4.Allison's pov 💜

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Arriving at the office I knocked and made my way inside. I froze in my step at the person I've been waiting to meet my whole life.....

Literally inches apart, I was in close proximity to the one of the princesses of werewolf kind. Princess Ravenna Necropolis. When it had finally clicked that I had in fact stepped into her royal highness personal bubble, I immediately took a few steps back.

When I was a great distance away, the princess gave me a small smile, which I had returned. Realising that there is in fact other people in the room, much like the two headmasters of the school. Headmistress Gelda, and headmaster Geldof. Both founders of the two schools. Headmistress G. is this schools 'principal', and headmaster G. is the 'principal' of the other school for the less violent races, that frown upon violence and prefer harmony, peace and balance to the earth and all its creature.

I guess it's due to her Highnesses presence that headmaster G. came to visit the school, probably to properly invite and make her feel welcome.

When all greetings were officially done, headmistress G, turned to me, "right, your highness, I would love for you to meet, future alpha to the 'Blood-moon' pack, Allison De'Luca. She's the head of the welcoming community, as well as the leading sports department captain, she also has the 2nd highest grade point average, and has the honour of being my goddaughter. Allison darling, this is.." interrupting my godparent, "Princess Ravenna Necropolis, it's a pleasure to meet you." I said with a small bow.

Raising up when I heard her Highness giggle, a small blush made its way across my face, and I know cause my cheeks feel slightly warm.

'What's with everyone giggling today.?'Said my sarcastic wolf inside my head. Giving a sheepish smile, I ignored my wolfs voice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, alpha." She says with a curtsy. I'm only now noticing the loose long yellow sunflower, summer dress, that just reaches the tip of her shoes, not at all touching the ground and leaving just the perfect glimpse of her matching yellow flats, and her loose hair which falls down her back.

When she looks up, the both of us let out a tiny giggle.

Turning our attention to the two headmasters, I listened as they explained that princess Ravenna, would be touring the school in hope for herself and her other sisters to complete there last year of school, in an actual school.

My role for the day would be to be her highnesses guide around the school. Apparently her other sisters couldn't make it as of yet because they were finishing there last project for the previous year, with their best friend from a different kingdom.

After the headmaster explained everything to us, and the rules of the school to the princess, we bid the two goodbyes and were on our way, realising that I was still to pick up my timetable, since the princess had gotten hers already. We stopped by the secretary first, and I got mine. After checking which classes we would have together, I noticed we have a lot of similar classes, but the ones we don't have she'll probably be in with one of my other best friends, so we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there. Now we're just making our way to the sports department, the other reason why I had to be at school early.

Exchanging conversations on the way there was quite easy, she's a natural conversationalist. We'd talked about our likes and dislikes, our favourite things and why, our wolfs, and even the subjects and sports we participate in.

When we arrived at the sports department, I knocked and walked in when I heard the overly chirpy voice of our couch. Walking in I met the overly enthusiastic couch of the school, juggling almost all the different games and sports department single handedly. Well with the exception of the sports captains and the other kids that volunteer to help, just to get into the gorgeous vampire teachers good side.

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