Chapter 24: Extreme Calm Before The Storm Part 1

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Chapter 24: Extreme Calm Before The Storm Part 1

It is two days before Jack and The Grim Reaper's final face off. The sound of a 3.0L inline six cylinder engine can be heard echoing through the mountain pass. It turns the once peaceful night into one full of anguish.


The unknown car drifts through a corner as it's revealed to be a white 2020 Toyota GR Supra. The car speeds through the mountain pass at incredible speeds. The driver enters checkpoint three, also known as the longest hairpin on the course. They downshift with the paddle shifters as they heel and toe shifting the weight of the car.


The Supra drifts through the corner so elegantly it's like the cars floating through it. "Damn! I've never seen that car here before! It's beautiful and sleek, giving it a menacing vibe upon looking at it." A local says as the Supra passes by them in the opposite lane to avoid crashing when exiting the hairpin. "That thing was fast, whoever the driver is I definitely wouldn't want to face them. If it's doing a run does that mean the other locals aren't here yet? Or maybe they're waiting to start the usual practice sessions we have." The local mumbles as they continue up the mountain.


The white Supra drifts through a corner as it gives off a menacing aura to anyone that lays eye contact with it. The driver notices a bunch of cars approaching them, more than what they expected too. "Fuck, it looks like I'm gonna have to wait to get a full run in with this new car." Jack says as he pulls over to the side. "This thing is fun, I can't believe I even have such a car right now. Like I said to Dylan, I wanted something more modern." Jack says as the convoy of cars pass him.

"IS THAT A SUPRA?!" Michael exclaims as he passes the car. "It's the GR Supra too, I've never seen one on the road before. I wonder who the driver is." Michael says as all the locals in his convoy including Sydney's Impreza continue to the top of the mountain. "Hmmmm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to show up at the top and surprise everyone." Jack says with a smile as he starts to ascend the mountain without anyone seeing him following the convoy of cars.


All the cars arrive at the top of the mountain oblivious to Jack and his new GR Supra behind them. Jack is decently far behind them so they don't notice him. The convoy of cars starts to park in the parking lot in their usual places while hopping out of their cars. Everyone's attention is caught by the sound of a particular white GR Supra that parks on the side of the road instead of in the parking lot. "Hey look, it's that Supra we passed." One of the locals observes. The driver hops out and leans against the car, everyone gasps in shock upon seeing Jack hop out. "J-Jack?!" Michael says with his jaw dropped. "No way.... since when did Jack own a fucking GR Supra." Sydney states. "He did mention something about getting a new car. Who would've thought it'd be a Supra. I thought it would be the SW20 MR2 just because it makes sense." Michael says while walking over to Jack.

"You know, you are welcome here. You can park in your usual spot." Michael says, greeting Jack. "I know, but there's a few more people who are coming tonight." Jack says as three pairs of headlights appear coming up the mountain. Two the car's V8 engines roar like some kind of untamable beast. "Is that a Camaro ZL1?" Michael asks. "It sure is, and you probably know who's driving it." Jack says with a smile. The second muscle car is Michelle's 2020 GT500, the other car behind her is none other than the Blue Comet himself in his 1992 Toyota Supra. "Holy crap, that's the Blue Comet. He's actually gonna be practicing with us?!" Michael says with an excited smile. "Sure is, I will of course be joining you guys as well. My uncle decided to sit this one out. So I asked Nick to come with me, Michelle, and Dylan." Jack says as all three cars park behind Jack's Supra. "Hooooo Boy, this is gonna be a fun night." Michael says with a smile. "Are we doing what we usually do up here?" Jack asks. "Yeah, we'll hold the practice runs in groups like usual. The fastest racers going first." Michael says. "Alright, I assume I'm in the first heat?" "Actually, since you haven't raced up here in a while. The times of some racers have only gotten faster than your fastest time." Michael states. "I see, so who has the fastest current time right now." "Believe it or not, it's actually Sydney. She almost set a course record of three minutes and fifty seconds. Which was set by a certain Blue 92 Supra." Michael says as he looks at Nick. "What?! It's not my fault you youngins can't beat my course time." Nick says with a smirk. "Also, I was only fifteen seconds off. Ashley got three minutes and Fifty five seconds when she tried to set a course record." Sydney says. "How about we get started with these practice runs yeah?" Jack suggests. "Sounds good, let's get things rolling." Michael says with a grin.

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