Chapter 27: Prelude to The Final Battle

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Chapter 27: Prelude to The Final Battle

"And there we have it folks! New racer on the block that's part of the local professional team has won his first race of the season! Make some noise for Nathan Price!" The announcer says as Nathan crosses the finish line. He steers his car into the pitstop area. Nathan hops out of his 2018 Porsche GT2 RS and is greeted by a high five from Emily. "Great Job out there! Glad you decided to go pro finally!" Emily says with an excited smile. "Well, the season just started a few weeks ago didn't it? I thought it would be a great time to finally make my decision. Professional racing is something else." Nathan says with a grin. "It did, but you still knocked it out of the park today. And even on a track you're not familiar with. We only race on our track twice a season because every track is raced on twice every season." Emily says. "I'm still new to professional racing so I don't know the ins and outs yet. I didn't know every track was raced twice a season. Thanks for explaining that." Nathan says as he takes off his racing helmet. "Well that's only for the racing league we're a part of. It's most likely different in other racing organizations." Emily states. "Anyways, let's go to where our team is. They're probably gonna be proud of what I've accomplished today." Nathan says as he walks away from his Porsche towards his new teammates.

"Good Job Kid, you really are more of a natural than me." Yoichi Koichiro says as he leans against his highly modified RX7 FD. "You really think so? You're undefeated sir. I may have gone pro but that doesn't mean I'm skilled enough to actually win every race I'm in." Nathan states. "While that may be true, you'll eventually become faster than Yoichi here in no time if you keep on practicing and getting better." Kozo Rukio says entering the conversation. "I'm flattered you guys think so, I really am, but I don't think I'm really that skilled. I didn't even set out to achieve my main goal as a street racer as of recently. That goal was to finally beat The Grim Reaper in a race. That's something I've never been able to accomplish before." Nathan says. "Who cares about that guy, would you really want to risk your life trying to beat one racer or would you rather race on a bigger stage that isn't the streets." Emily says. "You're right, someone else tonight will take that bastard down. He's probably the only one who can do it." "Who's this said person you're talking about?" Emily asks. "You know him, he drives a white 1989 Toyota MR2 that has a RB26 twin turbo engine swap. His name is Jack Pince."


Meanwhile at Jack's house:

Jack is seen in his garage working on the MR2 that has made him well known in the street racing world. "You're really set out to do this? I don't know what I'd do if you got killed during this race." Michelle says with extreme worry in her voice. "This has been my goal since Ashley died. I'm not backing down now or ever, I WILL take down the Grim Reaper once and for all." Jack says with a serious expression. "Oh really, you might need more help to take down a racer of that caliber." Michael says standing with Sydney while his black widebody Supra RZ that also has a ducktail wing and a carbon fiber hood parked on the side of the street. "Michael? Sydney? What are you two doing here? I thought you guys were out on an all day date or something." Jack says in confusion.

"Well... We wanted to see what you were up to today. It is the day of your big race and all. Me and Michael also had a request, we want to join you in the race against The Grim Reaper." Sydney says. "No, I can't let you do that." Jack says with a serious tone. "Why not?" Sydney asks. "Because, I don't want anything to happen to you guys. That includes you too Michelle." He says. "But we want to help—" "NO!" Jack interrupts Sydney. He slams the hood of his MR2 shut. He sighs. "I don't like repeating myself. I don't want you guys to get hurt. I couldn't live with myself knowing I was the reason you guys either died or something else happened to you." Jack says having his back turned to everyone while he has his hands on the back end of his car. The three see tears start to fall down onto the rear wing of Jack's car. "Hey Jack? You okay?" Michelle asks. He turns towards her. "D-Does it look like I'm okay?! I-I just don't want to lose anyone else." Jack says with a saddened tone while his voice starts to break. Michelle rubs Jack's tears away with her finger. She then hugs him, he does the same back. "You don't have to worry about anything. If you don't want me to join in on the race I won't do it. All you have to do now is beat the Grim Reaper so bad he won't know what hit him. Make sure to blow his doors off." "Yeah, I'll try to do that. No promises though."


10 PM, Highway 57, New Hastings.

Jack is leaning against his MR2 as he hears the sound of a V6 engine coming near. "He's here, it's finally time to get my revenge." Jack says. A pit forms in Jack's stomach as the loud of the engine draws nearer. His nerves can't control themselves. A pair headlights of a car appear coming the opposite way of the sound of the V6 engine. The sleekness of the silver body makes the car recognizable. The iconic pop-up headlights and the humming of the car's four-rotor engine. "Is that a FC?" Jack observes as the car comes to a stop near him. The driver hops out, it's none other than John Fletcher. He walks over to Jack. "Hey there, I just wanted to say good luck on the race tonight. Kick his ass for all of us." John says. "Oh yeah, I also wanted to say that I'll be spectating from behind you just in case something bad happens." John adds. "Alright, let's take the Grim Reaper down together." Jack says as the headlights of the Grim Reaper GTR appear. "It's time, let's do this." John says. James parks his car behind Jack's and hops out. "I'm here, are we still doing what you requested?" James asks. "Yeah, let's get this show on the road. Once we hit the first straight part we will kick it out at full throttle. I'll lead, and you follow." Jack says. "Sounds good to me, let's go." Both James and Jack hop back inside their cars. John does the same and lines up behind James.

Jack puts pressure onto the gas pedal, his car slowly moves forward. 'This is it, this is where I bet my life in a death race.' Jack thinks as the intimidating front end of James' car slowly moves forward along with him in a sort of synchronized manner. "Heh, time to take out Jack once and for all." James mumbles as the three cars approach the first straightaway of the Highway. James does his usual sinister smirk as Jack enters the first straightaway. Jack puts the full weight of his right foot on the gas pedal. The sudden acceleration sets him back into the bucket seat. His car's RB26 engine roars as the tachometer hits the red zone. He uses his left foot to clutch as he lets off the throttle a little before upshifting gears. All James has to do is click the paddles behind his wheel to downshift and upshift. He clicks in the right paddle to upshift his car. Now the car's have sped through the first straightaway into the darkened highway.

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