7.Allison's pov 💜

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It's Friday morning and I'm irritated, and I can't help it either. I've been anxious all week and I could barely think straight or sleep. For every second of the day something felt wrong. It's the last period of the day and I had gone the whole day feeling worse than I did the day before. My teachers were slightly confused by my behaviour this week and my parents were also slightly confused too. No one knows what's wrong, so no one can really understand or help me. Rav also tried but I declined the idea before she could tell me. After apologising to everyone and saying it's just stress I calmly tried to calm my wolf down.

He had been anxious, which made me anxious and he'd been constantly trying to gain control over me since Wednesday at midnight when he woke me up. He doesn't know why he's feeling this way so I don't either.

My plan at the moment is to finish the day and maybe just take a nap or something, do something to cool my wolf down.

Arriving at the packhouse I'm sweating and feeling worse than I did earlier. This agitated feeling has gotten worse, my wolf is trying to take over. His been doing it all week and I blocked him out all week, so I just left him this time, maybe he needs the run. So I gave him control.

We've been running for hours, passing pack borders through and passing other territories, through the woods to the end of this abandoned warehouse. My wolf had run around the building further into the woods, ignoring any other and every other scent, but the sweet smell of coffee and cinnamon.

When the trail had stopped, both myself and my wolf were confused. Where could she have disappeared to. When my wolf got closer to the tree and sniffed it, it was full of our mates scent. Shifting back into our human form, my wolf gave me back control. "Climb the tree, mates in the tree, and I smell blood, hurry up!" At this point he was worse than agitated, and he growled at me.

Listening to my wolf for once, cause he was right, I climbed the tree. Making it a few feet up, I smelt her scent and blood first, it was stronger the higher I climbed. Higher up in the tree, I came face to face with my beautiful mate. She was clearly unconscious, which would explain why she didn't move when we approached her. She's badly wounded too, though she isn't losing much blood, cause she tied something to her left arm to stop the bleeding, I'd stay she got into a fight and won, left with barely any injuries which is great but also bad..."who would dare to hurt our mate?!" Growls my wolf at no one in particular. I grabbed my mate and made sure she was secure before jumping down the tree, bending my knees so it doesn't break upon contact with the ground.

Shifting into my wolf I made sure my mate was secure onto me before taking off back to pack grounds, luckily I can trace back my own scent, all the way back to my pack house. While running I was trying to ignore the sparks rushing up my body, even my fur feels electrified.

Arriving at the packhouse late at night, I rushed past my parents all the way to the pack infirmary, after minds linking my family's doctor, to attend to my mate, I growled at anyone else who tried to touch her. Eventually the doctors said I was getting in their way, and asked the Alpha and Luna to please ask me to leave for the time being and that I could wait outside. Though I had begrudgingly complied, I made sure to take a long look at my mate, before leaving.

Waiting outside was annoying for the least, my parents kept trying to talk to me, but I refuse to listen to anyone anymore until I can see my mate. I stayed in wolf form, the entire time, which took both my parents shifting into their wolf forms, to drag me out of the infirmary to go and at least eat something and have a shower.

I would never be able to gain that half an hour's time I spent back, my wolf kept bugging me about going to see our mate, but it is 2am, so a nap actually sounds good right now.

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