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BløødLust stands up abruptly as her eyes glow purple and blue, startling the other pastas. They've never seen or felt this power from her.
"Power down!" The voice on the intercom sounds as the pastas cover the ears. The angel snaps her head in the direction of it and lifts her hand sending a powerful wave of power towards it. This blast caused the scientists to all shoot back and the base to go into red code alert.

Ciel and Sebastian walk towards the armed guards before being shown into the building.
"Thank you for coming." A red headed scientist catches their attention. "My name is Kim. I am head scientist and researcher here. I have so many questions for you two but first." She snaps her fingers as guards put a chain-like bracelet on Sebastian.
"What the hell?!" Ciel snaps as he can feel his butler lose power. They exchange looks before snapping their eyes back to Kim. "What did you do that for?" Ciel asks again before his glare returns.
"He's a demon. Yes he may be bound and obeys you but we can't take chances. Especially when we have so much at stake here." She turns and swipes a card against a lock as it opens. "Welcome to the S.C.P Foundation. Where we monitor abnormalities in our world and contain them here. We learn what we can. Follow me." She walks through corridors finally she reaches another locked door and opens it. "This is where we keep our safe containments. These anomalies are like I said safe, just not safe enough to keep humanity from questioning things that they cannot understand. To keep the peace, so to say. They don't ask questions, we don't lose our funding." They keep walking until they reach an elevator where she swipes her keycard again. They get in and she presses the button 'b2'. They descend as they begin walking through another hallway. This is we keep our Euclid anomalies, the more confusing but safe. They change abnormally and require more attention due to this." They finally make it to the 'final' level, Keter. "This is where we keep the dangerous and unpredictable or predictable anomalies. They're dangerous so we buy death row inmates or very bad people to serve as cannon fodder to further our studies."
"Do you have a level for demons? Or beings of that nature?" Ciel asks using the knowledge of what his butler is to further dig.
"Yes. We have a huge lower floor about sixty feet below us designed for beings that are a threat to us and the world. If you saw the news a few months ago, there was a huge spike in murders we've captured her along with a few of her colleagues. They're blood demons from what we've gathered. Created by an unknown entity but are very powerful. Unlike your personal demon butler they don't live off of souls. They live off of murder and the blood of their victims." Kim finishes.
"Take us to them."
"You, without your butler." Kim rebuttals.
"Fine. Sebastian don't cause trouble." Ciel looks at his butler but turns away following her.
"Yes my lord." Sebastian bows.

"Here we have fallen angels of the Old Testament and a few demons we could get our hands on. Now we have them, the main focus of this foundation; the CreepyPasta." She finishes as they walk past many enclosed cells with thick glass. Soon they make it to the cell containing his friends. His presence instantly makes itself known as (pasta name) perks up.
"Do not move or acknowledge him." BloodLust spoke to her within their telepathic communication. "Keep your head down and stay unaware." The (hair colored) girl sadly nods and looks at her feet as they passed in front of the glass separating the killers and the "scientists".
"Here is our proudest achievement. All of the more powerful pastas including the most powerful, BloodLust. Daughter of god and the original angel of death. Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Sally, and last but not least. The newest member, (pasta name). We tried to take her as soon as she turned but she fled." These words shook her to her core. So that's who came after her, only AFTER she was sold. Selfish bastards. She stood up growling with murderous intent.
"AFTER? You only came to me after? I will kill-" she was stopped by a silver haired chained angel grabbing her arm. Ciel could feel his heart breaking seeing her so distraught and distant. He watched her being pulled down into the angels arms as the large black feathered wings wrapped around her. She was gone from his view. Everyone was silently staring daggers towards the red head standing next to Ciel. He could feel their bloodlust being focused. He was invisible in their eyes. This shook him to his core. Meanwhile he could feel Sebastian move towards a security room. Moving with stealth and agility past the guards. He made it there and looked at his new electronic watch, touching it to the control panel a certain electronic boy slipped in unnoticed. Sebastian quickly made it back to the room he was kept in awaiting his master. Grinning knowingly at the hell about to break lose.

BløødLust stands up abruptly as her eyes glow purple and blue, startling the other pastas. They've never seen or felt this power from her.
"Power down!" The voice on the intercom sounds as the pastas cover the ears. The angel snaps her head in the direction of it and lifts her hand sending a powerful wave of power towards it. This blast caused the scientists to all shoot back and the base to go into red code alert. She snarls and breaks off the chains confining her as her bones snap and pop.
"Stand behind me." She barks towards the pastas as her large black wings spread behind her hiding the now eager and desperate pastas. The door flies open and immediately tranqs began flying in the room only to be stopped by Blood extended hand as they slowly turn around and fly back towards the shooters. Bodies hitting the hard ground was their que. The angel snaps her wings closed with a large gust of wind she's gone within an instant. The pastas immediately run out and kill anything that moves as they make their way towards the emergency stairs that were supposed to be locked due to the lockdown but a certain blond boy conveniently opened them.

The gates of hell broke open.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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