14. Third person pov 💙

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The three mates were on their way to pick up Ara. Allison was driving and following the GPS tracker that Katherine enable in order to track Ara's location.

They were a few minutes away. Ruby was still in little space, she wasn't completely aware that it was Katherine's aura that drawers that side of her out, infact no one present in the car knew, not even the latter, she was quietly thinking about why she's so keen on the idea but nothing seems to add up. Her willingness to fulfill her mates every wish, the realisation was dawning on her.

Shocked was an understatement. They were nearing Ara's location when Ruby's head perched up at the scent of blood, and it was not unseen by her mates. So Katherine knew they were close. But she doesn't know how Ruby's control is in little space. 'well, this will have to serve as a future reference'.

Ara heard a car coming close to the alleyway. She thought someone found her that wasn't supposed to, she was on the verge of getting up to move further into the alley. But when someone grabbed her she thought it was too late, until she smelt her best friend's fimiliar cologne. Then she fainted freely, knowing she was safe. Katherine however was just somewhat relieved that they arrived on time.

It was a close call indeed. Because the people that were after Ara, were in the same car that was directly behind Katherine Jeep. And they noticed the exchange happening between the two best friends. Katherine however noticed the black SUV, and black tinted windows a few metres before they stopped near Ara, she thought it was nothing, but when she saw the same SUV slowly drive away from where they currently are, she definitely knew something was up with them, and seriously relieved they arrived on time, cause who knows what would have happened, but another thing stands, ' what's Ara doing all the way over here?, I might have not inquired about her mission, but this is too much of a coincidence, and the fact that Savannah is involved, just makes this worse, cause now the daughter of the biggest gang in Mexico is involved.'

Katherine made Ruby sit in the passenger seat with her. She placed Ara in the back seat, and made extra sure not to get any blood on her clothes. Once Ara was in the car, she got into the passenger seat with Ruby, making sure she was tucked into her neck long enough till they get to Allison's pack house, and to a doctor, then they'll get a bloodbag for her in the infirmary, but for now they'll have to hold on. Little do they know, Ruby's not really interested in Ara's blood, with her head tucked into her daddy's neck, and with all the mate sparks flowing through her, Ruby was asleep in no time, much to her mates relief.

Allison was silent the entire ride, and Katherine noticed, thinking she'll need some time to think through everything that's happened this past few hours. And Allison did, from the moment she met Katherine, from the time she's heard about Ruby from Rav, and even Katherine's best friend. Everything seemed to hit her like a brick, that the moment her mates came into her life, everything started to get tricky.

And it's just the beginning. Ara however completely unaware of the situation, could definitely agree, because the moment she met Katherine she's known that her life would never be the same, and soon she'll know why.

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