Painful Words

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Run, run, run was all your brain telling your body to do. Feeling the wind through your hair as you move at the speed of sound. You stop to grab your earbuds, putting them in your ear you turn on the music. Trying to calm the racing train of memories you have buried so long ago, turning the music all the way up didn't help much but hurt your ears because of your incredible inhuman hearing. A warm drop of liquid softly and gracefully slid down your face. You realized you were crying, something you haven't done in fifty years. Soon a raging storm of tears poured out of your eyes. Reliving those memories triggered something, deep inside you.
It's crazy how one little second can change everything. One tiny fragment of time can change the rest of ones life.
Shut it off...

Emo love (Ciel/Sebastian x emo reader)Where stories live. Discover now