Chapter 25: Extreme Calm Before The Storm Part 2

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Chapter 25: Extreme Calm Before The Storm Part 2

Michelle and Jack's battle continues. Both cars are approaching the first of the three consecutive hairpins. Jack puts more pressure onto the throttle with his right foot as he accelerates before having to upshift with the flick of the right paddle behind his steering wheel. "Not bad babe, but it's not gonna be long before I pass you!" Michelle says as both cars enter the first hairpin. Both of them hit the brakes, the Supra and the Mustang Grip through the hairpin.


The tires of both cars squeal a little before they exit the hairpin into a short straightaway. Both cars accelerate out of the turn going through the short straight before having to hit the brakes. Jack downshifts and heel and toes before entering the second hairpin. His car brakes traction before initiating a slide.


His car drifts through the hairpin while Michelle maintains her tires grip on the asphalt road. "He decided to drift through this corner while gripping the last one? He really likes to alternate between the two different styles. You have an interesting style of driving. It's cute." Michelle observes as they approach the third and final hairpin of the three consecutive hairpins. "Time to be a showoff." Jack says with a smirk. He presses the emergency brake as his car starts to slide before entering the turn purposefully spinning out. He puts his car into reverse as he does a reverse corner entry. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Michelle exclaims as Jack continues through the corner in reverse before turning his car back around.


"So you're telling me that Jack did a reverse entry into the third hairpin and controlled his car through the whole hairpin?!" Sydney says with a shocked expression. "To sum it up, yeah, he did." Michael says with a smile. "He has to have a screw loose to even think of such a thing." Sydney states. "This is Jack we're talking about here. He hasn't been known to be the most cautious driver. Have you seen him on the highway? He sometimes drives at full speed in between two cars when he could've just avoided them entirely." "You have a point, it's not like he's ever been terrified of driving at speeds like that."

"You two are actually talking without debating driving techniques." The local who drives the red 2013 GT86 that was in the first heat during practice runs says while walking up to them. "Ah, if it isn't mister Satoru. The one that can't seem to beat Michael." Sydney says with a grin. "Heh." Michael snickers. "Hmph, Not like I could beat someone that is light years better than me." Satoru says. "Well, you're good enough to be part of the fastest people up here." Michael states. "True, but we all know that the fastest up here is Nathan. Sydney may have surpassed his fastest time but he is still better." Satoru states. "True, but I still have a faster time now. Plus he doesn't race here often anymore. He's basically a professional at this point but apparently has no interest in driving professionally just yet." Sydney says. "So, are you two actually friends now?" Satoru asks. "We always have been, we just don't agree with each other's driving techniques." Michael says with a smile before holding Sydney's hand. "I see, so that's how it is huh." Satoru says.



Jack and Michelle are exiting the tight hairpin at the bottom of the steep decline that is checkpoint four on the downhill. Both cars start to climb the steep hill upwards. 'It's crazy that we're not even halfway through the uphill. I've gotta keep my concentration up. I'm gonna make my move during the transition to the downhill.' Michelle thinks to herself as they approach the top of the steep hill. "Michelle will most likely make her move on the downhill. I'll make sure to be ready for it." Jack mumbles as they get to the top of the hill exiting checkpoint four.

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