Chapter 22: Restoring a downhill legend

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Chapter 22: Restoring a downhill legend

It's the morning after Honshu and Rye were killed during a high speed chase. Jack is watching an old video of Ashley's black 22B passing Dylan's S15 by drifting through the outside line in her second ever official race. "If only you were here right now. I've decided to restore your Impreza that's been sitting in the mechanic shop's garage since you died." Jack mumbles as he sits up from his bed shirtless. Michelle is laying next to him under the covers with only her bra and underwear on. 'Let's get started shall we, I'll let Michelle sleep some more.' Jack thinks as he puts on a shirt and sneaks out of his room.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." Uncle Ryan says teasingly as Jack gets downstairs. "It's Saturday, that means I can sleep in." Jack states. "While that may be true it's almost noon." "Anyways, I've decided to restore Ashley's 22B to its former glory. Since I quit racing I now want to work in the shop." Jack says with a slight grin. "Restore it? Restore it how." Uncle Ryan asks. "Well, I want to get it back into working order. I'm thinking about giving it to Michael or Sydney since they were close with Ash. I'm heading out now to get started, help would definitely be appreciated." Jack says as he walks towards the front door while grabbing the keys to Ryans Trueno. "You wouldn't mind me taking your car right?" He asks. "Fine by me, just don't wreck it." "Who do you think I am?! I'm not my dad who would blast eurobeat in that old pile of garbage trying to drift every single corner." Jack says as both of them start laughing.

Jack hops in the car and turns on the ignition, the engine howls as the anti lag begins to backfire constantly. He presses his right foot onto the throttle and slowly drives out of the driveway. "Damn, he's really upgraded this thing to it's max huh. This thing pushes out over 322 horsepower just with its stock engine. Or that's what Uncle Ryan claimed. He also put an advanced stereo in here along with some bucket seats. This thing also has a roll cage too. My car obviously has a roll cage too but this thing is impressive for a car from the early 80's." Jack mumbles. He plugs the aux cord into his phone and shuffles his playlist. Ashley by Green Day starts playing as he drives off towards his family's mechanic shop.



Dylan is driving down highway 57 for an afternoon drive. "Damn, Michelle hasn't messaged me in forever. It worries me that something bad happened again." He mumbles as the sound of a 4AG engine is heard behind him. "That's one loud engine, by the sound I think it's a 4AG engine. Maybe an Eight-Six?" Dylan says.

"Dylan, looks like he's out and about right now. I wish he didn't hate me for abandoning mountain pass racing." Jack mumbles as he gets side by side with him. "It was an Eight-Six after all. Wait, I recognize that color, it's Ryan Pince's Eight-Six." He notices Jack in the driver seat. "Jack?! What's he doing driving his uncle's car?!" Dylan exclaims as Jack pulls off the highway at the nearest exit. "Damn, looks like he didn't recognize my car. Most likely did but didn't pay any attention to me. I wish he didn't abandon pass racing for the highway. Those were the good days." Dylan mumbles as he continues down the highway.


Dylan hears the sound of a rotary engine with anti lag behind him as Yoichi's 1997 RX7 FD passes by him. "That's one killer looking FD, I'm sure it's not road legal by the looks of it. Maybe that's a professional driver on his way to the track. I think there's a race today, might check it out." Dylan observes as Yoichi drives away from view.


"You're late again Yoichi! How many times do I have to tell you to be on time?" Kozo Rukio says as Yoichi hops out of his White FD parked next to Emily's Verde Ithaca Aventador. "Sorry guys, I slept in too late again. It's not like I'm racing today anyways." Yoichi states as Emily lets out a giggle. "While that may be true we still have a race today. Our team represents this entire area, don't forget that." Kozo says with a grin.

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