Chapter 29: The Death Race! Jack's Revenge! Part 2

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Chapter 29: The Death Race! Jack's Revenge! Part 2

10:15 PM, Grant Hill Trail, New Hastings.

"GO SHOW HIM HOW THE COMPETITION HAS CHANGED UP HERE MICHAEL!" Sydney yells out as both car's start to speed down the mountain. "Show my father that he was never a good driver. Show that asshole that you are better." Sydney says.

Michael is sticking to the Evo 6's bumper like super glue. "Damn! This Supra is right on my ass! He must have over 900 horsepower under the hood. My Evo has been tuned to produce 844 horses." Sydney's dad thinks as they enter the first corner. Michael steers to the outside and then back in to perform a feint drift while the Evo 6 decides to grip through it.


Michael graciously drifts through the corner at high speeds. The Evo accelerates widening the gap further upon exiting the first corner. "Man! This guy is fast! No wonder he was a rival to Jack's uncle." Michael thinks as they enter a long straight section with mild curves before it turns into a hairpin that's before checkpoint two. Michael's 2JZ engine roars as the backfire pops constantly. He has a race exhaust pipe making the car even louder than it should be. The Anti-lag adds onto the loudness of Michael's car. The Evo 6 is equipped with a race exhaust and a Anti-lag system. Both cars tear through the asphalt road while their engines echo throughout the entire mountain pass. Anyone within a one mile radius could hear the intense race that has just begun.

They approach the hairpin, Michael goes to the inside of the turn before letting off the throttle completely. Michael passes by Sydney's dad. He aggressively steers the opposite way before lightly tapping the brakes. The shifting of weight makes his car rotate to outside of the hairpin. He then turns into the hairpin and applies full throttle. His car breaks out into an inertia drift as he applies countersteer. He exits the hairpin at full speed with the Evo 6 following behind him. Both cars enter checkpoint two, Sydney's dad comes out from behind Michael and applies more pressure onto the throttle. "An overtake?! And now of all places?! I just passed you and you're already trying to pass me?! I guess he's not going down without a fight. I'll follow behind him for a little bit and then I'll make my move at checkpoint three." Michael says. The headlights of both cars light up the mountain road of the approaching corners. An S-Curve appears from the darkness, both Michael and Sydney's dad grip through it at high speed. "We're close to checkpoint three, that's where I can take him out and win the race." Michael thinks as sweat starts to go down his face. "Damn, What is this pressure, is it because I want to win for Sydney?" Michael mumbles as they approach the long sweeping hairpin that is checkpoint three. Pulls out of the Evo 6's slipstream and takes the outside to the entrance of the hairpin. He heel and toes and while moving his right hand down onto the shifter and downshifts. His car breaks out into a slide and he drifts through the outside line. Sydney's dad takes the inside, Michael has him boxed in so he can't do anything. "Fuck! Shit! Fucking Fuck! He has me boxed in! I can't do anything!" Sydney's dad says. They travel through the long hairpin, and Michael overtakes the Evo 6 at the end of it. "Shit, we didn't even make it to the three consecutive hairpins. This kid, he's something else." Sydney's dad says as he slows down. Michael does the same but pulls a J-Turn and immediately ascends the mountain.

Michael makes it up to the top and parks on the side of the road next to Sydney. He opens the door to his Supra and hops out. Michael is greeted by a big hug from Sydney. "Did you win?" She asks. "I did, I beat him pretty badly too. The race only went to the checkpoint three hairpin." Michael says. "I'm so glad, how about we go to the usual cafe for some coffee." Sydney says. "Sounds good to me."


10:25 PM, Inner city, New Hastings.


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