15.Kiki's pov🖤

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Where in hell is she?, I have been searching for her, for a while now, and I still cannot locate her. I would be dreadfully annoyed if she had decided to run along with that idiot again.


Turning around to the sound of the voice I'm met with her, fucking finally. There she stands, my twin. The moron I have been looking for.

I couldn't help but frown at her strange attire, a long white dress, with white heels, and her hair curled down her back, framing her face and our identical dark green eyes. She has a smile on her confused face as she stares at me. Her eyes show wisdom, even though I have no idea where that would come from, we're the same age, but she looks younger and at the same time as if she's aged a ton.

"What are you doing out in the garden Kiki?, Are you spying on myself and Arthur again?" Her amusing tone doesn't do anything to expel my frown, in fact it makes it worse. She walks towards me, with a small smirk, almost resembling a smile, and stops when she's close enough, just inches away.

"I was unaware that you were with him,..again, next time let me know when you plan to meet with the boy." She only smiled at my annoyance. I can't seem to understand why she feels the need to hover around him, he comes all this way to the surface garden, to meet my sister, then flies off when I'm near. "He seems to not like my presence much. You smell like him, so I am well aware that he was back here,..again, however every time I make my way up here he disappears."

Now her smile turned into a full blown smirk at my confusion, it's so smug, I can see her fangs. "You had scared him off the last encounter you had with him." Now I'm smirking, which caused hers to falter, "then why do you insist on hovering around cowards, your last toy if I remember correctly had fled the second I entered the room, now your current toy-" she interrupted me with a slightly annoyed tone, " Arthur isn't one of my toys, he doesn't fit the criteria."

"Then which does he fit?" I asked slightly confused. "His my love and lover alike, his my soulmate I know it, you'll understand one day my dear sister, you'll understand the need and the want, as well as the will to always have them in your presence, not a toy but the other half to your soul-" I interupted her speech slightly offended, "I am the other half to your soul. What am I if you so wish to replace me with him?"

She broke out into a full blown laugh. I could only stare confusingly at my sister. " You are not being replaced by him, Kikimora, you are my twin and you'll always be, however he is the person I want to spend my life with, the person in which I love, I'm in love with him, you both are different parts of my soul." She had a dreamy look on her face as she thought of that fool. I however didn't quite understand what she meant, maybe I'll never understand, but for now I'll leave her be.

"If you say so, Lilith, but I don't quite understand why you had changed your attire when you met up with him, I did not even know you owned any white clothing." And she continued to laugh at my confusion. As she stared at my black attire, and my black shoes. Our identical white hair that is part down the middle and braided back with a few loose strains that escaped to frame my face.

" You'll understand one day. But for now how about the three of us pick a day to get together?, We can come up to the garden tomorrow and have a picnic?" I stared at her for a while, knowing I'm walking into a trap, but for the most part now I'll see first hand why Lilith has such an infatuation with this fool. "Fine, however if you planned anything horrendous, I will set this picnic and garden ablaze." And with that I walked towards the portal.

I could hear her light footsteps as she followed me, and I just barely caught her small whispering words, " one day my dear sister, you'll see the beauty of the chaos in my words, you'll find love through the bonds, peace in their eyes, and comfort in their smiles, cause ' life is a journey, but love is living.' "

That was the last thing I heard before I entered the portal to hell.

Mickey note

The above outfits are how they usually dress, and the outfit Lilith had on, is the style she usually wears when she meets with Arthur. Also Kiki's shoes are supposed to be boots.

Collided LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora