Chapter 10: The heart of highway racing! The 24!

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Chapter 10: The heart of highway racing! The 24!

Sydney is sitting on the hood of her 2011 Impreza at the bottom of the mountain while looking at the night sky after her race against Zack. "I lost, I shouldn't have said I was the fastest. What a joke. That guy was way out of my league. If Ryan raced him, Zack would lose no matter what. If Ashley were still here she would've left him eating her dust." "Are you so sure Ashley would've won?" James says. "You. What the fuck are you doing here?" Sydney says in anger. "I decided to watch you get dusted. The current fastest on the mountain eh. That's funny." James laughs a little. "What are you laughing about?! You killed my best friend!" "It's not my fault she couldn't stay on the road. I just bumped her a little but I guess she couldn't control her car." "You bastard, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WOULD BE ABLE TO CONTROL THEIR CAR AFTER A HIT LIKE THAT." "Maybe, but she wasn't skilled anyways. One less amatuer driver in the world." How- How in the hell could you say that. Get the hell out of here. No one wants you here." "Fine, I was planning on leaving anyway." James walks over to his GTR and drives away. Sydney starts to tear up. "Dammit, when did I become such a crybaby. If only you didn't die Ashley things would be different." She gets in her Impreza and drives off.

"Damn, I didn't realize that my MR2 was so dirty. I guess that's what happens when you drive her everywhere. It's also probably from the rain we've been getting the past few days." Jack says. Looks like it needs a good wash." Uncle Ryan says opening the garage door. "Let's get to work, Uncle Ryan." "Copy that." Both of them wash the car. As they get started Nick pulls in the driveway with his 1992 Toyota Supra. "Look who decided to show up right when we got started to wash the car." Ryan says. Nick opens the Supra's door and hops out. "Looks like you guys are busy, guess I showed up at the wrong time. What a coincidence." "It's fine we're just washing the car anyways." Jack states. "Well there's something that has been making the rounds lately. A new car has been seen on the Highway that no one has ever seen before." "Oh yeah? What car?" Jack asks. "A red 1969 Nissan Fairlady Z. People are saying it's been winning races left and right. Apparently it's only lost one race according to the driver." 'Trent. He's finally showing himself. That one race he lost was against me.' Jack thinks as he scrubs the car. "So it's undefeated? That's a sight for sore eyes on Highway 57. No one has been undefeated here since the Grim Reaper's reign. James has now switched his home course to the 24. His touge course currently is The Akazu Skyline." Uncle Ryan says, draping a rag over his shoulder. "How do you know so much about him?" Jack asks. "It's crazy that you know nothing about his whereabouts today. Almost everyone who remembers him knows his new home courses." "I didn't know about him until a few months ago when Ashley told me he was kind of a myth around here." "I see. I have a question. How long have you been racing on the highway for?" "I'd say probably only about two years now." "TWO YEARS?!" Nick says with a shocked expression on his face. Jack scratches his head not knowing what to say. "Yeah, I've only been racing that long. I started about two weeks before Ashley beat this guy in a maroon 2003 Fairlady Z. I forgot his name but his home course is the Akazu Skyline." "Nathan Price is his name. The man who dusted me and my Trueno on the downhill. I've never felt so humiliated in my life. He's considered the fastest on the mountain currently. Before Ashley died he was second fastest." Uncle Ryan says. "Yeah that guy. Is he any good?" Jack asks. "He's fast. Really fast. His cornering and braking techniques are crazy. Nathan's pedal control is the best I've seen. He dusted me so badly I couldn't keep up with him after the second checkpoint." "Enough chatter. I came here for a reason you know." Nick says, interrupting their conversation. "Oh right. It's time to train again." Jack says. "This time it's gonna be different. Just follow me and you'll see what I mean." "Uhm. Okay." Jack says nervously. Nick gets into his Supra with Ryan in the passenger seat. He puts his car into reverse and pulls out the driveway. Jack follows them not knowing where he's going.

"So Nick. Where are we exactly going?" Uncle Ryan asks. "You'll see. I want you to be surprised as well." "Alright. Are we going to a different highway or something?" "I said you'll see." "Alright Alright. I guess I'll see for myself." They head onto highway 57 but only take half of it before taking an exit. 'So we're not going to the highway? Where could we possibly be going?!' Jack thinks. They get to the destination and Jack is greeted by two cars zooming past him. One was a black 2002 RX7 Spirit R. The other was John Fletcher and his silver widebody 1990 RX7 Savanna. The highway has different paths connecting it onto different routes. Parts are elevated in the air while some of it is on the ground. "Damn, those guys are hauling ass. Wait a second, I recognize this highway. It's the 24! Also known as the heart of highway racing!" Jack says excitedly. Nick pulls over to the side of the road with Jack following him. Both Nick and Uncle Ryan hop out. Jack does the same. "So Jack. Have you figured out where we are?" Nick asks him. "Yeah, It's the 24. I've always wanted to race here." Jack smiles. "Indeed, we are gonna do one race here today. Your opponent is gonna show up soon." The sound of a rotary engine is heard approaching them. 'It's that black RX7 from before.' Jack thinks. The car pulls up behind Jack's MR2. A man with black hair that's put in a topknot man bun and blue eyes hops out of the car. "Long time no see Nick. I thought you were retired." The man says, walking up to Nick. "I am retired from racing. I'm just here to watch you race that guy." Nick points over to Jack who just scratches his head nervously. "Him? He looks too young to be street racing." "Just go through with this. He's a lot better than you think." "Whatever you say, could be fun. I was planning on racing anyway." 'There's something fierce coming off this kid. He's gonna be a tough opponent.' The man thinks to himself. "So, what's your name kid?" The man asks. "It's Jack. Jack Pince." "I'll try and remember that. I'm Josh, Josh Pate. Let's get started shall we." "Alright. I've never raced here before. I've only heard stories about this place, I haven't even seen this highway before." "That's fine. You could do a few practice runs before we actually race if you want to." Josh says. "No need. Let's get started." Jack notices a black R35 GTR pass by him. 'There's no way, HE'S here?! Why now?! It can't be him right? Right?' Jack thinks. "Hey Josh?" Nick asks him "Yeah? What is it?" "I just saw The Grim Reaper pass by us." "Great. Just fucking fantastic. We're still gonna do this race. There's one rule on this highway though. Since it has many lanes on each side and interconnects with other roads. We start out slow and then once we hit the first straightaway we kick it out at full throttle." "Let's roll out." Jack says with a smile.

"My FC is starting to get run down. I wouldn't be surprised if the engine blew during my next race." John says, popping the hood of his car. "I'm gonna have to install a new engine once this one blows. I think a 4 Rotor will be a nice upgrade. Anything other than a rotary engine would be weird inside a RX7." John closes the hood of his car. James pulls up beside him. "Oh great, The Grim Reaper is here." John says as he lets out a sigh. James opens the door to his car and hops out. "What are you doing sitting on the side of the road?" James asks. "Checking my FC for any problems it might have. The engine is getting run down. It could blow my next race if I'm not careful." "Oh really. Sucks to suck I guess." "Shut the hell up. From memory you can't actually beat someone fair and square." "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?! You saying I can't race fairly? I'll show you I can race without playing dirty." "Oh yeah? How about we race here tomorrow night." John hops in his FC not saying anything else and speeds away.

Josh and Jack roll off the curb and start their race. Josh starts with Jack following him. They start to speed up before hitting the first straightaway. Josh steps on the gas pedal almost flooring it. 'Here we go, time for my first race on the 24.' Jack thinks as he floors the throttle. They both speed past some locals. "Looks like Josh is doing another run down the highway." One of them says. "Who's the guy behind him? I've never seen that car here before." Another one says. "He's driving an MR2, you don't think that's the White Ghost who races on highway 57 i've been hearing so much about do you?" The other one says. The RX7 FD and The MR2 enter one of the elevated sections of the highway ascending to higher ground going full throttle. Jack changes lanes to go for an overtake. "Trying to pass me on the elevated section? I don't think so." Josh says shifting gears to speed up. "He's fast." Jack says speeding up to catch up with Josh. Josh keeps on widening the gap. "I can't keep up with this guy. No, I can. We're just getting started." Jack speeds up. "Hm, looks like my speed was too much for that kid." Josh says relaxing a little. They both exit the elevated section going downhill. "Now is my chance! I can pass the FD on the exit to this elevated section!" Jack's headlights appear in Josh's rearview mirror. "What the hell?! He's right on my ass! I suppose I underestimated this kid." Josh says with a shocked expression. Both cars continue to descend into a straight section of the highway. Jack goes for an overtake to no avail. 'I'm gonna pass this guy once we hit the curve coming up.' Jack thinks as they continue on the straightaway. John is on the opposite end doing a run down the highway. "Looks like there's a race going on. I wonder who's gonna win." John says as they zoom past him. The MR2 and the RX7 Spirit R enter the curve. 'Alright, let's try that trick that Takumi used against that one professional from the todo school.' Jack thinks as he instinctively turns off his headlights. His headlights flip down confusing Josh "What the fuck?! He completely disappeared!" Jack changes lanes and passes by Josh. He flips up his highlights at the last second as he passes Josh. "This kid.... He's way out of my league. I lost this one." Josh says, letting up on the gas. "I won my first race on the 24!" Jack says smiling as he disappears from Josh's view speeding into the night.

The next day:

John is waiting for the Grim Reaper to show up to start their race. "He's late, not that I care. I'm gonna dust him anyway. No one provokes the Silver Bullet and gets away with it." John says as James pulls up beside him. "Speak of the devil, he's finally here." James hops out of his GTR. "Let's get started. Any rules or regulations you want for this race?" James asks. "The usual way to do things here." "Copy that." They both hop in their cars with John leading and James following him. Both of them immediately speed up starting the race. "Time to ensure my victory by making him blow that crap rotary. I know exactly how to piss him off." James says as they speed off onto the highway.

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