The meeting

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Ciel and Sebastian begin to walk towards the sound, Ciel stood tall and proud even if he was afraid of this new place and what is yet to come. Sebastian chuckled at his young masters pride earning a glare from the young boy.
"What's so funny?!" Ciel barked at his butler. "Oh nothing, young master, just thinking to myself." Sebastian responded. Ciel rolled his eyes. Both the men came to a holt as they approached a large fire with music booming from the large speakers. Ciel's face cringed as the unfamiliar music filled his ears. Sebastian grins hearing the familiar music. "My lord?" Spoke Sebastian, "are you frightened by such music? Or perhaps the people surrounding the fire and dancing to such music?" Ciel looked at his butler, "this is considered music?! Bloody hell its just screaming!" He crossed his arms as he watched the people dressed in all black dance to the music. "My lord, what is the matter then?" Sebastian mentally smirked knowing exactly what was wrong, they were watching people that are known as freaks back home dance to loud screamer music. "Nothing is the matter butler. I am certain you will protect me from such people." Sebastian mentally rolled his eyes.
(Name) was singing/screaming as her band, (band name) was playing for their fans in the middle of the woods with a large bonfire roaring in the background. She was singing to a song by one of her favorite bands, "fallen angels" by Black Veil Brides. (Sorry if u don't like them, if u don't just add a song u like :)) the crowd screamed and danced, people crowd surfed, a mosh pit was forming as everyone enjoyed themselves and forgot about the world that rejected them. Ciel's eyes widened as he laid eyes on you, "wow..." He said to himself but little did he know his butler has already had his eyes on the beautiful (h/c) girl.

Emo love (Ciel/Sebastian x emo reader)Where stories live. Discover now