Shopping and Flirting

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(Ciel up above)
After the piercings and laughing your ass off about their shocked expressions when they felt cold medal in their face, and new ink.
"Let's get your guys hair cut and dyed!" You giggled and ran to a beauty salon. They looked at each other exhausted and sighed dragging their half asleep bodies along with you. You giggled and walked inside only to be greeted by weird looks and fake smiles although some real ones here and there. "Welcome! How may I help you!" A blond woman stood in front of you guys. "Sup, I need two hair cuts." You said gesturing to the two sleepy boys. She nodded and walked off, you followed.
"Sit here, I'll get someone by shortly," the woman smiled and you sat down looking at your phone for coloring ideas for the two now sleeping boys. You blushes lightly and smiled watching them sleep for a little bit. 'Aww! They both are cute when they sleep.' You said in your head. "How may I help you today ma'am!?" A cheerful girl with black hair and an eyebrow piercing said, as she sat next to you. "I need a hair cut for my friends who are now sleeping." You laughed and she nodded winking," I have just what you need. You smiled and sat back listening to music as she did the cut and dye with a little trouble because they were asleep but it gave her focus on her duty. "Damn, your friend here is hot!" She said about Sebastian as she cut his hair and dyed it more black. Anger boiled inside you but you didn't know why, "I know right!" You said hiding your anger, as you are very good at concealing your emotions.

About five hours later she finished and you smiled at the finished look. "Damn..." You grinned, "I'd bang that." The woman said as you both laughed at her inappropriate joke. "Same" you replied. "Anyway I'll wake them up and pay at the desk!" You smiled as she nodded walking off. "Wakey wakey!" You whispered in ciel's ear. "No, butler. Let me sleep!" Ciel grumbled and rolled out of the chair. "AH!" He mid yelled as he fell, but only to be caught in mid-air by his demon butler. "I got you youn-I mean. Chance." He said lifting the young lord up. You looked at them questioned by their actions and slip ups. They were too busy looking in the mirror at themselves "...." Was all that came from their bodies. They were in awe about their new appearance. You smiled and paid as they walked to the bathroom to change into their new clothing, pick their favorite piercings from what you gathered from the visit, and to check out their new and now stinging tattoos.
"She really did just modify and transform up." Ciel stated as Sebastian dressed him, he sighed as he thought about how he still is being dressed by his butler at the age of sixteen. "I can do the rest myself demon," Ciel said as he began to dress himself for the first time. Sebastian was a little shocked at his sudden change in nature. "As you wish my lord." Sebastian started undressing himself and quickly changed. They both went to the mirrors and took about five minutes bearing the pain of taking his piercings out and putting their new favorite ones in. Sebastian has a skeleton hand lip piercing, next to a black lip ring for his spider bite. He then has a black rose for a nose piercing. Ciel picked out a blue and black laced like lip rings for his snake bites. His septum piercing is just a small ring, for his nose piercing he's got two black rings on one nostril. They look at their new tattoos. Sebastian has his whole arm covered in skulls, demons, pentagrams, blood, upside down crosses, and even more blood, his other arm has quotes all over his arm like "who are you? Demon to some, Angels to others." He read a strange one that seemed incomplete, it read "he was a demon seeking peace..." In beautiful letters. Another that caught his eye was, "keep walking. I'm a demon, and I'll eat your soul."
Ciel looks at his close to few tattoos, he's got quotes as well, and a picture of a black and white wolf. "I am a wolf, and will not be afraid" he smiles "fate whispers to the wolf, 'you cannot withstand the storm' and the wolf whispers back 'I am the storm'." He grins. "She can read us like a book." Ciel states. "What happens when she turns the page?" Sebastian replies. They glance at each other and walk out seeing you talking on the phone. "Look! I'll be by the mansion later! .... Keep him out of my underwear drawer!!! I'll kill him!......oh my fucking-just, I don't have time for you right now Jack!" You ended the call and turn to see the boys standing there, "I won't talk about the "young master, and butler thing if you don't talk about my phone call. Deal?" They all nod and walk back to the truck. "Now where to?" You smile and say, "back home. I need to get ready and run an 'errand'." Everyone falls into silence as Sebastian looks at you eyes narrowed, 'her eyes looked as if they flashed red, while she was speaking to whomever on the she who we think?'.


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