Chapter 9: Ashley's "toughest" opponent Part 2(backstory)

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Chapter 9: Ashley's "toughest" opponent Part 2(backstory)

"Alright! Here's the countdown! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" Sydney says as her hand moves downward. The two cars start the race. Sydney watches them pass her as they go down the mountain. They hit the first corner, Nathan drifts through it with Ashley doing the same. "Ashley just drifted through the first corner! She usually never does that!" A spectator says. Ash is glued to Nathan's bumper. "Damn, she is stuck to my bumper like super glue. I've tried to shake her off my tail but it doesn't seem to work." Nathan says nervously. They enter another hairpin with both of them drifting through it almost in sinc. The checkpoint person clicks their radio to inform the top. *This is the first checkpoint, Ashley and Nathan just passed us. They both drifted through it in tandem. I've never seen two cars get that close without touching before.* "Got it." Sydney says through the radio. Both cars are neck and neck, Nathan not giving up an inch with Ash behind him. They enter checkpoint two. 'Since this checkpoint two is a straightaway i can maybe overtake him.' Ashley thinks. Ash and Nathan continue their descent down the pass. Nathan tries to pull ahead but Ashley is still glued to his bumper. "Shit! She's a persistent one. I might lose this thing in one run. No! Don't think like that Nathan. I can win. I know it!" Nathan says. He enters checkpoint three and grips through it. Ashley does the opposite, hitting a perfect drift through the hairpin. *They just passed checkpoint three! None of them are giving up an inch! This race might last longer than one run!* "Understood. Let's hope Ash can win this!" Sydney clicks her radio and sits on the hood of her Impreza. Both of the cars enter the straight before checkpoint four. Nathan and Ashley enter checkpoint four at full throttle. They descend the steep hill and enter the tightest hairpin on the course at full speed. Ashley and Nathan hit the brakes while shifting down their cars and drift through the corner. *I can't believe what I'm seeing! They just entered checkpoint four and the tightest hairpin at full throttle!* The person at checkpoint four says to the top. Nathan and his Fairlady pull ahead on the straightaway that enter the three consecutive hairpins. Nathan enters the first hairpin with Ashley catching up to him while going into the hairpin. Both of them pull off perfect four wheel drifts. "The final stretch. Looks like this race might head into another run." Ashley says. Both cars enter hairpin two. Ashley drifts while Nathan grips through it. "Damn, I thought I would finish this on the first run. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. She's good, like really good." They both end the first run and gear up for another one.

They get started to do another downhill run. "Goddamn, how many runs has it been? Like five?" Ashley says. "Looks like this race will head into another run. Who do you think will win Sydney?" Michael asks. "Ashley has this in the fucking bag. She has been on his tail throughout all these runs." "I don't think so. From what I've seen, Nathan hasn't been giving this his all. It's almost like he's been toying with her." "You really think so?" "Yeah, I think he's been letting her stay on his bumper. He's trying to drag this out as long as he can. It's a battle of endurance, the winner will be decided when one of them gives out." "I see, let's get this sixth run underway." "I think before we get this one started we should refuel the car's tanks." Michael says. "Good idea." The cars get refueled and get ready to start the sixth run. "Here's the countdown!" Jack says, raising his hand. "Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Go!" 'Looks like Ash is leading again. I think I've lost count of how many runs we've done.' Jack thinks to himself as the two cars start their run. "My tires are absolutely shredded. I think they will last at least two more runs." Ashley says as she enters the first corner.

"The sixth run huh. I would've never thought that Ashley would last this long." James(The Grim Reaper) says looking downward at the road while he hears tires squealing in the distance. "Hey James. I didn't know you were here watching this race." Paul says walking over to him. "Yeah, I like to see how the competition has changed since I left here to race on the Akazu Skyline." "You race on the most dangerous and fast paced touge courses and you still come back to this basic ass course." "I do, this was my home course about a year ago. It just got too boring so I decided to try out other courses." "Valid point. I don't do Touge races as you know, highway races are more my style." James leans against his GTR. "So Paul, when are you gonna battle against me? I haven't actually seen what you're capable of." "Soon hopefully. Let's do it on your home course." "Highway 57 I presume. Once you're ready, I'll be waiting for you there." "Copy that. I'll be ready soon enough." They both watch Ashley and Nathan pass by them. 'She's sure improved a lot, last time i saw her face to face she couldn't drift at all.' James thinks as both cars approach the third checkpoint.

The sixth run didn't decide a winner. "I think it's time for me to actually finish this and show Ashley what I'm capable of. Enough messing around, this next run I'm the lead. I'll give it one hundred percent and leave her in the dust." Nathan says. Ashley and Nathan start the seventh run. Nathan pins the accelerator almost immediately. "Let's see if you can keep up. Most of the time people spin out or crash when I go all out." Nathan says entering the first corner at full speed. "A full speed sprint downhill?! He's insane. Well two can play that game." Ashley steps on the throttle even further than usual. She full speed drifts through corner one and catches up to Nathan. "Damn, she's going through with a full speed downhill run. This run will probably decide the winner. I'm not going to lose to some chick in a 22B." Both cars speed past the crowd as they enter checkpoint two. Ashley changes lanes to attempt an overtake. "She's trying to pass me?! It's a little early for that." The Fairlady and The 22B exit checkpoint two into a hairpin. Ashley takes the outside. "You're taking the outside?! I don't think so." Nathan says. Ashley cuts back into the inside line, she dips her wheels into the gutter and overtakes Nathan. "The bitch passed me. Not for long will you keep the lead." Nathan shifts up his car going faster than the pace was before. He gets right up onto Ashley's bumper. *This is checkpoint two to the top. Ashley just overtook Nathan in the hairpin exiting the checkpoint. Ashley has the lead! I repeat, Ashley has the lead!* "That's amazing! She might win this race!" Sydney says through her radio. Michael cracks a smile. "Somehow I knew she would overtake him sooner or later. It was just a matter of when." Michael says. The Fairlady Z and The Impreza approach checkpoint three. "We're about to enter the longest hairpin on the course(checkpoint 3). I can pass her there and take the lead again." Nathan says. They enter checkpoint three. Ashley heel and toes while downshifting her car. She starts to drift through the hairpin. Nathan follows her lead but takes the outside passing her. "What?! He took the outside line and passed me." Ashley says shocked. Nathan speeds away down the mountain. Ashley speeds up, she catches up with him as they enter checkpoint four. Both cars descend down the steepest part of the course and enter the tight hairpin at the bottom. Nathan and Ashley parallel drift through it, almost crashing their cars into each other. "I can't believe it! They're parallel drifting through the tightest hairpin!" A spectator says as the crowd cheers. They approach the three hairpins. Nathan hits the brakes and enters the first hairpin. Ashley brakes as little as possible entering at full speed. She takes the inside doing the Initial D gutter run around the corner. She almost overtakes Nathan but he accelerates out of the hairpin and pulls ahead. Nathan and his Fairlady enter the second hairpin. Ashley and her Impreza are not too far behind him. Nathan grips through it while Ash gutter runs. Ashley goes for an overtake and succeeds. "Dammit! I won't be able to pass her to win. It's over, I lost." Ashley speeds into the third hairpin with Nathan chasing her. "I won't go down without a fight!" Nathan says. Ashley speeds up on the last straightaway. Nathan lets up on the throttle. "Looks like I won. That was one hell of a fucking race. He's probably my hardest opponent I've actually beaten. I was giving it my all the entire race."

*This is the finish line. Ashley passed Nathan on the second hairpin and won the race!* "ALRIGHT! I KNEW SHE COULD DO IT!" Sydney says yelling through the radio. The entire crowd of spectators starts cheering. 'I knew you were gonna win. I'm proud of you sis.' Jack thinks as he leans against his car while smiling. Ashley and Nathan get to the top of the mountain. Aah parks in the lot. She hops out and is greeted by a hug from Sydney. "I knew you could do it. You're just too good. No one has been able to beat you for about a year now Ash. You should be proud of yourself." Sydney continues her embrace. "You can let go now Sydney." Ashley says. "Nope. I don't think I will do that." "Alright then, I'm fine with it." "I didn't know yall were like that." Michael says jokingly. "You know it's not like that Michael." Sydney says as she lets go of Ash. "I know, I'm just giving you a hard time." Jack walks up to them. "Good job sis." He says giving Ash a high five. "Thanks, I appreciate my little brother actually acknowledging my downhill skills." "You know the mountain isn't my thing." "Yeah, you race on the highway or whatever." "Well, I'm gonna head home. I guess I'll see you there Ash." Jack walks away and hops in his MR2. The engine roars as the exhaust backfires. He descends the mountain disappearing into the night.

Fluctuating Lights: First Stage जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें