you stopped racing on this mountain." "No, I just race on other passes now. This is still my home course, it's been like that since Ashley beat me here."

Zack goes for an overtake on a straightaway. He passes Sydney with her right on his bumper. *They just passed by checkpoint two. Zack overtook Sydney on a straightaway.* "Understood." Michael says. "This girl is good. But not good enough it seems. Time to get serious." Zack picks up the pace a little. "So you want to speed up. No problem." They both enter another hairpin. Zack drifts through the hairpin while Sydney grips through it. She overtakes him as they exit the corner and takes the lead. *This is checkpoint three to the starting line. Sydney just overtook Zack and took the lead again! She's on fire tonight!* Michael cracks a little smile. "I see. Let's hope she can win." Michael puts his radio away. "Phew. I can finally relax for a bit." Sydney and Zack enter checkpoint four going full throttle down the steepest part of the course. "Jack, I usually pick this spot because it's where the race gets decided. This spot is so steep that going full speed is dangerous." Sydney and Zack pass by them. 'Holy shit. They're really kickin it full speed down checkpoint four. They're brave because right after the steep decline is a tight hairpin.' They enter the hairpin slamming on the brakes. Zack flawlessly drifts through the corner and tries to overtake Sydney. He takes the outside while in the drift and passes her. "Only one more checkpoint and that's the finish line. The rest of the course is straight's with three consecutive hairpins at the end. This race is mine." Zack speeds up on the straightaway's and enters the first hairpin. "I'm gonna lose this. Time to pull out the tofuman gutter run." She takes the inside of the first hairpin doing the famous Initial D gutter run. She gets right up on Zacks bumper but he pulls ahead. "A gutter run eh? Two can play that game." He enters hairpin number two and copies Sydney's technique. She follows him with the same thing. "He copied my technique just by looking into his mirrors?!" Zack goes full throttle into the third hairpin. He grips the inside and widens the gap a little. "The final straight. I won." He leaves Sydney in the dust and crosses the finish line. *This is the finish line to the top! Zack won! I repeat. Zack is the winner!* "I see....." Michael leans against the hood of his supra. "If it were Nathan out there. He would've left Zack in the dust." Michael says getting in his supra. Everyone looks in shock at the news. "I just got word that Zack won. Why do you think that is Jack?" Uncle Ryan asks him. "I don't know much about racing on the mountain pass. But i think it's because of the final portion of the course. The steep decline along with the consecutive hairpins makes it difficult for anyone to win unless they pass the person in front before the three hairpins on the straightaways." "That sounds about right. I don't know how many times I've won by passing my opponent on the straights. After that I dust them in the three hairpins winning the race." "Let's get out of here Uncle. That was one hell of a race." "I agree. Sydney put up a hell of a fight. Zack's car was just faster. He's also a better driver than Sydney." They get in Uncle Ryan's Trueno and descend the mountain.

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