8. Third person pov 💙

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The drive to Rav's house had been pretty calm. Well calm for Allison that is. Like Ruby, Allison had been in too deep of a dream-like state to notice the storm brewing in Katherine. Especially since she just found her mate.

Katherine however finds herself stuck in an old memory of a particular old hag, she had once met. Well her first experience of the supernaturals that is. Her knowledge of a world that's supposed to be well hidden from the human world, had sucked her in long before her first encounter.

Unknown to Katherine, her life had been decided long before she could even breath, let alone open her eyes. The world has always been like that, every action has a reaction, and her existence is proof of that.

All Allison can think of, is making memories with her mate and their future together, and all Katherine could think of was, how she'd go about her next plan.

Getting ambushed was not part of her plan. Her plan had ended up backfiring, which to her is weird, it had been meticulously planned. She needed the leader of the rogue 'pack' that had gathered up. He was a key to finding the kidnappers, also the suspects that's messing with her mafia.

Irked can't begin to explain her mood, she'd been a step ahead of them all this while. Her mission had been a complete waist of time, she had ended up killing every single supernatural who had been present. The arms used had been specifically designed and developed to kill any and every supernatural. Katherine was sure, in fact it was without a doubt clear that it was due to Harley that her agenda was tipped off, that it was again Harley's fault that Katherine had lost track of the group or target. And Katherine was beginning to get annoyed.

Leaving Ruby last week, was more of a deal breaker to Katherine than she had expected. Now she had another mate, though both seem to have their own place in the assassin's heart, it's completely unknown to the three mates, that thier lives are about to change.

Allison's pov 💜

Arriving at Rav's house, Katherine had been in her thoughts the entire ride here. I somehow know that I'd have had her attention if I wanted to talk to her. But I left her to her thoughts, and stayed in mine.

I'm so glad to finally have my mate. But I still have this off feeling about the situation. Her reaction to me wasn't what I was expecting, but at least I have my mate, and I can't wait to spend some time getting to know her, and after breakfast I plan to do exactly that.

I parked next to this plain black jeep. The car hadn't even stopped completely before she had jumped out, and inspected the jeep. She frowned at it, and walked towards the front of the house.

It happened in a blink of an eye. One minute I was trying to keep up with Katherine, the next I watched as a vampire had ran into my mate. Snug like a koala, I could only watch as some girl attached herself to my mate.

Naturally every supernatural has there own distinct scent. So I know this girl is a vampire. For humans there more specific scents to identify them, especially if there your mate, so I could identify Katherine. Plus that's just the scent she gives off, and her cologne. The vampires scent is stronger, so I know she's a royal. Her scents are a tad bit sweeter, and smell like a chocolate chip cookie and cinnamon, so I also know she's my mate, which is probably why I whimpered instead of growled at the sight.

Katherine had patted the Royals head, and tapped her sides. But the royal had made no attempt to move. Sighing Katherine stood up with the vampire tightly attached to her.

Out of no where, the vampires head had snapped in my direction, knowing my eyes were glowing blue, and her's gold. We whispered the same word. "Mate". Next thing I know I was in the same position as Katherine was a minute ago.

I just stared into my mates eyes. When we heard a growl from behind Katherine, both mine, and my mates head had snapped to the scene unfolding. Rav stood at the door, her gold eyes staring threatenly into to uninterested eyes of our mate. All Katherine did was tilt her head to the side to further inspect the other royal at the entrance of the house.

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