history lesson

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The supernatural's has been around for generations. Living in secret at that time was a decision made by the gods and goddesses that had created them. And in order to impress said leaders the supernatural's all but obeyed and did there utmost best to fulfill the commands of the gods and passed down there knowledge, rules and customs throughout the ages.

When the gods and goddesses stopped visiting earth to govern there creations, they appointed a patriarchy in which would do it for them.

Hence the kings and queens of the supernatural's. Every race had its own ruler but in order to insure complete peace and harmony, the gods and goddesses appointed 'the supreme council'. Each council member comes from the variety of different races, except humans.

Each council member is hand picked from his or her gods or goddesses. No one truly knows who the next councilmen would be. If a council member were to die another would be ready to take there place. Once a member has died all the knowledge, wisdom, rules and customs appointed by the gods and goddesses, would be passed down to the new councilmen, and with that a better understanding of passed years accurances which the previous councilmembers had governed.

The Royals govern the supernatural's with the assistance of the council, who is of assistance to the Royals at any given time, and passes down the will of there gods and goddesses.

Each race has its own king and queen, the most powerful of there race, and most respected. No one has dared to try and challenge there leadership, no matter the race, age or position. They have the closest to relationship to there gods and goddesses despite not being in contact with them for centuries.

After the Royals and councilmen, you have the next rulers that rule directly under them. The leaders that divides there people and leads them in there own pack, coven, etc.

After the leader you have there second and third in commands, after in which you have the warriors/fighters then your ordinary individuals that choose to be apart of the bunch but live close or in there grounds/territories. Some help out the pack and packmembers other choose to study away and return after sometime, while others choose to move to other areas populated with there race, inorder to raise a family of there own.

Then you have the humans who still after centuries know nothing about the secrets that the world holds. And some supernatural's know nothing of what the humans are capable of, or the secrets they keep.

The only humans allowed to know about the supernatural's are family members, of/or there soulmates, who have recently turned to forever be with there other half.

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