Chapter 12: Bitter Reunion

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Chapter 12: Bitter Reunion

'Time to see what Dylan is capable of. Let's do this.' Jack thinks as he starts to speed down the highway. "Ahhhh, the roar of this engine is music to my ears. The V8 is the perfect combination of power and speed." Dylan says as headlights appear in his rearview mirror. "Who the hell is that? The car has pop up headlights, he's finally decided to show his face. The White Ghost of Highway 57, Jack Pince. Time to show him what defeat feels like." Dylan says as Jack gets up to his bumper. Dylan continues to zoom down the highway with Jack in hot pursuit. "He's still on me eh? Time to leave him in the dust." Dylan speeds up even faster than he was before, leaving Jack behind disappearing as his headlights made afterimages in the night. "He's fast, will I even be able to keep up with him?" Jack questions himself as sweat drips down his forehead. 'I didn't know Dylan would be this good.' Jack thinks to himself as Dylan widens the gap.

"So Nick, where do you think he went?" Uncle Ryan asks. "Honestly, I have no clue. Is he pursuing that Camaro that passed us?" Nick says with a worried expression. "Maybe, I have never seen that car before. Camaro's have good acceleration but their cornering speed is not that great due to how heavy they are. But this isn't a circuit or mountain pass race. This is the highway, which means that the Camaro could give Jack a run for his money." Uncle Ryan says with a frightened look on his face. "Yeah..... Do you think I should chase after them? I'm sure I could keep up with the pace they're going at currently." Nick asks Uncle Ryan. "No, leave them be. If Jack suddenly had to chase after that Camaro it had to be for a reason." "Right, there had to be some reason he chased after it. Knowing Jack he's probably already in a race with it." Nick says. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Jack and Dylan's race continue, Jack lagging behind while Dylan widens the gap even further. "Fuck, he's too far ahead how in the hell will i be able to catch up?!" Jack says in frustration. 'Wait a second, I can keep up. My car's engine is about as powerful as his V8. Since the MR2's engine was swapped with one from a GTR with twin turbo I can kick it out all the way.' Jack thinks as he floors the throttle. "Tch, looks like Jack can't keep up with a Muscle Car in that ancient fossil of a car he's driving." Dylan says with a smirk. Jack's headlights appear through the darkness of night behind Dylan. "Found you. You won't get away that easily Dylan!" "That the fuck?! He's right on my ass! There's no way a car like that can be this fast!" Dylan exclaims with a frown on his face. "Time to show Dylan..." Jack says turning off his headlights doing the Initial D blind attack. "That I'm a far superior driver!" Jack goes for an overtake as they approach the last straightaway on the highway. "He disappeared?! Where did he go?!" Dylan says with a shocked expression. Jack turns his headlights back on illuminating what's in front of him as he passes Dylan. "He did the thing from Initial D?! He's insane, who in their right mind would think that's a good idea." Dylan says. "I did it, I won the race. Not like he stood a chance." Jack says as he lets out a sigh of relief. Dylan follows him as they pull over. Michelle's Mustang passes by them coming to a stop. All three drivers hop out, Dylan walks over to Jack. "I have a question for you, what did you pull just now! Are you insane?! No one sane would think to perform a blind attack going that fast." "Well I kinda instinctively did it. When I was racing against a RX7 Spirit R on the 24, the same thought came to my head." Jack states. 'He's improving, right before us.' Dylan thinks as Michelle walks up to them. "Hey, so it looks like you got dusted by this guy." Michelle says smiling. "M-Michelle, what are you doing here?!" Dylan says, looking away from her red in the face. "I wanted to see what you were up to dumbass." Michelle states. 'I see why Dylan is acting the way he is, he must like this girl.' Jack thinks. "So, back to the subject, long time no see Dylan. What have you been up to lately?" Jack says. "Don't act like we're all buddy-buddy with each other. We aren't friends, so don't think you can ask me that." Dylan says with a frown. Dylan gets in his Camaro and speeds off. 'Damn, I wanted to at least see what he's been up to.' Jack thinks with a saddened expression. Michelle taps his shoulder. "Huh?" Jack says as he turns around. "So you're that White Ghost everyone has been going on about here." "Y-Yeah That's me, a-are you a friend of Dylan's?" Jack asks stuttering. "What's up with you? To answer your question, I am a friend of his." Michelle says. "I see, he seems different. He suddenly hates me for some reason." "Yeah, every time someone brings you up he frowns and walks away." 'What could have I done that made him hate me?' Jack thinks. 'Wait, I know! It's when he still had that red S15 of his when I still raced on the mountain. He thinks I betrayed him by switching to the highway two years ago.' "What's he thinking about?" Michelle mumbles. "Sorry about that, I think I know the reason he doesn't like me anymore." Jack says. "What would be the reason?" Michelle asks. "I think it's because I stopped racing on the mountain. He took it as a betrayal because I started racing on the highway." "I see, maybe I could get him to stop hating you?" Michelle says with a smile. "That'd be nice. Anyways I didn't get your name." "It's Michelle. Michelle Crouch. Nice to meet you." Michelle says, reaching her hand out to shake his. "Jack Pince. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Jack says with a smile. "Well, I should probably get going. I'll see around." Jack says walking to his car. 'A Mustang Shelby GT500. Looks like she also owns a muscle car.' Jack thinks as he gets in his car. He drives off at casual speeds down the highway with his backlights disappearing into the dark of night. 'She's..... She's..... AN ANGEL.' Jack thinks as he smiles. "He's a nice person. Why would Dylan hate him for switching to highway racing instead of doing pass racing." Michelle says as she gets in her Mustang. The V8 engine roars as the ignition is turned on. She starts following Jack without him noticing. Michelle goes casual highway speeds as she drives off into the night following Jack. "Time to see why they call him the White Ghost." Michelle says with a smile.

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