9. Third person pov 💙

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Deep into the hidden realm where the council resides. A portal had opened. In the silence, supernaturals of all kinds continued to work, despite the arrival of the intruder, with no harm intended the older women made her way to the grand hall where the council members sat.

The older women ignored all the whispering as she walked, not that she would or could say anything. She was too deep into a trans to acknowledge anything.

The whispering had traveled all over the ancient building. With the help of their supernatural abilities everyone was aware of the Oracle that had made her way into the building.

The realm in which the council resides, as well as the people that work there, should be the only ones with access to the portals of the realm. The Royals and leaders alike, need permission to access the portal. The portal serves as a doorway, you need a specific type of key in order to access it. Which is why everyone was shocked to see the intruder enter, but wouldn't dare stop her.

So all everyone and anyone could do was watch the witch make her way to the council.

The doors opened itself as the witch walked towards it. Every council member snapped their heads towards the witch. "State your name and business!" Yelled the witch council member.

"The world will end if they unite, a prophecy written to serve as a warning,
The past will surface, the truth it's source once hidden.
The lie in the truth will be revealed,
The one lied to will be freed.

The evil which was once good locked away,
Bipolar twins of evil they disobey.
Good turned evil, which would win,
Pain expressed but never able to be shared.

Lives taken, flowers given,
One died the other locked away and weakened.
The evil had nothing to fight for, hence defeated,
Now she understands the reason her twin had gone good, during the love season.

A product of the fallen angel,
Twins of evil they became.
The deaths of the demon known as mother,
The partner of the latter who felt no love for her.

Never to meet her children ever,
Died the day they started living.
Never knew love, yet the younger one got to know it before the other,
Demon and angel lovers were forbidden.
The pain was the first source for vengeance, the second is hidden in the truth of the lie, once spoken.

Demon's act on evil intentions,
Hence why they can only laugh at the pain of others.
But when pain is dealt upon a devil,
it's only satisfaction is through revenge on the beholder."

The Oracle had sent everyone into a state of shock. The prophecy she told, the fear coming off her, even the look in her eye, but that all vanished when she fainted. Everyone knows not to touch her, unless your hands are protected, if you come in contact with her, she'll go into a frenzy. So they could only call for a doctor.

The council members though they are still shocked, they also relieved that her prophecy was recorded, now the problem would be deciphering it.

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